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Maximilian Eroun

Commander Maximilian Eroun

Early Life

"You ever wonder why every blasted thing is censored nowadays?"
— Max, to his brother, Mik, on the status of information on Serenno   Maximilian Eroun, or simply Max, was born into the lower nobility on the Outer Rim planet of Serenno amidst the twilight of the Clone Wars. Max was far too young to comprehend the true significance of the events in the years following his birth. By the time he learned to speak, the war was a nigh-unspoken shadow of the past. Serenno had been a hard-line Separatist planet; the home of Dooku, hero for those oppressed under the Galactic Republic's boot. It should be no surprise then that Max's parents seldom spoke of the war, or their allegiance, when the Empire began its occupation.   Nevertheless his upbringing was that of the privileged few. While Max was a member of the lower nobility, the Eroun family had no shortage of wealth to throw around when a cost was deemed important. Young Max's education was the best money and status could buy in the sector. From a young age Max was immersed in knowledge on how the galaxy worked - from trade and economics, to politics both local and interplanetary. Yet, to him, that wasn't his calling. Despite his role as heir apparent to his family's barony, he simply strove for the bare minimum effort required by his learning institutions. Instead he found himself delving through local archival institutions in his free time. He had founds his calling in the search for uncensored info detailing the events before and during the Clone Wars. In his research he found a role model in the legend of Dooku 'the war hero'. He wanted to know the reasons why Count Dooku of Serenno fought for the independence of the Outer Rim, and the reasons why the Confederacy lost - a hobby that neared obsession in his early teenage years. He would spend hours theorizing hypothetical solutions to the flaws in the tactics and strategies the CIS employed against the Republic, occasionally asking his slightly less-enthused younger brother for input. Even with this pastime, he adhered to the expectations that his family had placed on him; that is until he got the first taste of freedom from home. To the surprise of his family and peers, he elected to attend university on Coruscant not as an aspiring businessman or leading politician, but as an analyst. He intended to take the skills he learned and apply them to humanitarian efforts across the galaxy — a galaxy that still was suffering the effects of the Clone Wars. While his father was understanding, his mother disapproved and argued for Max to relinquish his claims to the house — a term that he complied with mostly willingly. As Dooku once relinquished his role as Count to join the Jedi before their corruption, perhaps Max could let go of his for now.      

Young Adulthood

"I expected the center of the galaxy to be a little brighter..." — Max Eroun on the greyness of Coruscant   Stripped of his title in 3 BBY, the then 17 year-old Serennian still retained his wealth; due in no small part to his father and younger brother's sympathy. Yet, the freighters from Serenno to Coruscant offered little in the way of luxury. Packed with thirty-thousandsome other beings, Eroun found some relief in traveling with fellow Serennians, most of whom were bound for the same institution. Among this group of nobles and scholars was a young duchess by the name of Mireille Nem, an aspiring stateswoman. Eroun displayed a mere passing interest in the Duchess, initially just glad that he had met friends of similar upbringing and culture. These feelings would gradually turn to admiration for Nem as she openly expressed her egalitarian ideals despite being in the very heart of the Empire. Eroun would finally be completely infatuated with the Duchess as she displayed her prodigious skill in organizing and rallying people for a cause, no matter the potential for danger. So much was this infatuation that he reconsidered becoming a statesman in an attempt to impress her.      

Early Vigilantism

"Brainy, brave, and beautiful - I see why you were quick to get your wings." — Wes Janson, to Max Eroun   In 1 BBY, Eroun briefly returned to Serenno for vacation. He would find little rest on his homeworld as his vacation would be marked with rising tensions between the populace and their Imperial overseers. During one evening he witnessed a group of of masked vigilantes, known as 'The Wentocs', narrowly thwart an Imperial garrison's attempt to fire into a peaceful protest. Caught in the resulting chaos, Eroun observed the combat from a distance. He would later haphazardly join the fight upon realizing Mireille Nem was among the masked fighters; nearly losing his life in the process had it not been for Nem's prowess with a blaster. Mireille lead Max back to her group's hideout in order to prevent him from being identified should the Empire have sent reinforcements. Fearing that Eroun may be a loose end, a number of the vigilantes offered the idea of killing him. This option was ruled out by Nem, who revealed herself as the group's leader. However, Eroun was to remain with them until the search for them settled down.   Sympathizing with his protectors, uncomfortable with the idea of being sheltered, and prompted by an urge to impress Nem, Max began to voluntarily train with the other fighters. While he never improved his mediocre skill with long-blasters, over time he found a knack for shooting with blaster pistols and tossing grenades. To no one's surprise, Max offered to join the group when offered the chance to leave. During the latter months of his vacation, The Wentocs successfully raided a Hutt-affiliated spice distribution den that had been exploiting the local populace. Among the spoils of that raid were a pair of Z-95 Headhunter fighters. Perhaps as a sign of growing trust, Mireille entrusted one of the Z-95s to Max — much to the jealousy of her subordinates — keeping the second one for herself. The two both agreed that starfighter piloting would be an invaluable skill should they ever end up extending the reach of their operation. The pair worked tirelessly to hone their skills in the time they had, and while they were far from ace pilots, they achieved a comfortable level of competency. Unfortunately, the Hutts did not take too kindly to their spice operation being disrupted on Serenno. While Max and Mireille conducted a training flight, a group of Hutt mercenaries discovered the Wentoc hideout. Outnumbered, the remaining Wentoc members were wiped out by the mercenaries. By the time the piloting duo returned, the hideout had been reduced to rubble, and the surviving mercenaries had departed. Devastated and enraged by the loss of her comrades, Nem questioned a wounded mercenary as to the location of the other attackers before executing him and all other surviving mercenaries. Eroun's attempts to convince Nem that it was too dangerous to pursue the remaining mercenaries proved to be futile. As a result, he found himself chasing after Nem when she remounted her fighter in the aim of avenging her fellow patriots. The pair tracked down the mercenaries fleeing in a group of modified light freighters. After determining that the freighters contained those responsible for the attack, and making sure that authorities were nowhere near to observe, Nem opened fire. Both of the surviving vigilantes found themselves in their first true dogfights with the fleeing freighters. Towards the end of the fight, the final mercenary freighter was disabled but intact. Despite tensions working against peacefully ending concluding the battle, Max convinced Mireille to spare the surviving freighter. He decisively reneged on his mercy when one of the mercenaries onboard taunted them and threatened to come after the duo and reveal their identities. Only after he pulled the trigger did he realize that it was likely a bluff. Even still, the risk to be tracked down was still deemed too great by both of them. The duo ditched and destroyed their fighters so as to make it seem that they had crashed, presumably faking their deaths and preventing any Hutt mercenaries from tracking them via their ownership. In the time before they had to return to Coruscant, the two began a romantic relationship.      

Galaxy In Turmoil

"They were skeptical when Jedha was destroyed, they said nothing when the Senate was dissolved, and they resigned themselves to their fate when Alderaan was reduced to ash." "You realize that we're contemplating open rebellion. One step in this direction, even the tiniest one, and we can't go back." "We have to try. It won't be easy, but it's a lot easier than standing by and doing nothing." — Mireille Nem and Max Eroun   Eroun, along with Nem, returned to Coruscant in late 1 BBY to resume his studies. While he kept a rounded knowledge base, he began delving into military tactics and history far more than he had done even as a young boy. Archives were too old for this; military reports on recent anti-pirate and anti-insurgent activity became the subject of Eroun's scrutiny - even the obviously censored ones. Over time he came to realize something that the Imperials had tried to censor: Many of these attacks were organized, and more importantly, linked. He had discovered that there was, indeed, an organized rebel effort out in the Outer Rim. He immediately shared his findings with Nem. The two privately celebrated when they heard news of Lothal being liberated. They shared a spark of hope that the same could be done to create an independent Serenno.   This good news would soon be overshadowed. Months later, Eroun learned of the destruction of Jedha City through rumors spread by colleagues and instructors. This news would be compounded with the dissolution of the Senate just a few days later, and finally culminate with The Disaster at Alderaan. While news was slow to disseminate through Coruscant and the other Core Worlds, it would eventually reach Max. His first feelings were of genuine fear; fear for the safety of his home and family. He began contemplating abandoning his ideals and resigning himself to life as an obedient citizen of the Empire, and thus abandoning the dream of an independent Serenno. These ideals were reaffirmed by Nem and reports that the space station responsible for the destruction was successfully destroyed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Furthermore, the battle for the space station had taken place in the Yavin system, a metaphorical stone's throw away from Serenno. Open war had been declared and, for the first time, the opportunity to join a large rebellion presented itself to the pair. While Eroun still had his reservations, he was ultimately convinced to join the effort by Nem. The two departed Coruscant at the end of their term, and traveled back to Serenno on a notably less crowded freighter.   Upon their return to Serenno, Eroun attempted to visit his childhood home but was dismayed at the fact that it appeared abandoned. He subsequently received news that his parent's history as hardline separatist backers had been leaked to the Imperials by an unknown source. They had been relocated to a tenement in the city of Carannia, and most of their wealth had been surrendered to Imperial officials. Suspecting that the Imperials would search for him in the event that they found anything condemning in his childhood room, he notified Mireille and remotely contacted his family before cutting communications with both and attempting to make contact with the Rebellion.      

Early Career

"I'm surrounded by men and women who've been flying all their lives. Pilots far more skilled than I'll ever be have been blasted to smithereens." "And yet, you're still here." "If you're trying to imply that I'm anything but lucky then-" "The Commander insists there's no such thing as luck; I'm inclined to believe him." — Max Eroun and Zev Senesca   Upon making contact with the rebel cell on Serenno, Eroun quickly made himself useful. From even his limited experience with the Wentocs, he had a keener understanding of Imperial operations on the planet than many in the cell - most of whom were raw recruits that had signed up following the victory at Yavin. For the next few months Eroun would only occasionally see action, primarily finding his role at the planning table. When greater ties had been made with the Alliance High Command, Eroun expected to assume command of the Serenno cell so that the existing cell leader would be moved to the main Alliance fleet. This was not meant to be however, as Eroun was instead the one selected to be moved to the main fleet, much to his surprise.   In the opening days of 1 ABY, Eroun would be transferred aboard the Independence. Whilst onboard he would serve as a tactical advisor and a reserve escort starfighter pilot should the ship be in danger; the latter happening often throughout that year. He would also reunite with Mireille Nem who had since far outranked Eroun and had been immediately initiated into the main Alliance fleet. Eroun suspects that his promotion and assignment are both likely due to Nem's influence. Nevertheless, while it was uncommon for Eroun to be involved direct combat in major fleet engagements, he would accumulate experience in his personal T-65B X-wing starfighter throughout the small skirmishes that put the Independence in danger. Despite his competency, Eroun would express remorse over fallen comrades and questioned his survival, especially when compared to the fates of superior dogfighters.   Sometime in early 3 ABY he would be transferred to the newly established Echo Base on Hoth.

Young human noble hailing from Serenno, acting as the commander of Black Squadron.

View Character Profile
23 Years Old
20 BBY 4 ABY 24 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Son of fallen nobility.
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Goshar Vowl
Place of Death
Dark Green
Black / Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft. 9 in. / 1.75 m
176 lb.
Aligned Organization

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