USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Vehicle in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D

The saucer section was eventually recoverd from the serface of Veridian 3 and towed back to Federation space by three California class support ships under the supervision of USS Ballard. The saucer was placed into storage while the Corps of Engineers examing it to determine wether the ship could be restored or if it had to scrapped. This examination was put on hold at the outbreak of the Dominion War and with the Corps of Engineers focusing on repairing those starships which could be quickly placed back into service. The Enterprise-D's saucer did not fit that category as it would have taken months if not years to fully bring her back to operation, even with a stardrive donated from another of her sister ships, though the option was at one point close to being approved following the loss Betazed to the Jem'hadar.   Thankfully, the war ended in a victory for the Federation and while most resources were redirected to reconstruction of the fleet and Galaxy-wide rebuilding efforts, consideration on what could be done with the Enterprise-D began once more, with calls to restore her for museum display growing. A new figure would become key to the discussion, Commander Geordi La Forge, the ships's former Chief engineer, who had become aware of the his former ship's condition following his departure from the Enterprise-E after the Battle of the Bassen Rift. La-Forge took a keen interest in the debate and heavily advocated for it's restoration, eventually gaining the approval of Admiral William Ross to oversee its restoration, providied that La Forge accept a posting heading the Fleet museum where he could work on the project after completing the construction of the Romulan evacuation fleet.   La Forge accepted the offer and the Enterprise D was carefully towed back to the Fleet Museum at Athan Prime by the USS Cerritos,
  In 2401
  The Enterpise-D continues to serve as a mueseum ship to this day and is kept meticuously maintained and preserved, even still capable of travel and is often rotated between the Museum complexs at Earth, Vulcan, Athan Prime and Bajor. It is currently interred at Starfleet's Fleet Museum annex over Athan Prime and is still listed as a reserve ship that Starfleet can call upon and recommission into active service at any time if deemed necessary. Indeed, the ship's critical role in stopping the Borg threat during 2401's Frontier Day is highlighted as key reason for this.
Owning Organization
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