USS Stargazer NCC-2893 Vehicle in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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USS Stargazer NCC-2893

Currently, the Stargazer is located at the Starfleet Museum of Deep Space Exploration, sitting alongside many of the most famous Starfleet and Federation ships in history and is a popular attraction for visitors,with guided tours offered aboard the ship. Like with the Enterprise, Admiral Picard and surviving members of the Stargazer's crew have made numorous visits to the ship on special occasions, as has crew members of it's sucessors in more recent years.   Additionally, as with all other ships at the museum, while the Stargazer is no longer considered officially active, the ship remains on an emergency reserve list, whereupon it can be called into service if th case of an extreme threat to the Sol system or Earth. In the case of the Atargazer, this has occured four times , during the 2nd Borg Incursion to Earth in , the Breen attack of , the Undine assault of Earth's orbital facilities in 2410 and the "Battle of Midnight" at the end of the Iconian War, whereupon it was using to transport people out of the danger zones and provide relief efforts after the immediate attacks.
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