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Petty Officer Ralph Mostafa

One of the many career Starfleet personel who never went through Starfleet Academy, Petty Officer Mostafa is one of the more experienced members of the U.S.S. Electra crew, even though he lacks a true officer rank. Known for both his experience and his lack of self-deception, Mostafa has made a name for himself as a capable technician, an able leader, and a dispenser of confidential advice. It is no surprise that many members of the Electra, officers or not, respect Mostafa. He serves as the ship's transporter chief.   Born in the center of Edinburgh, Mostafa (33) never knew his parents. He was left at an orphanage as a child an was raised there for his entire young life. When he was young, he was highly aggressive, often times getting into fights and comming home bloodied. He was dissatisfied with the city life and every day was a struggle to find something interesting or enjoyable. When he wasn't getting into trouble, he was thinking about running away, which he did several times. Ultimately, he barely graduated school with passing grades and enlisted in Starfleet the next day.   Basic training for Mostafa was not what many think of when they imagine Starfleet training. Instead of studying strange cultures, linquistics, engineering, and other subjects that officers so frequently pursue, he went through bootcamp. He learned to fire a phaser, engage in hand-to-hand combat, follow orders, and to respect Starfleet's ethical and moral codes. A mere six months later, he was assigned to the U.S.S. Tigres, a small research vessel.   While on his varied assignments, Mostafa spent years undergoing what many would consider meanial labour. He stacked crates, emptied trash canes, cleaned conference rooms... much of what lower deckers still do today. Despite these tasks, he developed a deep love for his work. Finally, he was free to roam the stars, to explore new worlds, and to experience different cultures.   After 4 years of this work and several promotions, he began to train as a technicial assistant, and later as a technician in his own right. He learned fast and began to grasp the ins and outs of starships. He was transfered half a dozen times to different ships, eventually receiving more accolades for dilligent service, culminating in a promotion to Petty Officer. With his new rank and wealth of experience and technical knowledge, Mostafa was transfered to command division and assigned the role of transporter chief aboard the Electra.

Petty Officer Ralph Mostafa

Affiliation: United Federation of Planets
Highest Position Held: Petty Officer
In Service: 2355 SEY - Present
Personal Details
Born: 2337 Edinburgh, Earth
Age: 33
Species: Human
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Current Residence: U.S.S. Electra
Maritial Status: Married


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