Cosa Thancell

Cosa is a beautiful Naboo woman, with jet black hair and more than a few oil and grease smudges across her fair freckled face. She can often been seen in work overalls, welding googles on and beneath the engine manifolds of the Eventide or clambering into its many mechanical spaces in search of things to fix or improve.   She is a shy woman, though not timid. She will talk your ears off all day about the Eventide, its engine spaces, work that she has done or needs doing, what modifications would do it well, and everything droid. Outside of these topics she is awkward, stuttering, and unsure of herself. She is a loyal friend, and willing to help anyone who asks for it.    She finds all droids, except GNK droids, to be incredibly 'cute'. Her own droid, EV-E3, is the closest thing to a best friend and pet that a droid could be. Seen following her around at all hours, EV-E3 assists her both on and off the ship as a loyal companion and steadfast mechanic. Cosa's ability to keep any ship running, even one as beat up and neglected as the Eventide, is almost mythical. Much like Jolder, she prefers to repaint just about every droid the crew acquires to more lively and complex patterns.

A twenty-something Naboo woman, Cosa Thancell is a capable mechanic and survivor. Extremely friendly to a fault, she is willing to help anyone and everyone, and knows more about engines and starships than most could ever hope to learn. Her new droid companion, EV-E3, is an invaluable help to her on the Eventide.

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