Robert April Character in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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Robert April


Admiral Robert April is one of the most distinguished officers of Starfleet and was the first captain of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701.   April would command the Enterprise between 2245 and 2250, serving alongside his wife who served as the ship's CMO. His first officer was Commander Christopher Pike, who would go on to command the Enterprise after April stepped   April would help oversee operations aginst the Klingon Empire during the Four-Years War.   In 2257, April oversaw operations against a potneital Gorn invasion of Federation space. During his time, he also provided testimony during the trial of Commander Una Chin-Riley who had been found to actually be an Illyrian, a species that at the time could not apply as Starfleet officers as they performed genetic augmentation of their species, which was     In 226 , April would retire from Starfleet and he and his wife would board the Enterprise one last time, now under the command of Captain James.T.Kirk, before settling down permanently. This was briefly delayed however when the Enterprise encountered being from a negatively-charged paraellel universe. The Enterprise became trapped in said universe during this encounter and April and his wife were forced to take command of the Enterprise one last time in order to escape due to the reverse aging effects the universe had on the ship's crew.
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