John VanDerveer Character in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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John VanDerveer

Lieutenant Commander VanDerveer is a Starfleet officer and a member of it's MACO Corps.   Orignally posted to the U.S.S. Buenos Aires during Operation Delta Rising, VanDerveer was among the ship's survivors after it was attacked and destroyed by Vaadwaur forces under the command of Gaul. Shortly afterwards, it was revealed on a secret mission to the Vaadwaur controlled stronghold on Kartella Prime that the Supremacy had been compromised by the same alien parasite that had infiltrated the Federation and Starfleet in 2364, known as the "Bluegill".   VanDerveer would assigned to aid an Alliance team in destroying a hive of the Bluegills found on the remote uninhabited world of Paria III. He and the team were successful, even destroying a "spawnmother" Bluegill who controlled the hive and was responsible for creating more Bluegills. This operation greatly aided efforts at disrupting the Supremacy's campaign at controlling the Quadrent as their were now far less bluegills that could potentially infect leaders both within the Supremacy and among other speices they were attacking, hampering their co-ordination significantly. This in turn also helped prevent the discrete expansion of Iconian influence throughout the quadrent via the Bluegills which would prove significantly helpful when the Iconian War began.   For his part in this action, VanDerveer was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and was reccomended to the MACOs for further tactical training. (Assigned to the USS Konshu under Kyle DeSoto?)
Current Status
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