Marley Vash Character in Star Trek 2370 | World Anvil
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Marley Vash

Ensign Marley Vash

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

6 foot with clear muscles but not like super ripped

Body Features

build stocky, the height helped with spring ball

Facial Features

bushey eye brows, green eyes

Identifying Characteristics

Has many scars but most are not visble except for a few on their hands. Those were from the capture.

Physical quirks

Has a wonky hip that starfleet tried to realign after capture but never quite got it right. Sometimes it flares up but sickbay takes care of it. Anyone who watchs vix walk they can see it.

Special abilities

better then most fighter

Apparel & Accessories

Outside of the standard uniform sweaters with bold patterns and slacks.   Workout- standard issue training gear and tourtament gear as you get the replicator pattern if you participate

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I grew up in the old country of new zealand on the north island. My parents are starfleet officers and teach at the acdemey (Mom- Dr. of Zythology with diplomacy, Dad- Dr. of Bromatology). My childhood before 12 was picture perfect. We went of sponsored field trips to federation nations and alleys ( that means the kiligon homeworld). I started playing sports with my dad and mom but I really took up springball. I personally loved making my opponet think I did not have what it took to finish them off and then I would bring out my power moves. I play the trumpet to shitting 1970s songs for some reason that era of music just sends me to a new planet.   After my 12th birthday my mom was sent on a diplomacy mission and we all went with her. We spent about 2 month on a warp 5 ship to get there and met up with the U.S.S. Stratus (Ambassor Class). The mission went poorly to say the least. My mom had already had discussions with the planet who looks like a mix of klingons and cardiasians but they had shiny scale skin... I never actually learned thier names because everything after my debriefing was classified. The whole family was invited to dinner when the ship was over run with a bug like alien species in cahoots with the neogotion speices. Little did we know the species in neogtiations had faked warp drive and needed to get it for a systems catalog in a few days. The crew resisted and we ended up being held "hostage". They used a serum to make my mom deflect beg to be allowed to continue her work from the planet for the durations of the time for the application to starfleet. For myself and my dad we were put in seperate holding cells. From what I remember we were there for about a year. I did not see my parents in that time nor did I have an socialization with anyone besides the gaurds and the bugs. Everyday my time outside was in a gated yard where I was forced to do tasks like work with radioactive materials, heavy metals and whatever odds and ends the guards did want to do. I was told that when I was old enough I would be able to work in the prison factories and I began to look foward to that as no one had come to rescue me (I thought it would be better then were I was). My dad I came to figure out was worked in the factories around poorly managed chemically and was burned often with only enough medical treatment to get him to work the next day. My mom though had it the worst. She was drugged daily and continued to work with starfleet. She saw fake images of my father in I in decent conditions and had no clue of our treatment. It was not till their doctor messed up the dosage and my mom went psycho that starfleet caught glimpse of an issue. I heard it still took them 2 months after that to prove and then come rescue us. This event though changed my family. My mom never really recovered and currently lives in a federation medical facility where she does research and receives treatment. My father on the other hand never quite adjusted back to life in new zeland and got into a starfleet ruled 'farming accident' and died which still messes with my head to this day.   After I returned I stayed with my grandparent Yuri ( the klingon one) they moved to moved to earth to be with my grandfather but he passed away when I was 4. They are my idiol and took care of me for about a year until I finish intense starfleet issued therapy and finished getting treatment/rehab. After that I took my studies very serious and learned to fight. I never wanted to be able to be taken again. Yuri spent the next four years before the acedimy teaching me how to fight like a klingon. We spent alot of time together after this.   It took me 2 years to make friends again as I never quite hung out with my old friends again as they just did not quite know what to do with me. My first friend / only real friend on Earth before the acedamy was a half vulcan/ half human kid Avarak (Ari). I think she was able to see through where I had been and was unphased by my additude. She played springball and it took me a while but she got me back into playing competivily. She was my training partner and well quickly become my actual partner.   My days between 14-18 looked liked school, training, springball training, visiting my mom and sleep or not so much sleep as I would stay up to talk with Ari. I was tied to New Zealand but I had goals of joining starfleet. When I was a kid it was to follow in my parents footsteps and now it was the way I could ensure that I was never put in a bad spot again.   At 18 I went to the acedmany and majored in diplomacy with general science and system operations. Ari went with me and we dreamed of being put on the same assigment. We were inseperable at the acedamy becuse we had most classes together, training and then we spent just us time.         The olympics of 2356 were during my time at the acedmy and the school work was intense but I managed to train through it. I was ready for it and so was Ari. We knew that were probably going to have to face eachother as we were ranked 3rd and 4th on earth. (The qualifications for competting in the olympics were that you were born on earth or moved here before the age of 5. Your speices did not matter it was more the earth tradation. (There are federation games but those do not require all the athletes to be in the same location making them less coheisive. I prefer to play in person and tourtament style)). We played eachother first and the way these games work is rather then a final game to determine the winner every player plays every player and you are given a point for a win and no points for a lose. Ties give each player .5. Ari and I played the first match of the tourtament against eachother and this was the reason I got third. I messed around on the court too much trying to flirt that and one of us had to loose so I played well but I was only taking the game 99% seriously. She ended up winning the match in the last set as I was trying to get the game to a tie but I messed up a backhand and it fell just short. There were 15 games and our rival an andorian who was cocky beyond belief beat Ari and I and went straight wins through the set leaving the gold with 15-0, Ari 14-1, and me 13-2. Ari and I said the reason the andorian won was definetly the superior hearing which we thought could tell them the direction of the ball before they could see it. To say the least I was disappointed but I was not upset because I knew I played great and best I would have done was tie for silver.     After the olympics we had about one more year of the acedmey and I had gotten a ring to propse. ( Married or soon to be married couples were more likely to be posted on the same assignment (Starfleet loves babies)). I planned a big lavish proposal before we had to tell starfleet out top picks. We hiked Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand ( transporters are great) which we did early on in our relationship and I ask her and she said yes. Making my final year at the acedmany really hard because all I wanted to do was plan the wedding.   The wedding was planned two days after SFA graduation. The graduation was attened by Yuri who was getting older and they flew bu shuttle because they don't trust transporters (something about memozing thier pattern forever). Ari's family was there and my mom couldn't she never recovered enough to remember me as older then 12 years old for more then 20 minutes at a time. A week before we got our ship assignments. We did not get put on the same ship but starfleet is letting us deffer out placement for a bit for the wedding and honeymoon. She got placed on a starbase 12 with expected ship detail. I got placed on the U.S.S Spectra an ambassotor class ship and my top choice. It sucks that we are going to be apart but we will both apply for transfers in 2 years when we have gone up in rank.   The wedding was short, small and sweet and done in starfleet headquaters. Not super glamous but we went all out on the dinner. There is a little restuarent that over looked the golden gate bridge that has the best well everything.   For our travels we went to vulcan and risa. In vulcan we visited some of her grandparents and some of the classic sights and then we had a bit of fun in paradise.     In early 2360 I started on the U.S.S Spectra. I started on data duty I took in data from the sensors, looked at it. Wrote code to detect errors. Then looked for cases it didnt find and report that back to my command officer. Most of this work was not to crazy only every once in a while would there be an interesting puzzle to solve but then if it was too interesting then they would take it away from me. The hours were weird I worked on 3 month intervals for day and night shifts. I worked hard got in roled in officer training and got promoted quickly to Lt. Jr. (2361). Suprisingly I still had time to couch a spring ball class and play against the computer.   I started to go on away missions to help out. Then I was on the intial team. I think this was because I was good in combat which suprisingly for a peaceful missions happens alot.   One away mission was to rescue a diplomat from saley after they were brought into the federation in the early 2360s, I was the second in command on the mission to antican (planet in the same system of people who eat the saleys, they were doing research on captured saleys to find out what about them tastes so good allowing them to create an injection for regular meat (this reserach was deadly) and everything was going great, our team got into the research lab and had found the saley dipolamet quickly but as we were leaving the security doors went down and our team was split up, team leader and dipolmat and the secutiy person and I. we ended up not making the rondevou point and instead into another lab room. to avoid capture end up in the airducts and we find Antican kid who is trying to run away. Naturally the two us panic thinking we are caught and that we will be eaten but the kid assures us she is differnt and from a family that has learned to eat non saley meat to be satisfied. we end up working together to get out of the compound. outside the compound the communitors work with eachother but not person to ship contact. We go back to where the girls family is an wait there for resuce to come. After 2 days later we are found and taken back to the enterpise suddley with a transpoter. I made a plea to my capitan about the families I was with and how they are misunderstood during my briefing and that I would like to help and stay in contact with those families to help make sure everything is okay. It bothered me for a while but i did not contact the family again but then I got a subspace messgae from them that was saying they were going were under persuction and i made contact that I would see what I could do and I begin doing research when I tripped an interanl serach system and was caught. My captian was disappointed and told me instead of a court marshal due to my prior great preformance I was send on leave at earth and transfered to another ship. The captian was friends with the new captian of the U.S.S. Electra which was about to go to dry dock for refits. They agreed 5 years no promotion and demotion to ensign and time on earth with a written warning in my record was decieded.     I went back to my home in new Zealand. I climbed vistied with Ari's family, visited my mom and hung out with Yuri. I began working on my starfleet acedmay project again and went hiking all the time. I really worried for the girl and her family but I had to get them out of my mind. They didnt have warp technology so we could hurt their society. I decied I would no longer have the goal of being a diplomat and maybe staying off the bridge.   I joined the cargo crew in mid 2368 working in the engineering helping to get the refit ready.   THe ship left space dock in 2370 and I stayed in engineering instead of working sensor lab postion. I really enjoyed working there. I still kept up my training and I was really settled in well.

Gender Identity



Queer, Queer, Queer


Trained like a klingon warrior for 4 years Graduate of Starfleet in diplomacy, general science with a focus on data flow  
  • Went through officers training
  • Security certified
  • Engineering certified
  • Crew nurse ( Emergency only)
  • Springball coach
  • Employment

    Starfleet U.S.S _______ Ensign blank - blank Served as science crew. My task was the filter the scanned data from our flight and look for anomolies that were not caught by the computer and to write new program to catch them. These would be reviewed for implentation by the second science officer and then implemented by engineering.
  • In officer training
  • Lt. Jr. blank- blank Took on a leadership role in the science wing to manage who was incharge of sensor data, still reported to the second science officer. Went on away missions after the first mission was done as the follow up science crew. Ocasionally helped during crisis planning with meeting of the first, second and third science officers. ALthough they had and order each was inchange of a difference science branch. complete officer training recieved emergancy nurse cetificate   Lt. blank - black Joined on first away missions as well as had prior duties. I also no longer had to work graveyard shifts unless the project called for all hands on deck.   Starfleet U.S.S Ensign - Here I was given more tasks then a usual ensign

    Mental Trauma

  • messed up from being locked up
  • mother is ill
  • dead father
  • missing fiance
  • Morality & Philosophy

    railroad problem - ovi the person who is alone on the track... Do what you have to stay safe Sometimes people deserve to die but that doesnt mean I can just kill them. They have to make the first move.   Trust is only given to those who earn it If an alien spicies invites you to dinner tell people about it   See something you dont like say something about it

    Personality Characteristics


    To feel safe and to explore places that dont have inhabitantes

    Likes & Dislikes

    likes: spring ball rockclimbing/hiking/kayaking women klingon opera   Holodeck programs: random rockclimbing locations training simulations western crime mysteries   dislikes: tribbles gah ice breakers

    Virtues & Personality perks


    Vices & Personality flaws

    dislikes people

    Personality Quirks

    Typically will take work away from the primary area of task like they wander while they work (unless it has to be at a certian locations) Helps them feel free


    Clean sonic shower everyday after training.   Does make a game and log how dirt they can get in a day. The more stains and grease the better.


    Contacts & Relations

    Mom - New Zealand under starfleet care. (60s in 3070) Ari - missing wife (in 3070 been missing for 8 years) (33 in 3070) New Gf   Grandparent Yuri- lived in New Zealand in childhood town (85 in 3070)

    Family Ties

    often takes shore leave to earth to visit mom and yuri

    Religious Views

    not religious   Very dedicated to starfleet but does beileve some rules should be stretched

    Social Aptitude

    has one or two friends at a time does not like groups/ avoids group tasks on the ship good at small talk (helps them leave quickly)   is in with the captian (like a child so does get in trouble) treated different then the other ensigned with more duties as they are over qualified for the job


    Can be peer pressured but with lots of persastion and normally with a promise of someone playing a sport with.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Springball/ the coach   No pets is debating on getting a green bird


    normally says only what is nessasary which is never actually enough

    Wealth & Financial state

    Has some land in New Zealand that is in the family. Doesnt worry about money starfleet covers everything

    What's up I am Vash or personally known as Vix. I was born on earth in the old country of New Zealand. I am an ensign on Electra and joined the crew in 1368. I play springball got bronze in the 2356 Olympics.

    View Character Profile
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Current rank Ensign with no room for promotion until 2373
    Date of Birth
    17 FEB 3237
    New Zealand
    Current Residence
    U.S.S Electra
    Non- Binary
    Blonde and green
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    white with some some tan
    Known Languages
    English, Klingon, some random parts of a lauguage from capture

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    Away Mission to X planet
    Away Mission Planet

    Acting Chief Engineer Vash Log Away mission to an unknown planet in uncharted territory to get teffin gas for warp core repairs. When we arrived at the planet we started with on board survallence. We located the location of the teffin gas a large crater in the center of the village. This made extraction much more difficult as we will need to go under cover to get to the pit. Also we can not use shuttle craft as the towns people will see. We saw that people went into the pit but we never say them come out which made us think that is was very dangerous. EV suits would be a must but the biggest issue would be to have them blend in. So we decided a recon mission was nessacary to see how we could access the pit. Esgin Sorra, Chief Petty OFficer Ozier And I had our facial structures changed to look like the locals and we beamed down into an alley and began trying to understand the area. We say began taking reading and looking to see how they functions. Speciffically I was concerned about the hierarchy of the people and who was near the pit and who was not. We started to walk through the town and started to notice a lot of very advanced technology for a civilization. I decided we should find a merchant and see how they were accruing such goods. We went into a shop and met a classic merchchant man. He was selling many high tech. goods that their civilization has not gotten too yet. I spoke with the man and he wanted Latenium for purchasing. which really peeked my interest. I probably left him a bit made but I got the information that i needed from him which was the he got these goods from the pit and the people went into the pit and came back out. We moved on and headed towards the barrier of the pit. Here we saw kids gathered and waiting to see someone emerge from the pit. I asked them if they wanted to be the pit workers when they grew up and they said yes but they couldn't because that was a job for the people farther from the pit. The pit region is the poorer people and the outside of the ring was for the wealthy. The person who emerged from the pit had a high tech ev suit and a large bag of goods that seemed to like what we heard from the shopkeeper. From here we followed the ev suit to see where they went to and it was a government building. More interesting a load speaker annocment went off and everyone rushed to the pit. The "king" was to speak to all people. We hung back in the crowd but made sure to get a good view. A ship emerged in the sky and began transferring stuff to the pit (getting the teffin gas?) not sure but the king spoke of good profits and that he was happy with the people. I allowed Acting captain ailyn to hear everything and once it was over everyone quickly dispersed. We went back to the government building to decided how we would get images of the EV suit so that we could modify ours to not draw attention to ourselves. We ended up decided to leave sorra outside and ensign _ and I went inside to ask questions to the front desk and get scans. We were able to get scans and headed back up to the ship. End of away mission 1.   Away mission 2 took a crew of Esign Sorra, Malkeria and ____ and I went down to the surface with the equipment to extract the teffin gas. We were able to get to the bottom of the pit without an issues. Once at the base we scanned for where the location of the teffin gas was and headed that way. On the way we began to be school by what appeared to be flying eels. They swooped at us but seemed ensign ____ stated they don't like large groups. had Malkeria hand me extra equipment so they had a free hand for their phaser. As we continued on a native in an ev suit came up to us but was eaten by the eels. We arrived at our site and were able to set up the equipment quickly. We were next to an abandon space station though of unknown origin. Our mission was critical and time was of the essence so We did not spend much time exploring gbut ensign ___ blank in an took sensor reading. We did encounter something strange at the base of the mining equipment that was ground flaking and changing colors sensors reading were taken and nothing strange came up so we continued drilling. The eels continued to circle but they did not like the tight spaces we were in. The gas collection was complete and we quickly packed up and headed back. The ells became more threatening and crewman Malkeria did discharge their phaser to move rocks to protect us. We reached the lift and I commicated with the crew on the ground and they brought us up. We were attack by about 10 eels and Maleria and I were able to fight them off with some bite wounds. Once back on the surface the entire away team beamed up and we put the teffin gas into the warp core and we left orbit once the gas began cooling the warp core. END of Mission

    Starfleet Incident Report
    Vash Incident Report Thrown through worm hole repairs

    Stardate 137273 There were many repairs to the ship, from hull integrity, reducing fires on multiple decks, and repairing impulse all the details are detailed in the repair catalog for this incident. The systems that are still offline are the holodeck and the warp drive. The warp drive needs tavien gas, which is rare and can not be replicated. In a long-range sensor scan, we found a planet that has come but its a 2 week trip. Outside of this I have to report an incident that happened in the holodeck. Due to fires Ensign ___ had was left in the malfunctioning hollodock until the bridge crew was accounting for all crew members. I received a call from the bridge stating that parts of the jefferies tubes had blockages and limited oxygen so I was told to take an EV suit and head to the holodeck. In going to the holodeck I was able to quickly release the doors and get into the holodeck. When I entered Ensigh ____ was fighting a lion. They were extremely fatigued but quickly I realized they were not running this program for their amusement. They were bleeding which meant the safties are off. They were running a roman colosium program for combat training/fun and when we were attack they must have been in the holodeck and then the program was stuck on and the saftiest turned off. I entered and immediately got the attention of the lion and getting into a confrontation with it. I ended up fighting with the lion and winning for a while. It tried to strike but I took the opportunity to get on the back of the lion and was able to get some good hits in. The lion though ended up bucking me off and getting a big chomp on my leaving me in a lot of pain. but the lion let go. During this time Ensign ___ was able to crawl to the door and access the panel get a phaser. It was really good timing as the lion was going to make another strike and was phasered mid charge. The studuim fell silent and we left quickly in case the program decide to throw more into the mix. The Ensgin and I then reported to sick bay. After this I was not longer on active duty. The holodeck has remained broken and frozen in the stadium areana. No more fighting has been generated by the holodeck and it has been section off. Once I reported back to duty the holodeck has been the priority to fix as repair crew are working on cosmetic fixes on the ship at this point. Acting Bridge lesion Chief Engineer Marley Vash incident report.------ End of Report -------

    Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash
    Chief Engineer?

    (This takes place as Vash is walking from a bridge and returning to engineering) Personal.... Acting Chief Engineers Vash Log, I am gonna spare the details on the events of today and skip to when why I am acting chief engineer. On routine bridge duty for an ensign, aka babysitting, we detected an anomaly. I attempted to adjust the sensor to understand, but I only got to know the size of the anomaly, around 3km. After a while of nothing, the anomaly began to get more apart, and then before we had a chance to scan, the view screen showed the planet being bombed with nuclear warheads. Mushroom clouds across the planet. We then began taking fire. Shield went up and quickly; they were depleted to 30%. The acting captain could not get a transporter lock on the crew, which I was beginning to transfer auxiliary power to for a stronger lock if it was attainable standard Starfleet procedure. During this time, the warp was diminished to warp 1 due to damage to the necels and power couplings. Upper hull plating took serious damage, and to enhance shields, decks 1,2,8,9,10,11 were evacuated to bring shields back to 60%. At this point, it was too dangerous to stay. The anomaly now reading on sensors was a wormhole with minimal scans we determined we would take damage going through it, but we were leaving the planet at full impulse and still getting bombed. We determined that the best course of action was to deal with the unforseen damage of the wormhole. The wormhole would have done no damage to a healthy ship, but the Electra in the beat up state lost any use of warp and more damage to the upper hull with some exposed bulkheads. Other systems our down, and by tomorrow we will have duty rosters out for damage repair teams as we are currently determining what systems need repairs. Key systems that we are concerned about is the exposed hull, ensuring replicator function, restoring impulse, and then trying to get the warp core back online. Power is stable in some parts of the ship which means crews have somewhere safe to sleep and gather. There were two injuries and one fatality. One of the injuries is Ensign T_____ which will be my second for engineering. They have the expertise that I need, so hopefully, they will be well soon. This has been quite an unexpected day. I will be working around the clock for weeks to get us back to federation space as we ended up deep in the beta quadrant of space. There is no one of higher rank than Lt Jr., which is gonna make this a very interesting journey. I will be hitting the manual of this ship a lot and running my brain rampant. I will have no time for extracurriculars like the holodeck or springball. My top priority, though, will be to keep my current engineering team safe. I have heard that deep space repairs like this can be deadly in multiple ways, between lack of good medical care for easily cared for injuries, overworked mistakes, and accidents due to damaged systems. I will have to brief my crew, reminding them of the dangers and requiring downtime for overworked shifts. I have returned to engineering and must return to duty. *doors hiss (end log)

    Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash
    First Log in the orientation course at SFA (lecture how to make a useful log entry)

    Hi computer,   This is Cadet Vash's first personal log. uh, first thing what do... I want to be a science officer on a ship exploring new places. mumbling*tell them what you did today.* Today was the beginning of the second month of the academy. I have made one new friend other than Ari. I began my day with breakfast in Ari's room and then went to the biology of silicon worlds, that class assigned a project, and I was put in a group with someone named Ctera I hadn't seen them before, but that class is 400 cadets. Then I went to the dining hall and met up with Ari and Tim (the friend) they both came from programming in extenuating circumstances. I tested out of that class, but I should have just failed the test so I could join them. It sounds really fun they get to throw so many tricorders, interior hull plating, and anything you can think of. This month is ration training, so I had to eat veal marsala again because Ari refuses to eat it and took the meatloaf. I keep reminding her that I may not be the one she is stuck eating rations, and they may not let her live for you taking the meatloaf every time. The rations don't bother me. food has never tasted the same since.... *my teacher doesn't need to know this computer rerecord after the sentence about the programming class. Okay, so rations month, which I really think is an excuse to use up all the unused ones on the big ships, but then again, it can just be recycled because its matter. I am still getting used to that. I always thought we just sucked the carbon out of space...? I never really put too much thought into it, *computer I am rambling and restarting again. Okay, so it's ration month. so lunch was nothing to be excited about. then I had combat training 256 I learned a cool chokehold technique that will tighten or loosen depending on where your elbow placement is and can even make the opponent faint without hurting their nervous system! I can't wait to use that late... I mean, never. I had broken and studied in the quad area there are quiet spaces that I use. Today is Ari's long day, so we meet up for late dinner. I think *that is all that is important for that questions... lastly goals in the short term, Tomorrow I have an integration of systems exams that is going to kick my butt. The admiral who teaches hasn't seen a recent ship design, and it shows, but I should know how to operate any ship, so I guess it's helpful. Okay, this is Cadet Vash ending the log

    Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash
    Ari is missing

    URG... *shattering of glass The ship counselor told me I needed to take some time to relax. I am not going to do that when 3 days ago I was told by one of the stupid security officers that my wife is missing. I am lightyears away from information, and all I got was they would keep me updated. Updated my ass. It's been 3 days, and I know nothing. I am about ready to go down to engineering and turn this ship around to find her. She wasn't even working on an explorer ship. She had to be more worried about me. Starfleet will keep me updated. Bullshit. I think I need to do my digging. Computer... (pause of log)   I found something. Ari had told me they were going to a solar system with a triple binary, and I knew from the last mission she was near that planet. The one with the purple haze, whatever the computer will know. That means with her ship's top speed of warp 6, she could only have gotten.... okay, that shouldn't be too hard to narrow down. I am sure Starfleet has done this already. If they had, why haven't they found her. is the whole ship missing? I have to go talk to the captain I need answers. *tweety tweet sound of the door chime (pause of log)   the captain met me at my door she came with the news of what happened. The shuttle craft that she was flying down to the surface of a planet that I am not allowed to know the name off., please, as if. got burned up??? the shielding and hull plating failed to cause her and the pilot to 'land' on the surface. Starfleet, though, is unsure if they made it to the surface because the wrecked found had no bodies, and the damage showed they should not have lived. They are investigating if the shuttle is even the shuttle that left the ship because it has some weird trace signatures, and they are not going to rule them dead but rather missing. I know Starfleet is sometimes doing what it can, but this just doesn't make sense. I need time to figure out what happened. Maybe she's not missing instead, that freaked section 31 place decided to recruit her. I have heard rumors they will just take you and offer you your wildest dreams. I mean, she is awesome, but why would they want her? I need to go fight something. (end of log)     *Note this log was deleted by Vix one day after it was written

    Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash
    Graduation Day and two days before the wedding

    August 17, 2359. Today was the graduation ceremony from Starfleet. They did not seat me next to my fiance, which is unimportant. The ceremony went well. I found the crowd to be a bit much, but I enjoyed the class speaker talking about what turtles would do on Cardassia. Which honestly was very witty. I think they will be on the same posting as me, but they have the same name as another cadet, so who knows? I figure that out when I get there I am not worried. After the ceremony, I met up with Ari and Yuri. We returned to the lab where I had been working I had some programs on equipment I was running. I had to correct two errors one for the flux inverter flow regulator variance was linear and not time dependent on the rate of change for the conduits power ratio. The other was a small bug where I mixed up the polarization, which was evident by the machine shaking on the table. Why was I still working on this? I don't know, but I updated my lab notebook, and we headed out to dinner to discuss the final plans for the wedding. I have already cleared with Starfleet to defer our posts for a month so we can have the ceremony and travel. I am debating bringing my experiment to my ship, but I am not sure I will have time. (' Hey, quit making that log and come hang out with me cause you aren't going to have a fiance for long anymore' OKAY, be there in 20 seconds.... oh so yah Plus, there is a whole hassle of getting everything checked through Starfleet's on ship protocol that I am not sure I am in the mood to deal with right now and who know maybe I should just build it again?... I don't know. (' Viiixxxxx!')

    Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash
    Vash Starfleet personal log (a few days before leaving dry dock)

    Stardate... the computer knows. Almost all of the crew has boarded the ship, and we are leaving dry dock in a day to pick up the rest. I already miss the calm of a skeleton crew and the ship. I am upset that I have been pushed back to this position, but I can't help but think this might be better?.... well I get to do everything here. We had an 'intruder' today, but the security team isn't on board yet except for lt. Ross. I am realigning a diagnostic array, and I get a frantic communication from him. he was going on but what I pick up on was " VASH!!!! your background,,,, NOW!,, get to the bridge right now, something, something, dog,.... wild..... biting..... " he sounds like he was in big trouble, so I drop everything and run to the bridge. the turbolift door opens (phaser out and on stun), and I see him alone on the bridge with the first officers' dog. I met this dog last week when the FO was giving the dog a tour, and I was working on control panels in the cargo bay. Trying to explain to this guy he was fine was hysterical. The dog was just trying to get attention, and the best part is the FO was still terrified even after the FO came out from one of the side rooms of the bridge. Needless to say the rest of the day was uneventful. I started with the diagnostic array, got distracted when back to the array ended up that one of the wires was connected to the lights?? sometimes I really wonder who they let do work on starships back in the day. Once I finished that, I had lunch in the smaller replicator lunch room. I ordered Plomeek soup that i had programmed back at Starfleet from ari's recipe but this replicator has consistently kept butchering it. Today I found my afternoon job when the replicator gave me a meatball sub. I go down to engineering and tell them the food replicators are acting up again and the look in the CENG was like either deal with it or fix it yourself. I decided that was a better job to tackle my other scheduled duties for the day. Needless to say, I found more problems, but my shift was up. I will pick up where I left off tomorrow oh and there is a welcoming party in two days... computer add that to my schedule, and end log  


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