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Summary of Lower Deck Crew

Ensign Renee Bellweather
Race: Human, Female
Born: 2340, Age 30. 5'6"
Division: Science
In service from: 2368.
Previous assignments: Starbase 64 (2368-2370). Reason for transfer: SYSTEM OVERRIDE re: KHWĀRIZMĪ 2251.
Other: Research experience in aerospace systems and engineering as well as optical tools and EM sensor instrumentation.
Note: "The best Engineer in the science division" -Commander Hobbs

Ensign Aaron Bluementhal
Race: Human, Male
Born: 2332, Age 28. 5'10"
Division: Operations
In service from: 2368.
Previous assignments: Starfleet Embassy: Vulcan. Reason for transfer: Psychiatric evaluation.
Other: Experienced planner, organizer, and efficient commander. Polyglot with a massive hobby for alien languages, cultures, and history. Degree is xenolinguistics.
Note: Bluementhal is highly intelligent, but awkward. He is reportedly difficult to connect to and frequently misunderstand social situations and cues.

Ensign Harry Conners
Race: Trill (Joined), Male
Born: 2348, Age 22. 5'9"
Division: Medical
In service from: 2370.
Previous assignments: None
Other: Shows competence in anatomical studies, behavior health, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, bioinformatics, endocrinology, epidemiology, microbiology, neuroencocrinology, pharmacology, virology, and toxicology.
Note: Connors, by the nature of his symbiote, contains a vast repository of medical knowledge (likely from a previous host). He is more learned than any 3 doctors twice his age. However, his hands-on experience is highly limited. Additionally, he is experimental and even childish at times.

Ensign Emma Cruz
Race: Human, Female
Born: 2345, Age 25. 4'11"
Division: Tactical
In service from: 2368.
Previous assignments: USS Schrodinger (2368-2369). Reason for transfer unknown.
Other: Shows specific competancy in combat organization and small scale complex engagements.
Note: Proficient and confident. Written up as a cadet for angry outbursts

Ensign Greef Fontaine
Race: Human, Male
Born: 2348, Age 22 6'3"
Division: Science
In service from: 2370.
Previous assignments: ERROR: LOCAL DATA CORRUPTED
Other: Research interests include astrophysical phenomena and galaxy mapping. Has experience with xenogeography, specifically with an interest in the Beta quadrant.
Note: "He just.... won't shut up about Canada..." -Lieutenant Khwārizmī

Ensign Tatiana Fox
Race: Human, Female
Born: 2347, Age 23. 5'7"
Division: Tactical
In service from: 2370.
Previous assignments: None.
Other: Shows extreme proficiency in ground missions, both in tactical readiness and combat preparedness. Highly skilled in hand-fighting. Shows additional proficiency in improvisation and experimental tactics.
Note: Fox is known to be closed off personally, making proper leadership roles challenging. She is confident, but this can cause her to stray from mission parameters in simulations.

Ensign Ernesto Kip
Race: Human, Male
Born: 2343, Age 27. 5'10"
Division: Science
In service from: 2366.
Previous assignments: USS Darwin (2366-2369). Reason for transfer: Mission complete. Standard Reassignment.
Other: Research experience in living systems, specifically with a quantitative analytical approach to aspects of botany, ecosystem analytics, and viral ecology. Assigned to the Electra as part of it's Strange New Worlds explorative initiative.
Note: Known to be highly focused and competent but rarely sociable, often committing large swaths of time to research alone.

Ensign Yorn Kruvabuk
Race: Rigellian
Born: 2331, Age 29. 6'8"
Division: Security
In service from: 2368.
Previous assignments: Starbase 20 (2368-2370). Reason for transfer: Desired different career advancement opportunities.
Other: Previously a mid-weight Toh-poran competetor, Kruvabuk shows unmatched competency in fighting with melee weapons as well as leading a small team (3, traditionally).
Note: Kruvabuk is said to be wonderfully charismatic and surprisingly warm-hearted, despite a killer instinct. However, he lacks a well rounded knowledge of various Starfleet disciplines, which will likely inhibit his ability to rise quickly in rank.

Ensign Heuwon Lee
Race: Human, Male
Born: 2347, Age 23. 5'8"
Division: Operations
In service from: 2370.
Previous assignments: None
Other: Shows proficiency in diplomatic situations and shuttle piloting. Has moderate practice with starship helms.
Note: Lee has a natural talent for diplomacy, making him an ideal candidate for officer training, especially as part of the Strange New Worlds initiative.

Ensign Eric Murfey
Race: Human, Male
Born: 2346, Age 24. 5'8"
Division: Tactical
In service from: 2369.
Previous assignments: None.
Other: Exemplary performace in combat simulations, personel organization, resource management, and surprisingly stealthy. Considered highly gifted, a few steps short of genius.
Note: Despite being highly skilled, Murfey is reportedly disliked by his peers, subordinates, and superiors alike. "He's a wormy little kiss ass twerp creep who would do literally anything to climb rank." -Anonymous Starfleet Lieutenant

Ensign Tetsushi Nagai
Race: Human, Male
Born: 2347, Age 23. 5'7"
Division: Operations
In service from: 2370.
Previous assignments: None
Other: Shows proficiency in Starfleet organization and social engineering. Additionaly, due to his major in starfleet policy, is certified to act as legal counsel for military tribunals.
Note: "Nagai is energetic and personable at times, but is strict and serious when the moment demands it. He makes friends easily but never lets them get in the way of his obligations." -Professor Deema Jork

Ensign Olivia Passanisi
Race: Human, Female
Born: 2345, Age 25. 5'5"
Division: Operations
In service from: 2368.
Previous assignments: U.S.S. Copenhagen (2368-2370) Reason for transfer: Temporary assignment while Electra in drydock.
Other: Shows proficiency with workflow analysis, streamlining, and social managment skills. Possesses a Starfleet certification for counciling and therapy (but not a degree of any kind).
Note: "Olivia is extremely passionate and highly driven. Given her determination and leadership skills, I'd be surprised if she doesn't get moved to a more prestigious ship very soon." -Captain Marcus

Ensign Riwela Qiraha
Race: Bolian, Female
Born: 2345, Age 25. 5'6"
Division: Operations
In service from: 2368.
Previous assignments: Starfleet Academy Postgrad (2368-2370). Reason for transfer: Research opportunity to study an active crew.
Other: Research in behavioral networks using machine learning and Rik Theory.
Note: Qiraha might be better described as a social scientist than a field leader, although her work is considered to be excellent.

Ensign Trey Smith
Race: Human, Male
Born: 2346, Age 24 6'2"
Division: Science
In service from: 2369.
Previous assignments: None.
Other: Research interest in condensed matter, chemical engineering, and material science. All relevant experience from aboard the U.S.S. Electra.
Note: A hard worker who makes up for his lack of innate skill with dedication.

Ensign T'Lyn
Race: Vulcan, Female
Born: 2346, Age 24 5'11"
Division: Science
In service from: 2370.
Previous assignments: None*.
Other: Shows competency in systems engineering, shield matrix development, optical instrumentation, and quantum warp structure.
Note: *Reassigned from the Vulcan Expeditionary Group for insubordination, emotional outbursts, and instability. She is said to be an experimentalist both in engineering and science, with several shield and sensor innovations already completed.

Ensign Marley Vash
Race: Human, Non-binary
Born: 3237, Age 33. 6'0"
Division: Engineering
In service from: 2360.
Previous assignments: USS Stratus (2360-2366). Reason for transfer: SYSTEM OVERRIDE re: SIMMONS 8470.
Other: Excells in combat scenarios, especially with hand-to-hand fighting. Impactful survivalist, good on away missions.
Note: Confident and experienced, but unambitious and uninspired. Willingness to bend the rules as they please.

Ensign Mathew Waterman
Race: Human, Male
Born: 2344, Age 26. 5'10"
Division: Security
In service from: 2368.
Previous assignments: Starbase 11 (2368-2370). Reason for transfer: Wanted to serve on a starship.
Other: Shows specific competancy in hand to hand combat, phaser accuracy, and area denial tactics.
Note: Personable. Is seen making friends with his subordinates

Ensign Ashley Williams
Race: Human, Female
Born: 2346, Age 24. 5'11"
Division: Operations
In service from: 2369.
Previous assignments: U.S.S. Faragut (2369-2370). Reason for transfer: Personal conflict
Other: Shrewd squad leader with a reputation for intuition. Shows proficiency in squad management and away missions.
Note: Williams is noted to be highly perceptive and exceedingly distrusting, resulting in an abundance of care in many situations. While this makes her team safer, it is off-putting to work around her.

Ensign Torral Zar
Race: Tellarite, Male
Born: 2344, Age 26. 5'6"
Division: Engineering
In service from: 2368.
Previous assignments: Starbase 64 (2368-2370). Reason for transfer: Mission complete. Standard Reassignment.
Other: Shows competence in systems engineering, structural integrity, and propulsion.
Note: Zar is known to be stubborn, which can be either beneficial or detrimental depending on the situation.


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