USS Voyager Vehicle in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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USS Voyager

(Voyager bridge crew circa 2377)       Image taken in 2370
In retrospect, this seemingly pedestrian image is rather poignant. Taken in Earth Station Leyte during early 2371, it captures three historically important starships in a single image. At the foreground is the USS Defiant, preparing for its deployment to Deep Space Nine. Behind is the USS Enterprise-D, which is transferring several personnel to the station. At the background is the newly completed USS Voyager, fresh from her performance tuning phase.   Also noteworthy is the Steamrunner Class USS Menehune, which is passing by.  
There was an idea, to gather a remarkable group of people."   At Deep Space Nine, three legendary Starfleet crews are preparing for a joint operation, the details of which are still classified. At the outskirts of the system, elements of the 3rd, 6th and 7th UFP Fleets are being gathered. All non-essential personnel have also been evacuated from the station.   By 2382, Voyager was offically decommissioned and, in light of it's historic journey, was designated a museum ship. After a layover in the system and a strange but brief issueinvolving the idsocvoery of leftover macorganisms, the ship was located at the Presido at San Fransisco for temporary display
  After Voyager's stay here, the ship was then taken to the fleet museum at Alten Prime.
  In 2409, with the Federation suffering increasing losses across multiple battlefronts, Admiral Tuvok recommissioned Voyager into active service, taking the ship as his personal flagship. Voyager would lead the newly emeging Delta Alliance of the Federation, Klingon Empire and Romulan Republic as it returned to the Delta Quadrent as part of Operation: Delta Rising via the newly discvered Solanae dyson sphere.
For I dipt into the future, far as human eye can see; Saw the Vision of the World, and all the wonder that would be."
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