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The Bone Yard


A hulking behemoth of a scrapyard, the Bone Yard sprawls across acres of the Undercity's Dead Lands. Mountains of salvaged scrap metal pierce the perpetual twilight, casting jagged shadows across flickering bioluminescent lights. Rusted starship hulls huddle like skeletal giants, stripped bare by scavengers and time. The air crackles with the buzz of welding torches and the rhythmic clang of hammers against metal.  


Gnar, a wizened Chadra-fan with eyes like chipped obsidian and a grin that could charm credits out of a Hutt.  


Scavengers, tinkerer-droids, bounty hunters on a budget, and the occasional desperate spacer in need of a quick engine fix. The Bone Yard welcomes all, provided they pay in cold, hard credits or something more... interesting.  


Anything and everything, from salvaged spaceship components and scavenged weapons to repurposed droid parts and forgotten trinkets of lost civilizations. Gnar has a knack for finding buried treasures in the trash heaps, and his prices are a gamble in themselves. One might walk away with a bargain for the ages, or find themselves saddled with a faulty power core that could detonate like a moon-sized firecracker.  


Raucous, chaotic, and strangely exhilarating. The air is thick with the scents of grease, welding fumes, and the desperate hope of finding your next payday amidst the mountains of junk. Deals are struck in whispers and shouts, alliances formed and broken over shared bottles of synth-rum. Violence is swift and brutal, but Gnar maintains a fragile peace within his domain, knowing a full-blown brawl would be bad for business (and probably end with a lot of expensive scrap getting turned into scrapier scrap).  


Whispers abound of an ancient Sith artifact, lost somewhere within the Bone Yard's labyrinthine depths. Some say it whispers secrets of forgotten power, others claim it's cursed and brings doom to those who seek it. Gnar denies all knowledge, of course, with a wink and a sly grin that suggests he knows more than he's letting on.  


Basic Repairs Droids Basic Systems 2d6*10 credits per hour
Basic Repairs Starships Non-Critical Systems 4d6*100 credits per hour
Advanced Repairs Requires specific skill checks Cost varies based on complexity
Information Broker Gnar guides you through the Bone Yard for specific components (success based on Persuasion/Investigation checks 500 credits + 10% of component value
Scavenger Hunt Gnar offers vague rumors and leads (accuracy based on Deception/Insight checks) 100 credits per rumor
Custom Fabrication Gnar can create unique gadgets and tools from salvaged parts (requires specific skill checks and rare components) negotiable price based on complexity and materials


Droid Parts  Common (utility limbs, sensors) 10-50 credits
Droid Parts Uncommon (advanced processors, motivators) 50-200 credits
Droid Parts Rare (experimental modules, cybernetic enhancements) 200-1000 credits
Starship Components Common (engin parts, wiring, panels) 200-1000 credits
Starship Components Uncommon (power cores, hyperdrives, navigation systems) 1000-5000 credits
Starship Components Rare (experimental weaponry, shielded compartments, escape pods) 5000-20000 credits
Weapons Common (blasters, stun batons, vibroblades) 100-500 credits
Weapons Uncommon (sniper rifles, grenades, thermal detonators) 500-1000 credits
Weapons Rare (prototype blasters, ion cannons, lightsabers) 1000-5000 cedits
Misc Tools, cloting, scavenged artifacts Prices vary based on rarity and usefulness
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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