The Naboo

The Naboo (singular "Naboo"), sometimes known as the Royal Naboo, were the Human inhabitants of the planet Naboo. They were not native to the world, but they became the dominant intelligent life-form there.   The Naboo descended from the Grizmalltian Humans who fled a violent revolution on their planet. Led by spacer Kwilaan, they colonized Naboo and settled in the mountains and great grass plains around 3864 BrS. For a time, the stranded colonists lived as a nomadic tribe and wandered in the Gallo Mountains in search of a site they could settle. They subsequently arrived at the Dee'ja Peak, and they started a farming community on that land, equipped with wind turbines.[9] Over time, other communities were founded, and they gradually evolved into cities.
At first, the colonists clashed with the indigenous Gungans, a species of land-dwelling amphibians. After years of bloody conflicts between the two people, those who had renamed themselves "the Naboo" chose to reinvent their culture. They decided to place pacifism and rationalism above all other values and elected a queen to govern themselves. The Naboo had changed from a group of greedy adventurers to a pacific society with a tradition of selecting their rulers based on intelligence rather than might.   Around 832 BrS, Republic officials approached the descendants of the Grizmalltian colonists with an offer to join. Despite their current difficulties, the Naboo accepted. While they remained spatially isolated from the rest of the Republican space, the Naboo soon began trading with other systems.   Cultural differences led to tension between the two peoples—but direct conflict was rare. Over time there was more conflict between the various Human settlements than between the Naboo and Gungans. The Gungans believed the Naboo to be "pompous cowards" while the Naboo believed the Gungans to be "barbarians." This attitude lasted until Queen Amidala united the Gungans and Naboo to fight the Trade Federation in the Battle of Naboo.   Naboo politics often involved large numbers of teenaged Naboo in government work, a result of the Naboo ideal of valuing inner purity and innocence over political ability. This often resulted in individuals receiving positions far beyond their own level of competence and being left vulnerable to manipulation, such as the case of Queen Amidala and Senator Palpatine.


Major language groups and dialects

The Human Naboo possessed their own distinct language, although many of them also spoke Galactic Basic Standard. Omar Berenko's epic poem "Defense of Naboo" was a notable example of a work written in the Naboo. They also developed their own alphabet, known as Futhark, a style of traditional, handwritten calligraphy which was derived from the Royal Script of Grizmallt. While Futhark was the official form, the reliance of all of its letters on ovals made it hard to read. This difficulty led to an adaptation to the more practical Futhork. In the last decades of the Galactic Republic, the art of writing in Futhork was still taught at schools, although even the farmers could write in both Futhork and Aurebesh fluently. In the height of the New Republic, the use of the Futhork alphabet was already three and a half millennia old.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken
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