U.S.S. Electra Vehicle in Star Trek 2370 | World Anvil
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U.S.S. Electra

Like other ships in the Walker-class, the Electra is named for an early Earth space exploration mission: In this case, a 2023 experimental satellite launched by the European Space Agency to test a completely electric form of propulsion, the success of which lead to the development of modern Starfleet impulse engines and later Warp technology.
  A unique feature of this class was the location of the ship's bridge, located on the ventral surface of the saucer hull. Considered large for the era, the Walker class was launched in 2200 SEY. The Electra was commissioned in 2204 SEY.   The Electra was designed primarily as a ship of exploration and scientific research but was well armed and able to defined itself if so required. In their role as vessels of science and exploration, Walker class ships were equipped to handle extended missions on the perimeter of Federation space and could undertake a range of missions such as repair and maintenance of sensor and communications relays located in interstellar space.   The design of the Walker-class consisted of a saucer section with an integrated, laterally-positioned navigational deflector, a compact secondary hull, and two nacelles attached by pylons extending beneath the ship's superstructure. The Walker-class had thirteen decks and two shuttlebays. It carried a compliment of shuttlecraft and worker bees, as well as escape pods which could be launched from breakaway panels lining the top of the saucer section.   This class was capable of atmospheric flight by means of thrusters scattered over its ventral hull, however it couldn't land. The ship's medical facilities featured an antiproton chamber. Atypically for a Starfleet vessel, the bridge was located on the underside of the saucer, on deck seven, and had an adjacent captain's ready room. The Walker-class possessed lateral vector transporters, a design deemed obsolete by the late 2240s   2195: Starfleet issues a design for a multipurpose vessel capable of deep space exploration missions and Federation defense. The Walker Class was a departure from previous Starfleet designs, but approved by Starfleet. Permission for base designs are approved. Briefs for the propulsion, computer, defensive, weapons, and science facilities and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet Design agencies for consultation. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to Starfleet Fleet Yards for construction. Production begins with a projected 5 year turnover for the Prototype ship.   2200: Early in the year, computer core arrives and is fitted to the Electra, one of three additional ships of the class that were approved. Starfleet propulsion dynamics lab delivers a fully functional warpcore for testing. By mid August, reactors are on line and supplying primary power. Computer system operating at 53% of maximum by December.   2201: System expected to become self aware early in the year. Phasers, phase cannons, and tractor beam emitters installed. Atmospheric thrusters installed. Computer systems are uploaded and tested. Primary modules are attached and outer hull nears 29% completion.   2202: Warpcore begins primary testing. Bridge module attached to primary hull. Master chassis now completed. Two additional vessels of the class are approved. Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional status.   2203: Warpcore passes Review Three and it tested to 93% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilicals are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Structural latching systems onboard the U.S.S. Electra are tested and approved. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. U.S.S. Electra leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last a year.   2204: U.S.S. Electra returns to dry dock for application of Warp stress coating and final exterior markings and paint. On June 21, 2204 the U.S.S. Electra is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Beck of Earth takes command of the Ship. U.S.S. Electra is assigned to an exploration mission in the Alpha Quadrant.   2275: U.S.S. Electra is decommissioned as part of normal ship service rotation. Its outdated shields, weapons, engines, and science systems are far outpaced by modern technology. Electra is stored at Starbase 25 where it is repurposed as a museum.   2301: In a move to reduce the cost of a rapidly increasing navy, Starfleet Command creates a commission to review outdated vessels to determine whether any can be restored and updated. The Electra is reviewed in this process.   2303: Starfleet orders the Electra to be retrofitted with modern technology and recommissions the antiquated ship as a light cruiser. Due to its superb engineering, the vessle remains spaceworthy. Transporter, central computer, shields, warp core, and many auxillary systems and subsystems are replaced. Captain Pavel Chekov is given command of the Electra.   2367: After 60 years of rapid scientific advancement, the U.S.S. Electra is once again retrofitted to meet the rising demand for mid-size exploration vehicles. All major systems recieve a significant upgrade. Phaser cannons and phaser banks are replaced with modern phaser arrays. An early holodeck is installed. Captain Lianne Marcus takes command of the Electra after the retrofit.   See here for more information about the current U.S.S. Electra Crew.

U.S.S. Electra

Registry Specifications

Class: Walker-Class
Registry: NCC-1227
Owner: United Federation of Planets
Operator: Starfleet

Status and Commission

Constructed: 2203 SEY
Commissioned: 2204 SEY
Decommissioned: 2275 SEY
Recommissioned: 2303 SEY
Retrofit 1: 2303 SEY
Retrofit 2: 2367 SEY
Status: Active (CO: Captain Lianne Marcus)

Technical Specifications

8 type-X phaser arrays
launchers: 2 forward, 2 aft
  • photon:60
Class 8 Bubble shielding system
Height: 80 meters
Width: 242 meters
Length: 423 meters
Decks: 13
Cruising speed: Warp 7
Maximum speed: Warp 8.9
Emergency speed: Warp 9.2 (for 8 hours)
Auxilary Craft:
Shuttle bays: 2
Shuttles: 4
Officers: 50
Enlisted Crew: 150
Marines: 20
Civilians: 20

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