Benjamin Sisko Character in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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Benjamin Sisko


On the 1st anniversery of the Dominion War's end, a tribute was held for Captain Sisko by the Starfleet Admirality. During the proceedings, Admiral Ross revealed that there had been discussions that Sisko be promoted to admiral for his exemplary service during the war and the experience he gained as a fleet commander throughout the war's duration. With this in mind, Ross awarded an honourary promotion to Sisko to admiral, once that would take effect if the Captain ever returned to the Federation and was cleared for duty.   Sisko would reappear three years following the end of the Dominion War, back on Deep Space Nine. Sisko revealed that he had been returned in order to investigate a danger that posed a grave threat to the Galaxy, one that would involve the deaths of the most powerful beings enountered by the Federation. Pulling on his wartime reputation, Sisko was able to convince an initially skeptical admirality to approve his mission with and reactivate his commission, providing the captain with an experimental testbed vessel, the USS Thesesus, as well as a crew composed of many of Starfleet's most prominent officers.   Sisko would later take command of the USS Robinsion   Sisko would then disappear once again, returning to Prophets in the Wormhole. His reasoning for this that he explained before leaving was that his presence had become a danger to his family and that he would be better able to protect them with the aid of the Prophets themselves.   Sisko once again reappeared in 2395 during the Bajoran succession crisis, playing a pivitol role in resolving the issues and in convincing the Bajoran people to remain with the Federation.   An interesting legacy left behind by Sisko's role as the Bajoran Emissary is a belief developed in certain circles within the Bajoran religion. A number of Bajoran vedeks have noted how the Prophets selected not a Bajoran for the role but instead a Human, an alien from a distant world who was not raised on Bajoran beliefs, had entered service into the secular organisation of Starfleet and whose species had no involvement in or contact with the Bajoran people until recent centuries. Some have come to see it as a sign by the Prophets indicating that Bajorans and Humans are a linked species, with the Prophets choosing one of the latter's members to take on the sacred role of Bajoran religous belief due to Humanity being in some fashion suitable for this task. These groups also cite the extensive physical similarities between Human and Bajoran phyisology, Humanity's role in leading the Federation and shaping it's policies which proved to be vital to rebuilding Bajor and securing it's protection and redevelopment following the Cardassian occupation and how the Prophets not only interacted in Bajoran history but also with Humanity as well, such as through the inception of Sisko among it's people, the vital role the Prophets played in preventing the Dominion's invasion of the Alpha Quadrant and how Sisko's first contact with the Prophets and teaching them of the concepts linear time and exsistance outside the Celestial Temple, which some believe may have lead to all of the Prophets actions throughout history via their non-corporal nature, making this one of the most consequential actions in Bajoran, Human and overall Galactic history. Some have even cited the discoveries of Dr Richard Galen of the Preserver species seeding the Galaxy with their DNA as proof of this   While offically discouraged by both Starfleet and Sisko's family, some Bajorans have taken to visiting sites linked to Sisko's life as a form of pligramage, notably Deep Space Nine and his home city of New Orleans.
Current Status
Year of Birth
New Orleans , United States, Earth
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization


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