Plo Koon

Jedi Master Plo Koon

"Sergeant, why are you so certain no one is coming?" "We're just clones, sir. We're meant to be expendable." "Not to me." ―Plo Koon And Clone Sergeant Sinker
  Plo Koon was a Kel Dor Jedi Master serving as a member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic. He frequently undertook dangerous missions. He was the Jedi who found Ahsoka Tano, from that moment, share a special bond. He was among the Jedi who participated in the Battle of Geonosis. He became a High Jedi General in the Clone Wars and took part in such conflicts as the Battle of Abregado and the Second Battle of Felucia.   Koon had an uncle and a niece, Sha Koon, who was also a member of the Jedi Order, and served as a personal communicator between the Jedi strike force and the rest of the Republic during the Stark Hyperspace War. He was a close friend of fellow Masters Qui-Gon Jinn (whom he fought alongside during the Stark Hyperspace War), Micah Giiett, Ki-Adi-Mundi and noted fighter pilot Saesee Tiin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"You always were the most humble, polite, stubborn, and difficult Padawan, Plo." ―Tyvokka
  Native to the planet Dorin, homeworld of the Kel Dor species, Koon was accustomed to breathing in an atmosphere containing little oxygen, forcing him to wear an anti-oxygen (antiox) breath mask when abroad. Born into a family strong in the Force, Koon's own Force-sensitivity was discovered early and he was turned over to the Jedi Order early on in his infancy for training. Like his uncle before him, Koon was trained at the Coruscant Jedi Temple's academy for most of his childhood years, eventually passing the Initiate Trials and becoming eligible to be selected as a Padawan. Selected by the esteemed Jedi High Council member, Jedi Master Tyvokka, Koon had a reputation for making quick and clear distinctions between right and wrong. Often taking swift, decisive action with little or no thought of repercussions; this attitude, combined with Koon's sarcastic wit, often tried the patience of his Jedi Master.   Eventually, Koon's niece, Sha Koon, was also discovered to be eligible for training and was inducted into the Order. While not shirking the Jedi rules of attachment, they did have a meaningful relationship, sharing insights with each other and forming a strong bond. After years of study with Master Tyvokka, Koon was ready to take the Trials of Knighthood, eventually completing them successfully and being elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight by the High Council.

Jedi Knight

"Fame, recognition—a Jedi does not seek these things. It was enough to serve and have good come from that." ―Plo Koon
  Remaining close with his former master, Koon studied as a Jedi Guardian independently, taking on missions that often required that he demonstrate his skill with a lightsaber, rather than diplomacy. Additionally, Koon would return to his homeworld at some point in his career, studying the ways of the Baran Do and earning a place in their order. After years of hard work and service, Koon's former master approached him with an offer to join the ranks of the High Council. Humbly declining in favor of a stronger mind, like that of his friend Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Koon did accept a mission that Tyvokka was leading on the world of Troiken.   Acting as diplomats for the Galactic Republic, Koon, and the other Jedi were to negotiate peace between the Trade Federation and the pirate Iaco Stark. Stark had been stealing bacta supplies from cargo vessels and selling them at lower prices than the Trade Federation could afford to offer, forcing the Federation to petition the Galactic Senate to intervene on their behalf. However, some factions in the government wanted more decisive action, and they organized an attack on Stark's forces, which caused the negotiations to degenerate into a firefight. Plo Koon watched in disbelief as Tyvokka was killed in the crossfire. Koon was by his master's side as he died, Koon devastated by his loss.  

Jedi High Council

"A Jedi does not cling to sorrow, young Padawan. We accept it. Sorrow is a part of life as well as joy. There are gifts to be found, even in death and sorrow…strange gifts. We accept this, we learn, and we go on." ―Koon, to Aayla Secura
  Following his decisive victory over Iaco Stark, Plo Koon was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master and was given a life-time seat on the Jedi High Council in honor of his Master's dying wish.[9] While on the Council, Koon formed a very close friendship with fellow Council member Micah Giiett and went on many adventures with him. Their constant verbal sparring made them appear as rivals, but those close to the two Jedi Masters understood that they were indeed good friends.   During a mission to Shili, Plo Koon found an infant, Force-sensitive Togruta named Ahsoka Tano. Taking her to the Temple for training, he kept an eye on her progression through the academy, nicknaming her "Little Soka" and maintaining a close bond with her. By the time of the Yinchorri Uprising, Koon took a permanent seat on the Council of Reconciliation with Oppo Rancisis. During the uprising in the Yinchorri system, Masters Koon and Giiett led a party of Jedi in search of the Yinchorri rebels' secret base of operations. Finding nothing on Yibikkoror's floating city, the team met up with the other two groups on Yinchorr. With Jedi Lilit Twoseas and Padawan K'Kruhk fighting alongside Koon, the Kel Dor Jedi agreed to get the other Jedi off-world while a dying Master Giiett sacrificed himself during their escape. In honor of his fallen friend, Koon took over the training of Giiett's Padawan, Bultar Swan and eventually saw her rise to the rank of Knight. When the High Council discovered that the terrorist group known as the Jin'ha were synthesizing cortosis ore on the planet Obredaan, Masters Koon and Eeth Koth were dispatched to investigate and put an end to the production of the illegal substance. After their transport was destroyed, the two Masters were captured; the Council immediately sent Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi when they lost communications with the two Councilors. Master Jinn was able to locate the Masters in a holding facility and released them, joining his Padawan at the synthesizing facility to defeat the terrorists there. After the fighting and the destruction of the facility, Koon joined his comrades in witnessing a Trade Federation gunship fly over the planet, suggesting a link between the Jin'Ha and the Trade Federation. Koon later had a training duel with Kenobi in the Jedi Temple, with Kenobi proving successful.  

Battle of Naboo

  While one of the High Council's most valued members for his knowledge and combat experience, Koon remained silent at most meetings; rarely joining in debates and simply listening to the deep discussions of his peers. During this time, Koon took on the Trandoshan Padawan Lissarkh, training her in the ways of the Force. Plo Koon was present when his friend Master Jinn reported his suspicions that the Sith Lords of the past were not extinct as once thought, but rather in hiding and preparing to reveal themselves. Additionally, Jinn claimed to have discovered a vergence in the Force, the Chosen One of prophecy: Anakin Skywalker. The Council was skeptical of the boy's suitability, and Jinn's usual headstrong attitude did nothing to help matters. Before the Council came to a final decision, Jinn was killed on Naboo by a Zabrak assassin whose training in the dark side of the Force made Jinn's assertion of the return of the Sith incontrovertible. Traveling to Naboo with half the Council for Jinn's funeral, Koon and the other Councilors allowed Skywalker to be trained as a favor to Jinn's memory.   Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, Plo Koon traveled with fellow Jedi High Council members Mace Windu, Yaddle, Adi Gallia, Even Piell, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Mundi's Padawan, A'Sharad Hett to Malastare to negotiate a truce between the Lannik royals and a terrorist group known as the Red Iaro. He gave A'Sharad Hett some advice on how he could spend time by looking at the artwork that was all around them. After the first meeting, the Jedi were offered a lift back to their quarters by the Lannik adviser called Hurtar Zash. Zash and the Lannik pilots unexpectedly turned on the Jedi and attempted to kill them. After defeating them, Yaddle flew them down to Windu, Gallia, and Piell who were falling through a podrace. The Jedi speculated that the terrorists planned to kill the Lannik Prince and made for his building. They crashed through the building just before the Prince was eaten by an akk dog. Plo Koon attempted to stop the Red Iaro leader, Myk'chur Finux Zug, but he activated his jetpack and flew through the hole the Jedi had made when they crash-landed; however, he was instantly killed by a podracer.   Partnering with Master Gallia, Plo Koon accompanied Master of the Order Mace Windu to the world of Kiffex in order to rescue Jedi Quinlan Vos. Vos, who had been sent to stop a powerful Dark Jedi called Volfe Karkko weeks before, had lost contact with the Temple and in apparent need of rescue. Warned off by Sheyf Tinté Vos, the Jedi landed none the less and were relieved to find Vos victorious after his confrontation with the Anzati Dark Jedi.   Plo Koon remained on the High Council for the next decade, witnessing a growing public discontent with the galactic government and the Jedi Order. A splinter group known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems emerged, led by a former Jedi who had now taken the name, Count Dooku. At the same time, a group calling itself the People's Inquest began enlisting support for a motion that would have forced the Jedi Order to be more accountable to the government. Plo Koon himself was forced to defend the Temple from the group, persuading them to disperse after a minor incident in the public atrium.   Show Spoiler
When an assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala's life caused an uproar in the Senate, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine held a meeting with representatives of the High Council and the Loyalist Committee—a meeting which Koon attended alongside Masters Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Yoda, Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee. Soon after, Koon was present to receive a coded message from Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was trapped on the world of Geonosis and taken captive by the leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This act set in motion a series of events that would lead to the start of the Clone Wars.

Accomplishments & Achievements

"My saber is ready!" ―Plo Koon
Plo Koon was a Jedi Master so powerful that the Sith Lord Darth Maul considered him to be one of the greatest Jedi warriors of his time, though they never dueled one another. Koon was a master of telekinesis and could move objects without having to face them. He also used a forbidden Force technique called Electric Judgment. To many Jedi, this seemed to be too close to the Force lightning employed by the enemies of the Jedi—the fearsome Sith Lords. Koon also had armored talons that were based on a traditional Kel Dor design. They were used to protect his sensitive fingertips and were also able to focus and increase the range of his Force powers. Plo Koon possessed extensive knowledge of the physical sciences. In particular, he used his expert knowledge of physics along with the Force to alter the environment—the resourceful Jedi could create small whirlwinds as well as a dense fog over a limited area, freeze tiny rivers and lakes, and raise or lower the temperature of his surroundings enough to incapacitate an opponent.   In addition to the Jedi, Koon also belonged to the Baran Do, a Force sect predating the Jedi from his homeworld of Dorin, as members of his family had been over the centuries. As such, he was a master of a number of their techniques, such as ayna-seff.   Possessing great strength, Koon was a master of hand-to-hand combat. He was also a master of the fifth form of lightsaber combat, Shien.[44][48] Master Plo was considered to be one of the most skilled swordsmen in the Jedi Order and was capable of fending off the infamous Jedi hunter Asajj Ventress while being encumbered by a broken arm. He was also trained in the use of Ataru.[49] According to Anakin Skywalker, the Ken Dor was one of a few Jedi to have ever defeated Grand Master Yoda in a lightsaber duel.[50]   Koon was a skilled pilot and his piloting skills were as well known as his abilities with a lightsaber. Some people considered him to be the third-best pilot in the Jedi Order after Anakin Skywalker and Saesee Tiin. Koon also had the ability to breathe and survive in space for a short period of time owing to his thick Kel Dor hide.

Morality & Philosophy

Like many of his kind, Koon had a strong sense of justice. His species tended to see issues in black and white, and favored what was termed "rough justice", a method of solving disputes that, to non-Kel Dor, seemed overly retributive and too close to vigilantism. In his youth, Koon's Master Tyvokka said that he was "humble, polite, stubborn and difficult".


Anesidora Anatoray

Jedi Knight (Important)

Towards Plo Koon



Plo Koon

Master (Important)

Towards Anesidora Anatoray



Character Location
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Light Side
Current Location
Current Residence
Black with Silver Irises
1.88 m
80 kg
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Plo Koon by Alexrd


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