Kathryn Janeway Character in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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Kathryn Janeway


Admiral Janeway is one most decorated Starfleet officers in history, famous for her captaincy of the USS Voyager during its 7 year soljourn across the Delta Quadrent after being standed there by the Caretaker, a powerful being seeking to redeem itself after causing immense unitentional harm on the Ocampan species, hoping to find a treatment within the genetic material of other species. After helping the Caretaker to finally complete its objective, Voyager was forced to destroy the Caretaker's array to prevent its abus by the Kazon, starting the ship's long journey that had been estimated to take around 75 years to complete.   Following Voyager's triumphant return to Earth and an extensive debrief, Janeway would recieve a promotion to admiral. She would take command of Voyager once more during the "T'urell Crisis", co-ordinating Starfleets defensive forces against the rogue Vulcan and her Borg Collective.   By 2383, Admiral Janeway took command of a new project, the slipstream-capable USS Dauntless, a geunine Federation recreation of the fake vessel that she and Voyager encountered in 237 in the Delta Quadrent. In 2374, Janeway would assume command of the Dauntless to search for her missing former first officer Captain Chakotay, following the disappearnce of the experimental USS Protostar of which he was in command. Currently, the details for this assignment are classifed, available only to authorised personnel.   In 2410, Admiral Janeway would come full circle with the experience that made her a household name, taking up command of the "Delta Rising" expedition into the Delta Quadrent following the linkage of the Solanae Dyson spheres relocation to that part of the of the Galaxy. The expedition would prove to be a massive success, leading to formal establishment of relations with hundreds of Delta Quadrent species, some which are now members of the Federation, many more in the Galactic Union and the stablisation of the region following the Vauudwaar crisis through the establishment of the local "Delta Alliance". Janeway herslef would come to represent the Federation at a number of diplomatic events, traties and Federation ascenion ceromonies.   Janeway would continue to serve Starfleet up to the current date. While originally planning her retirement in 2412, the discovery of the subspace rift in the Pandoros Expanse leading to another galaxy has lead to the Admiral deciding to put her retirement on hold and she has rejoined Starfleet on an advisory basis, providing strategic planning and insight for the newly assembled expeditionary task forces. Her expertise in long range missions will be considered invaluable in the coming days.
Current Status
Current Location
Current Residence
Galway, Ireland
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization


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