
Galactic Basic Standard (or Galactic Basic, Galactic Standard, Galaxy Standard or just Basic) is the most prevalent language in the galaxy.

Writing System


Basic is usually written from left to right; however, it can also be written from top to bottom (as seen in Junior Jedi Knights: Lyric's World, in the Massassi inscriptions).


Star Wars authors have coined original English-like words derived from real English elements but which don't exist in the English language; they seem useful to a space-driven civilization of the Star Wars characters, but totally useless for our daily language. Some such words are "gentlebeing" (equivalent to "gentleman," but applicable to all species, including non-humanoid ones), "offworlder," "bird" (slang for spaceship, similar to how an aircraft is a "bird" in US military slang), "hyperspace," "homeworld," "spacer," "sentientologist," "youngling" ("young" plus suffix "-ling," meaning "person") and other technological terms like blaster, midi-chlorian, droid (from android), durasteel, astrogation, etc.   However, Basic vocabulary includes some totally original words, of unexplainable etymology, unrelated to English, like Moff, Jedi, Padawan, Darth, etc., or even compounds like Twi'lek ("twin lekku"). It is possible that such terms are loanwords or are derived from other languages.


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