Chapter 2

Plot points/Scenes

Scene 1: The Jedi have successfully returned to Coruscant, and have fulfilled their obligations to Volven Roxe. While he would not have admitted it openly he was pleased that they were able to retrieve the package and return in one piece. Tatooine was a planet filled with ruffians, thugs, and desperate people just trying to get by. Surviving that would have been enough to prove their worth to him. The Shistavanen wanted any excuse to have them around a bit longer; they were late! That was enough for him. He tried to use this excuse to coerce them into more work for him. However, the masters of the two young padawans came to the rescue. Their frightful presence was enough to scare Volven away...for now. He vowed to be back. The Jedi council wished to speak with the four adventurers about their experiences up to this point and requested their presence at the Jedi Temple. While some only came with the prospect of compensation, the rest came willingly and without any objections.   Scene 2: After recounting their experiences on Naboo, Coruscant, and Tatooine up to this point, members of the council showed great concern for the events occurring across the galaxy. Of particular concern to them was information the heroes recovered about someone named Lord Tyranus and a Separatist movement. The Jedi were asked to see their masters privately. The Mandalorian was compensated for his part in assisting the adventurers in the sum of credits. He went on his way and all that was left was Kayle. They could sense the force within him and would like to know more about him. They discovered that his memories had been blocked by a Force user on Felucia, where Kayle had survived a terrible accident at the lab he worked. The Jedi told him that they could help him if he wished it. He politely refused. He went to several clinics, where he used his connections to get scans of all types. Nothing was wrong. If there was anything it was not showing up on their scans. After several doctors, and several days, Kayle returned to the Jedi Council and sought their help. Together with Master Yoda, Kayle went to a meditation chamber to attempt to breach the block in his mind. Despite several attempts, the block could not be breached and his memory remained locked. Yoda suggested that he return to Felucia to speak with the person that blocked his mind. Yoda also said that they would assist him in getting there as the Jedi are interested in the force users on this planet.    Scene 3: The heroes are gathered and told they are to assist Kayle on his return to Felucia. Force users there have blocked his memory and he must see them and have it unblocked. The Jedi council orders the Padawans to accompany him in order to study the locals and their traditions to see if they may be allies or threats. Tychus, the Mandalorian that accompanied them before is also requested to accompany them to Felucia. He will be compensated for his time and his efforts in the form of a large sum of credits.



Plot type
Chapter 2
Parent Plot


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