USS Orville Vehicle in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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USS Orville

The USS Orville (NCC-80197) is a Elysion Class class light crusier, currently commanded by Captain Edward Mercer.   The Orville has had a storied career under it's tenure of it's latest captain, Ed Mercer. The Orville has performed first contact with mutiple species, including a population found aboard an ancient sleeper ship, one whose planet was undergoing a similar phenomenon as that found by the USS Voyager that experienced time at a faster rate, rescued the remainig survivors of a planetary clamity that destroyed most of their world, a newly warp-capable species that has based it's culture around Astrology and a currently unknown parasitic Insectoid species of indetermined origins but currently hostile in nature. The ship also discovered a pre-warp species exercising a bizarre and extreme form of Democracy via instituionalised social media.   The Orville is also notable as it has been involved in an ongoing social issue involving the J'naii, a member of which is part of the Orville's crew as well as their family The issue has caused stress and even lead to limited conflict between the Federation and the J'naii when it discovered an unmarked colony of J'naii seeking independencefor themselves. The issue remains ongoing.   The Orville also has a notable combat record. During the Klingon War of 2405 to 2410, the Orville was responsible for the capture of the rogue Klingon ship Yakar that was under orders by the renegade fanatic Ambassador Bavat to bomb Federation border worlds, stopping the ship before it could hit any of it's targets.   The Orville also served admirably throughout the Iconian War, most notably being present during the "Battle of Midnight", the final battle of the war that took place over Earth where it played an important role in preventing Iconian forces from bombarding the planet, providing enough time for reinforcements to arrive and for a ceasefire to be agreed. Currently the Orville is assigned to exploratory and supply run missions throughout the Alpha Quadrent.
  (The Orville is based on the ship, crew and stories of the Sci-fi series "The Orville" created by Seth McFarlene. The Orville is copyright of Fox Entertainment and Disney. This article is is merely a homage and Patsiche of that series and no ownership is claimed in any form regarding said series, it's intellectual property or material)
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