Escape from Raxus Prime

The members of the newly formed Party have found themselves all stranded on the junk world of Raxus Prime, for one reason or another. They must band together to find a way off the planet.   Cale Endar and Maeveli Larkhorn, working on a small freighter named the Aurora, have been booted off the ship by its Captain, Carslaw Lipst. According to the Captain, some of the crew have started to clue into their hidden identities, and the Captain fears it might draw the attention of the Empire. The quickly move to disappear into the crowd of the Terra Firma Junker Station.   Jolder Kar'dral leads a Rebel Y-Wing squadron on a hit and run attack on an Imperial I-Class destroyer, having already successfully damaged one of its engines and its main hyperdrive. The attack run is successful, further damaging it, however a squadron of TIE Fighters are scrambled to intercept the rebel squadron. Jolder provides cover as long as she can for her wingmen, but is shot down before she can make her own jump to hyperspace. Her Y-Wing careens onto the planets surface, knocking her unconscious for some time. She is awoken by Mir Stodja, a Nautolan hermit who lives in the Wastes. He offers to assist her in getting to the local town, and they end up walking in circles for some time.   Tar Tali'sar, a local scrapper on Terra Firma, sees the crashing Y-Wing and knows that a fresh crash could be full of valuable parts. He sets off in the direction of the crash, unsuccessfully avoiding the Forsaken thugs who are looking to reinforce that he has an unpaid debt to them. He eventually stumbles onto Mir and Jolder wandering through the wastes and 'rescues' them. They make their way to the Waiting Sun cantina, where they have a run-in with the Forsaken leader, Jensa. He strongly encourages that they go to the arena that evening so that Tar may understand what happens to people who owe him money. Cale and Maeveli overhear this, and follow as well.   In the arena, Mez, the captured Padawan is forced into the arena to fight an adult Dianoga, and is saved by the actions of Jolder, Mir, Maeveli, and Cale. They quickly escape as Forsaken thugs poor in, running into the Wastes to hide out and make a plan.   In the Wastes they encounter junk droids, and Mir tells them of a junk temple he had supposedly discovered along with ravings about a mask and skull. Overnight in Mirs hovel they feel the presence of a large force entity, something looking for them as they stay hidden. The party makes their way to the junk temple, sneaking past or fighting junk droids, behemoths, Gonk Droid terrorists, and a junk titan. They discover the temple is an effigy of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and is inhabited by former Jedi Kazdan Paratus, who has lost his mind. They fight him in the Jedi Council chambers, along with the effigies of the former council members, while trying to avoid hurting him. They are dropped deep down below the junk temple into the ruins of an Ancient Sith temple that the junk temple effigy was built upon.   In the Sith Temple they encounter sith spirits, and eventually stumble onto an altar with the Unknown Mask hovering on it. They are confronted again by Kazdan Paratus, who brings down the temple with the force as the party escapes.   While on their way back to Mir's hovel, they find the ship Kazdan Paratus used to escape Order 66, a Consular class cruiser in fairly decent shape. They realize it will need repairs, and that the problem will require help from someone in town. Mir recommends Cosa Thancell, a local mechanic who is friendly and usually willing to help. She agrees, going out to the ship to fix its broken power coupler. Cale and the Party over to bring her with them as they leave Raxus, and she agrees. They name the ship the Eventide, and take off from the planet.
Completion Date
28 Aug 22