Tatiana Fox Character in Star Trek 2370 | World Anvil
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Tatiana Fox

Tatiana Fox

Growing up on Starbase 80 does not lead to an easy childhood. Underfunded and understaffed security personnel let corrupt government officials run amok. The lack of enforcement made crime flourish. Drugs smuggling, weapons, gangs, you name it, we got it. Station security was almost worse than the gangs somehow. At least then we can fight back and not get thrown in the brig. Different clothes, same people.   My mom died when I was 9, robbery gone wrong. Starfleet said they got the guy who did it, but it doesn't really matter. Just another face, one of thousands. Didn't really make the corridors any safer.   My dad... well, I never really knew him. Left when I was too young to remember him. My brothers talk about him though. Said he was tall, handsome, brave, funny... Some people ask me if I resent him for leaving us alone. But I don't think so. It's like I said, I didn't know him. How can I hate him? How can I feel anything about him?   My brothers and I decided around then, when we were living on hand-outs, trying to sneak replicator rations. We made a pact that we'd all be Starfleet one day. The cool, valiant, just people in crisp clean uniforms. The people who take away the corrupt guards. The people who bring food and medicine. The people who show up in massive, glowing, silver-blue space ships. Those were the good guys. And now that I'm graduating, well that makes all 3 of us. No idea how we pulled it of, but we did it. Time to fight the good fight.

Physical Description

Body Features

Body features? I've got a few tatoos, but no artificial limbs or anything.

Facial Features

Turns face one way, then the other.
Did you see it or should I go again?

Identifying Characteristics

Ah, this would have been a better question a few months ago. I used to have dozens of scars all over the place. I had one here from a stab wound when I was 12, here for a nasty nurn when I tried sleeping too close to plasma vesnts, here for.... huh? Because it was cold, obviously.
Shakes head and rolls eyes
Uhhh, here for the time I got Ryllian Pox and couldn't afford to treat it. But now they're all gone. Thanks Starfleet.

Physical quirks

I tend to lightly punch into the palms of my hands when I'm nervous. It actually used to help me out because it's something you could do to warm up before a fight, gets the blood flowing in your hands, you know. So when I was nervous growing up, it made me look tougher, like I was getting ready to brawl.

Apparel & Accessories

I don't really do accessories. I've never been able to afford them and, even if I could, I wouldn't want to show people that I could afford them. I don't even have pierced ears. Oh, but I do have a necklace that Adam gave me. Aparently it used to belong to my father, but since Adam doesn't wear jewlery, it's mine now.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

I like shes and hers. Theys and thems are also okay.


Wait, is that really on there? Lemme see that clipboard.

Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma

Double pass.

Morality & Philosophy

It used to be, "Don't talk to guards," but now that I'm Starfleet I'm not sure where that leaves me.

Personality Characteristics


What drives me? Uhhh, I want to be a good guy? I guess I want to show people there's a better way. To see the galaxy...
Shrugs and looks away
To save people... To become able to save people... To make a difference.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

I'm a good shot and I know how to stay safe. That's gotta count for something. I've never been great at medicine or research. Oh, and apparently I'm not great with formalities, not that that's ever bother me.

Likes & Dislikes

I like space, both personal and cosmic. Oh, and the little green things that Bejorans put on potatoes.

Virtues & Personality perks

My sunny personality.

Vices & Personality flaws

Pass. Next question.


Family Ties

I've got two brothers, both in Starfleet actually. I'd say they raised me, but it's more accurate to say we raised eachother. So there's Adam, he's the oldest, 6 years older than me. Short short guy, 5 foot 4, heart of gold. Smart too, way smarter than me. He just started his third rotation on the Normandy. Big ship, so even though he's "Lieutenant Commander Fox" he's still only the 4th ranked scientist onboard. Then there's Jacob. He's in command division and a bit more... commanding. Big guy, big voice, big personality. He's bluffed us out of more trouble than most people have ever been in. He'll be "Lieutenant Fox" over aboard the Vigilence... Oh he's 4 years older than me. And that just leaves me. The other Fox. But I'm just "Ensign Fox" for now.

Religious Views

Religion, spirituality, faith, it all boils down to what people need to believe in. And I don't mean just the religious guys, we all need to believe in something... It's what keeps us going... And, y'know for me it's not gods and spirits, no. It's my brothers, and me, and the notion that things always get better, and that a perfect world is possible if we make it, and that for each bit of bad in us, there's twice as much good. Because what are we without that? So, I guess I believe in Starfleet too.

Hobbies & Pets

Adam used to keep rats. I guess you could call those family pets.

Relaxed, occasionally insubordinate, but always ready to fight the good fight, Ensign Tatiana Fox is the youngest of 3 children in her family, all of whom joined Starfleet. She's fast, tough, and as resilient as they come.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
March 30, 2347
Starbase 80
Current Residence
USS Electra
Hazel, Bright
Light brown and straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, freckled complexion
165 lbs

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First Personal Log
Feb 4, 2365: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth

Personal log, February 4th. What am I supposed to do here... let's see... okay uh The purpose of this log is "To record a first log detailing 'Your first week at Starfleet Academy, your travel here, an experience you had so far, or anything you like! Be sure to include details that bring the log to life. You can include things you liked, disliked, found challenging..." okay okay yadda yadda yada. This is stupid, no one listens to these anyways.   *Brief Pause*   Well, since no one is going to see it.   *Clears throat*   Captain's log, stardate 2495.71 and a half. We have recently come under attack by an unknown vessel of unknown origin. It is massively powerful, equipped with at least 30 phaser arrays and hundreds of torpedoes. Our shields are no match for their armaments! Emergency power is failing rapidly. The first officer and 134% of the other crew are dead or missing. The computer estimates 45 seconds to complete hull failure. Perhaps worst of all, I don't have a seatbelt. How can I be expected to survive complete hull failure in the vacuum of space, surrounded by torpedo fire, without a seatbelt? Yes, the situation does seem grim. However, I have one final trick up my sleeve. Thanks to my state-of-the-art training in Command 101, under the direction of Professor Greggor, I know that I can use "the most powerful tool for a Starfleet officer", the personal log. If I simply record these events, surely I will gain the wisdom and insight to get myself out of this situation and save my crew. Yes, my structural failure in... Hey 22.2 seconds, make a wish, right?... can surely be averted if I trust in my log to save me. It will even be able to defeat my unknown adversaries. So fortunate am I that I got to train under an instructor of such vast wisdom as Professor Greggor, long may he reign! With that note, I shall sign off. I am anxious to see how my most powerful tool will get me out of this mess.

Personal Log: Stardate 15520.7

Today was weird. Yesterday I was surprised when Liv told me that I'd have a disciplinary hearing the NEXT DAY to decide what punishments I get for Bingo, Foxing, and everything else. Then, while I'm working hard to not think about it, everyone made it their personal mission to come remind me about how severely fucked I am. Literally everyone came, Vash, Liv, Emma, Plea-deal, Sorra, even Waterman found time to come see me. Today I learned that it's incredibly difficult to complete a rotation of the isolinear cores while everyone keeps coming over and talking to me.   Still...   I dunno, it's weird. Everyone came to give me weird advice and wish me luck. Which is SUPER AWKWARD since half of them are prosecuting and/or judging me. And who designed this fucked up system anyway where all my friends have to prosecute me? Like, some Admiral is laughing his sadistic ass off thinking of all the awkward moments he's creating...   But still, it was nice to know everyone still cared what happened... even though they really shouldn't. After everything I've done, I really don't deserve friends like these. It just makes me feel worse because they're all such good people and I fucked things up so much and they're still standing by me even after all of this. And I can't...   I....   *Deep breath*   It was a nice gesture at any rate. More than I expected.   Today we had the actual trial. I was expecting to plead guilty to everything and move on, but Vash convinced me to at least explain myself. I'm pretty sure the actual trial was recorded, so if you want a play-by-play go find that one. But in summary, I was guilty of Sexual Harassment (which I deserve), Electra Bingo, Inciting Reckless Endangerment, and Inciting Sexual Harassment (of Connors). I was ALSO voted guilty of Illicit Gambling which is BULLSHIT! I NEVER GAMBLED ON THIS SHIP EXCEPT FOR THE ONE TIME WITH THE LT! And that was basically sanctioned. Honestly, I deserved the rest but this one, so not fair.   But that being said, I did get off WAY easier than I would have at a military tribunal, and they took my motivations into account when considering what should be done. I need to write 3 apologies, serve 150 hours in medical (out of my free time), serve an extra 3 whole days in medical helping out, write a ship notification about the dangers of Electra Bingo, and I can't be promoted until we get home (and no leadership positions for a few months). Honestly, fair. It's not like I was being put in leadership positions anyways, but it kinda sucks to know that my all my peers and Sorra think that I'm too immature to handle it.   God I've made such a mess of things.

Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4
Stardate 2215.1

Attn: Desk of Acting First Officer Tefin TacOps Log: Stardate 2215.1   Review of the events of Stardate 100310.77:   In the day leading up to these events, Captain Marcus and her senior staff were engaging in peace talks between the two largest Damitar IV factions: the Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth and The Confederate States of Menoth in order to ensure order on Damitar IV. During this time, representatives from both factions boarded the Electra for negotiations. Additionally, a young child and his retinue also boarded to oversee the events. While I was not present for the proceedings, I have gathered from other crewmen that at some point during negotiations, the child desired to roam the ship. Though it is unclear how it proceeded, Ltjr Ailynn was assigned to escort and potentially entertain the child. During this time they toured the ship and eventually ended up in the holodeck in Cargo Bay 2 where I was stationed for the day. I noticed they, along with Ensigns Tefin and Vash, entered the holodeck for some time. They were also accompanied by a representative of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth. After some time, the representative left in a rage, mumbling about how there was some ''desecration''.   From conversations with Ensign Tefin, I gathered that the child was considered deific among the Damitarians. It is my hypothesis that they were similar socially to the Dalai Lama on Earth. After the child returned to the negotiations, they wrapped up quickly and a deal was struck.   The senior staff of the Electra were set to transfer down to the surface of Damitar IV to conclude peace talks and celebrate with the Damitarians. Per Starfleet regulation 9.3 c, the absentee bridge crew arrange for replacements to take up their positions during the festivities. Ltjr Ailynn was placed in temporary command and was assisted by Ensigns Tefin, Vash, Fontaine, and myself.   During the first several hours, operations on the bridge were quiet, but efficient. Ensign Tefin and Fontaine were running active analysis on a subspace anomaly that had been present a several hundred kilometers from the planet's surface, but they were unable to glean any conventional wisdom from their examinations. On a hunch, I ran a type-3 diagnostic of all tactical systems and discovered a 2.44 MGal fluctuation in the tertiary shield buffer matrix, lowering emergency power capabilities by roughly 3%. The error was noted and the systems were patched. All other systems were performing within nominal operating ranges.   5 hours and 14 minutes into the shift, a massive burst of energy (initial active scans rated the burst maximum amplitude at 2.13e16 Joules. The energy was dispersed locally from the away team's location. CO Ailynn ordered the away team returned but the transporters were unable to lock onto their com badges. The Electra went to Red Alert as 5 surface to space ballistic missiles were detected inbound to the ship. Fontaine attempted evasive maneuvers, but lacked the helm experience to avoid the rudimentary attacks. After suffering multiple close proximity detonations, shields depreciated to 33% and I began firing PDS phasers as well as launching 1 torpedo to intercept incoming warheads. These actions were met with marginal success as several missiles were disabled, but several more made contact. Non-essential crew were evacuated from external areas and power from non-essential systems were rerouted to bolstering shields and engines. A close detonation by engineering ruptured a critical warp core coolant system, necessitating the deactivation of the warp core. On impulse power alone, escape was not feasible.   At this moment, the nuclear radiation triggered a reaction in the subspace anomaly. Expanding, it became evident that the object was, in fact, a phasic wormhole. CO Ailynn gave orders to continue trying to recover the landing party, but Ensign Tefin sensibly told her that they were dead, caught in the midst of a nuclear event, and that the safety of the crew was tantamount. Resigned, Ailynn directed the Electra into the wormhole. We emerged, heavily damaged but alive, at coordinates 66728.9/707542.2, deep within the Beta Quadrant. In the aftermath, critical damage was reviewed and 1 fatality was confirmed amongst the crew. All 20 senior officers were listed as Missing in Action.   While many were quick to dismiss the Damitarians as unstable and cast blame towards Marcus' laissez-faire approach to first contact, is my interpretation that these actions were not only predictable, but preventable. It was well known that the Damitarians were nuclear capable and highly aggravated. In the aftermath of these events, I recalled seeing the rage from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth representative outside the holodeck. I returned to the holodeck (now disabled) and recovered data from the memory logs (enclosed here) showing the simulation that Ltjr Ailynn had shown the representative and the God child. It appears she placed the child in command of a warship and engaged in simulated battles, involving the gruesome destruction of multiple vessels. When the representative left, he was calling someone about ''desecration'' and ''warlike'' behaviors. It is my belief that exposing their god child to such violence severely violated their personal beliefs and ethics which resulted in uncontrollable rage. I followed a hunch and poured through the event's passive sensor data during my free time. I found that there is a 94% probability that the initial explosion, as well as the first 5 warheads fired from the surface, originated from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth. It is my belief that these attacks were a response to cultural aggravation, a direct result of Ailynn's lackadaisical approach to what she considered an unimportant assignment. As such, the Electra's current situation is in large part due to the criminal negligence exhibited by Ltjr Aiylnn. The full sensor logs and my compiled findings can be found here.

Acting Tactical Officer's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4

Acting Tactical Officer's Log. Stardate 100310.77   As the highest ranking tactical officer on the bridge of the USS Electra that was not beaming down to Damitar 4 to engage in the peacetime celebrations, Captain Marcus ordered Lt. Ailyn, Ensign Teffin, Ensign Vash, and Ensign Fontaine to serve as the acting bridge crew until the senior officers returned from the planet's surface. Ensign Teffin manned the science console, Ensign Vash the engineering console, and Ensign Fontaine served as helmsman. Additionally, I came along.   For the first 4 hours and 37 minutes of the shift, nothing of note occurred. I performed a routine diagnostic on the ship's system and discovered a minor power inefficiency in the tertiary auxiliary deflector matrices. We reported the inefficiency to engineering and a crewmen was assigned to address the issue. Additionally, Ensign Teffin made attempts to scan a subspace anomaly that they had been unable to scan earlier in the day. This scan, despite the efforts by Ensign Vash to boost the scanning signal, was unable to detect the nature of the anomaly but ascertained its size to be approximately 3km in radius. Lt. Ailyn ordered Ensign Teffin to continue to monitor the subspace anomaly and report any changes immediately.   Then, 5 hours and 14 minutes into the shift, our scanners detected a massive localized burst of energy from the surface of Damitar 4. Immediately, Ailyn contacted Petty Officer Mostafa to beam up all personnel located on the surface of the planet. However, Petty Officer Mostafa was unable to lock on to their signal. She ordered the ship to enter red alert and informed all crew to proceed to battle stations. In the intervening seconds, the surface of Damitar 4 was completely lit up by nuclear detonations. Additionally, 5 interplanetary ballistic missiles had been fired from the planets surface and were inbound towards the USS Electra. With shields at max, Ailyn ordered Ensign Fontaine to initiate evasive maneuvers and increase our orbit as quickly as possible. We began taking hits from the interplanetary nuclear missiles and our shields were depreciated to 33%. She ordered Ensign Vash to divert auxiliary power to the transporter room in an attempt to get a lock on our officers. Unfortunately, a signal was unable to be found. The ship took serious damage to both nacelles and the upper hull plating. Non-essential systems were taken offline and decks 1,2,8,9,10,11 were evacuated. Power was diverted to the shields and restored to 60%. However, our warp-drive was badly damaged and the engines were only capable of running on impulse.   The subspace anomaly was then identified as a wormhole. Lt. Ailyn ordered Ensign Fontaine to steer the ship directly into the center of the wormhole at full impulse power. Before entering, we made one last attempt to beam any surviving officers aboard the USS Electra, to no avail. The journey through the wormhole caused more damage to the warpdrive.   We emerged on the other side at 66728.9/707542.2 in the beta quadrant. From our current position it will take 4 months at warp 9 to return to federation space. With subspace relays, communication to and from the USS Electra will take 3 days.   On the USS Electra there were 13 casualties and 1 fatality. Ensign Thiago of engineering was lost during our escape. Additionally, 20 senior crew are missing in action as presumed dead. The captain, commander, 2 lieutenant commanders, 7 lieutenants, and 9 lieutenant junior grades. At this current moment, Lt. Ailyn is the most senior officer aboard the ship.   The next step is to assess damage, a task already underway and headed by the acting Chief of Engineering, Ensign Vash. Duty rosters will need to be evaluated and revised and the crew will have to learn how to operate and run the ship without 21 of its own aboard.   End of Log   Tatiana Fox, Ensign Acting Chief of Excellence of the USS Electra

Personal Log on 47797.4

Personal log, stardate 47797.4   The replicator still isn't fixed.   It works, but for a handful of seemingly random orders it just pops out charcoal. It's almost like a cruel joke: I get up from a sleepless night again, force myself to dress and eat. I start working on the endless list of mindless tasks that need completing to get the ship repaired and keep it functional. I forget to eat lunch and end up working until break around 14:00. I'd like to rest, but I can't keep my eyes closed so I keep going down my task list: purge converter matrices, reformat computer cores, realign the power converters... Every second just waiting for clock out. Because at clock out, I can get myself a hot cup of tea and some strawberry ice cream. It's literally the only thought getting me through the Jeffries Tubes sometimes. But then, at the end of the day, I walk up to the replicator and get coal.. Heaping, smoky, ashen piles of coal. It's like a shitty Christmas, except you're hoping Santa will bring you ice cream, not spare scrap metal to recycle. It also doesn't make liquor, just coal. I could really use something to drink.   *Long, exhausted sigh*   I got to know Ensigns Cruz and Passanisi today. I ran into them just after I clocked out. Without getting too deep into the details on a personal log that can be monitored, they were both having a pretty shit day. Suffice it to say that Crewman Molde is a pig. We ended up doing some light boxing in the holodeck which is unfortunately still a colosseum. Or, maybe that's fortunate. I haven't decided. Cruz ended up getting into some trouble which I disagree with. No justice, honestly.   God I hate these logs. Can I tell you something? Because I know Ailyn is going to listen to all the logs she can. Why the fuck aren't these confidential? Like, what, you want us to spill our soul like it's a diary, but then you can use them as evidence? You can't have us share intimate details and then use them against us, that's fucked up. If you had any honor, you'd but out and stop reading.   But that's not going to happen because you all think you have a right to go through other people's private things. So here we are. We're in the middle of nowhere. There's no trust. Our ship is broken. We're all probably going to die millions of miles away from home. And the replicator still isn't fixed.   I heard Tefin has a bottle of Romulan Whiskey, I wonder if I can get my hands on it...

On the Electra

Personal log, stardate 100310.36   I am so embarrassed. They looked up my birthday. MY BIRTHDAY! Lieutenant Ailyn and Ensign Tefin brought it up in front of everyone, they had cake and everything. They even went so far as to decorate the entire mess hall. There were balloons, streamers, those little paper things that when you blow into them, they make a sound and get longer. They put a cone hat on my head and sang.   I am so embarrassed.   Like, what am I supposed to say to this? Do I thank people? That sounds awkward as hell. God I HATE everyone looking at me and thinking about me. I have NO IDEA WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DOING! I just want no one to look at me so I can sit there and just exist...   *long pause, the warp core hums faintly in the background*   It was kinda sweet. I honestly thought today was going to suck without any friends onboard, especially with Adam and Jacob so far away. But even though it was crazy awkward, it was kinda fun.   I got my first duty shift after orientation and had a great time. I spent the whole day wiping down work stations, windexing the windows, and unclogging toilets. It was SO COOL. I had no idea the level of intricate features that make everything so much easier to clean. Except one particular restroom that had a lot of greenish-purple fluid all over the place. No idea what happened there. I can't believe I'm ACTUALLY ON A STARSHIP! We're traveling to cool places, and the bridge crew is doing something or another with the Damitarians. I hope I get to see the planet's surface, maybe I'll ask Lt. Ailyn if there's a chance I can get down when everything is done...   Ohhh, and out of literally NOWHERE, she asked if I wanted to be part of the ACTING BRIDGE CREW SQUAD TODAY!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! It's going to suck, obviously. But I can use the scanners and maybe even run diagnostics... If nothing's happening, I'm going to try and see if she'll let me run a L-3 on the shields and weapons, just for fun!   I don't want to be late. This is going to be AMAZING.   End of log.


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