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Star Trek 2370

2370 SEY

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The year is 2370. The United Federation of Planets has recently entered a period of tentative peace as relations with the Cardassian Union are formalized, resulting in the creation of a demilitarized zone along the boarder between the Alpha and Gamma quadrants, separating their territories. As a result, both hostile parties have reached a delicate armistice. 15,000 light years away, an accord is blooming with the Romulan Empire as the Borg incursion from the Beta quadrant forces the Romulans to dissolve their neutral zone, opening their territory to commerce and cultural exchange for the first time in generations.   Due to recent advances in warp technology, allowing ships to surpass Warp 9, the Federation's reach has expanded throughout the Alpha quadrant. As a result of the ambitious expansion, the United Federation finds itself in control of vast swaths of completely unexplored territory. Growing insecurity is spreading through Federation systems as member planets worry the protection that Starfleet offers is spread too thin to offer adequate vigilance from unknowable threats. In order to prevent this instability from gaining ground, Starfleet Command has revamped its exploration initiatives, tasking new and renovated vessels alike to chart the strange new worlds spanning the quadrant.   One such ship, the U.S.S. Electra, a much-refurbished Walker-Class starship over a hundred years old, continues this mission as it attempts to broker peace on Damitar 4 who's binary nation states are engaged in a deadly planetary conflict, not unlike the third world war that decimated Earth in 2026. In a bold attempt at diplomacy, Captain Lianne Marcus has arranged for peace talks between the factions aboard the only neutral ground available: the U.S.S Electra herself. Concerned over the aggression the Damitarians have shown against one another, Marcus has tasked her senior staff to take no chances and to ensure that her ship remains safe for the conference to continue. Should she succeed, the peaceful planet would become eligible to join the Federation, improving the quality of life for the whole region. Should she fail, millions will surely perish.