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Jun-Jin Augara

Jun-Jin Augara, simply known as Jun is a male force sensitive Otolla Gungan born and raised in the small Gungan city of Otoh Nilu on the planet of Naboo. Jun is the only son and middle child to Kus-Jin and Jinna Augara. Born in the Year 5332, Jun spent the majority of his early childhood on his family's farm. At the age of six in the Year 5338, Jun as well as his family discovered that he was force sensitive when the Jedi Order sent one of their Masters to speak with his parents. The Jedi Master had come to talk with his parents, meet the boy himself as well as his siblings. After spending roughly an hour getting to know the boy and his family, the Jedi Master inquired about taking Jun back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. His parents were apprehensive at first, this was no surprise to the Jedi but he was eventually able to convince his parents to let the order train him on Coruscant.   He would spend the next ten years learning to harness the force, utilizing those powers to forge him into a warrior. When he grew to the age of eleven, he was selected by a Master, the very same one who brought him to the temple. His Master was hard on the now Padawan Jun but was fair and would do anything he could to train him. His time as a Padawan took him all over the galaxy. On of his most memorable adventures was his time on the planet of Kaiyn when the Damalayian Civil War began roughly around the same time the Clone Wars broke out. He and his Master along with another Jedi Master and their Padawan were in charge of the 101st Mechanized Infantry Brigade. The 101st, before the Civil War began were tracking down the Supreme Commander of the Droid Army, Grievous when they came into contact with the guardians of this far away system in the middle of Wild Space. He and his group arrived at the right time as they were listening in on reports of armed conflict breaking out on one of their most populated planets, Kaiyn. They offered their assistance to this organization that was scrambling more troops to aid in this sudden conflict happening. After nearly ten minutes of conversation over hologram, they were able to dock their Venator-class star destroyer in the major city of Arcadio. This organization identified themselves as the Iarta System Armed Alliance or the I.S.A.A for short. They explained that the Separatist Droid Army was assisting an insurgent group known as the Damalayian Secession Party or DSP in breaking off from the rest of country. The 101st being trained to fight against the Confederacy of Independent Systems and their droid army wasted no time in pledging their allegiance to the I.S.A.A, promising to aid them in quelling this beginning conflict.   The 101st ended up staying on Kaiyn within a year and a half as their primary target Grievous arrived on the planet and left after a few days after learning of the situation on the planet. The I.S.A.A Security Council were perfectly fine with the 101st pulling out of the conflict as the situation was not in favor of the droid army. They tailed Grievous and his surviving forces but were prohibited from continuing pursuit as they received new orders from the Republic.     Jun continued his adventures with his Master and the 101st. During the Year 5348 on the 16th of Kre-Yen, the 101st were ordered to Naboo, Jun's home world. Being ordered to the planet he was born and raised on Jun wanted to visit his family to see how they were doing. His Master was initially apprehensive and denied his Padawan's request to see his family as it would be going against the Jedi Code however after much convincing his Master did compromise and allowed Jun a single hour to spend time with his family. Jun wasted no time in making his way to Otoh Nilu to his family's ranch on the outskirts of the city. His family couldn't believe it when they saw him; it had been nine years since they had seen one another. Jun's family visit was very heartwarming and something he needed. He spent most of the hour catching back up with his family since it had been so long. As one last thing before he left, he volunteered to help his father fix a few things on the roof before heading back to Theed to where his Clone unit was stationed. Jun ended up losing his balance on the roof and fell back down to the ground, knocking himself unconscious. He was swiftly rushed to the local clinic where his family was told by the doctor there that he would make a full recovery. As he laid in the clinic unconscious, Jun had no idea what was going on back in Theed or around the rest of the galaxy. Clone troopers were seemingly turning on their trusted Jedi Generals and Commanders, slaying them without provocation. The doctor permitted an early release for Jun as his condition was stable with only wounds sustained from his fall was a minor cut and some bruising on his back. His parents carefully carted the still unconscious Jun back the the Augara Ranch and laid him down in his bedroom that had been untouched since the day he left. He would wake up an hour later with his sister Kosi being the first to greet him. She quickly brought him to his parents where they explained what had transpired during his injury induced slumber. Jun was mortified upon finding out what was going on around the galaxy, he quickly bolted out of the house in attempt to make his way back to Theed to find his Master but was subsequently stopped by his sister who begged him not to go. Jun hesitated to go as he was certain that his Master was in trouble but he didn't want to leave his family behind again. He was convinced by his sister who was in tears at this point to stay home for good and not throw his life away trying to save his Master who was very likely at this point already slain by the clones he commanded.   Over the next several years of his life, Jun would remain on his family's farm. Now that he was grown up, he could help his parents with all types of farm work. These years were regarded as the most peaceful time for him as his routine primarily involved him assisting his parents with farm work and hanging out with his friends afterward. The young Gungan man had nothing to worry about during this time of his life. He cherished this time in his life as it was what he experienced during his early childhood. In the Year 5362 when he was 30 years of age, he was for no unexplained reason whisked away from Naboo and dropped off in a completely unfamiliar location. He made his way through randomized beasts and horror lurking around every corner to a much calmer area which he learned was a completely new planet he had never heard of before named Fundekein. He made his way from the western side of the planet all the way to western side by foot, ending up in a small village named Havenport. Upon stopping in the local tavern, Jun came across a job board and saw a listing for a mother trying to find her son that had been missing for a couple months at this point. Jun traveled a short distance to the mother's home where he had to quickly barge through the door after hearing a gunshot come off inside. Upon stepping inside he discovered that gunshot came from a Trandoshan who shot a bandit with a firearm he was armed with. The Trandoshan introduced himself as Osi Sobek and Jun became acquianted with him as well as Maria Campbell, the mother who listed the job for assistance in tracking down and bring her lost son, Louis home.   The next several months had Jun traversing the entirety of Fundekein's surface as he went back and forth across the planet to fulfill his duties. He would discover that Maria's son Louis made his way off planet with aliens that he recognized from the galaxy he lived in. Upon discovering this, he informed Maria and Osi who both wished to find a way off planet. Jun promised to get them along with himself off the surface of the planet they were on and back into the galaxy. He would accomplish this task after a few more months of traversing across the planet again in search of a rare artifact, that he was nearly killed twice for during his travels.  

Physical Appearance

"I've never seen anybody like you two. You two are definitely not from this sphere huh?"
"You would be correct about that ma'am. Osi and I are not from this planet you call home."
― Jun responding to Maria's statement upon meeting her and Osi
  Jun is an Otolla Gungan, standing at a height of 6'8 and weighs around 200 pounds. His skin is primarily blue with three different shades across certain sections of his body. His eyes are yellow much like his sibling Jin-Jin and his father. Throughout his life he would constantly stay active, exercising often to maintain great health. As a result of his lifestyle, Jun's body is fairly muscular but not overly bulky. The patterns on his skin are not similar to that of the average Gungan. Typically, Gungans have swirl or wave like patterns across the skin of their bodies. Jun's body has colored blotches instead of those patterns. While it is rather rare for him to have such an odd skin pattern, it is completely hereditary and not a sign of an underlying condition.   Despite being above average in height compared to other Gungan males, he is however not the tallest male in Otoh Nilu. He is the second tallest, standing a few inches below his fellow militiagung sergeant, Bec-Bec Zooth.  

Mental Characteristics & Attributes


Jun is known to be a generous and open-minded individual, a man who is able to comprehend and understand what someone is going through. His parents taught him to always treat everyone with dignity and respect, a feat that he has carried with himself throughout his life. Jun has also shown himself to be willing to help anyone with whatever they need. During his early childhood, he would always to help his parents with farm work even though he didn't have the strength to do so at the time.   As he aged, Jun gained more feats to his personality that overall made him one of the best friends to have. Spending several years training under the Jedi Order has taught him to be patient, insightful, and calm no matter how dire the situation is. His mentors especially his Master showed him that traits such as anger, fear and aggression lead to the dark side. As such he has demonstrated that no matter what happens to him or how dire of a situation he is in, he would never let himself fall to anger, show fear or let himself become aggressive.   Recently, Jun has shown that he is more than willing to fill the role of a mentor figure. Upon meeting Louis face to face to for the first time, he could see that with the right training Louis had the potential to become an exemplar force wielder if given the right guidance. Before Louis's departure from Naboo, Jun had a private discussion with the boy about what powers he has and what he could do with them. Jun also had to warn him about others who wished to exploit that characteristic of his. Despite Jun's warnings being serious and worrying Louis to his very core, he told the boy that he is more than willing to train him on how to utilize the force to better protect himself and those around him.  

Interests & Dislikes

Jun isn't the type of man to really hate anything. Being open-minded really helps him see why other people would take interest in various hobbies and topics. Throughout his life he favored an active lifestyle as a way to keep himself occupied and keep himself healthy. Jun shows incredible interest toward hobbies such as exercising and meditating. He can often be found at the local gym in Otoh Nilu exercising and staying fit if he's not helping his family, fulfilling his duties as a militiagung or helping those around him. Often times, he can be found in a secluded, quiet place meditating like many of his fellow Jedi tended to do. He meditated to keep himself at peace with not only himself but with the world around him.   Jun doesn't necessarily hate anything but he is rather resentful towards individuals in the world who wish to exploit the weak and vulnerable. These feeling also extend towards individuals or groups who wish to benefit only themselves and not society as a whole. People such as slavers, pirates, terrorists, and those who leaned in toward the dark side of the force fit this narrative of resentment from Jun. During his Padawan days, Jun didn't trust droids at all. This was due to the Republic and Jedi fighting against the droid army during the Clone Wars. This mistrust of droids stayed with him into his early adulthood but thanks to rehabilitated battle droids such as Cresta and recently B1-L332, his feelings has softened towards droids as whole.   When he brought Maria back to his family's ranch on Naboo, Jun has had time to get to know her and the life she had previously on Fundekein. She's learned that prior to them crossing paths, she was married to a man that has gone missing after failing to return home after a risky expedition. Jun and Maria have grown romantically close to each other, enough to where the both of them are planning their marriage. Maria's biggest concern during their discussions was she wanted someone who would be more than willing to adopt Louis as their son and fill that void in his heart that he lost. Maria confessed to Jun that by the beginning of 5362 she had moved on from her longtime husband, Armin as she was almost certain he would never return. She knew Louis hadn't moved on yet, still clinging onto the thought that someday Armin would return. Jun expressed great honor to her that he's more than willing to adopt Louis as his own son and fill the role of a father figure that he lost years ago. As per Maria's request, she wishes for Jun to not outright tell Louis that they are together, instead telling Jun to help her ease him into their budding relationship as Louis has never had to experience something such as this.   Even though Jun was a member of the Jedi Order there were a few sections of the Jedi Code that he did not agree with along with some he would often question. One of those sections would be "A Jedi does not cling to the past". As a Padawan, he never would think to question the code as he knew he would face scrutiny from his Master and mentors for letting something like that occupy his thoughts. Another regulation that he especially didn't agree with was staying connected with his family. Jedi as well as their family were forbidden from seeing each other. The reason was that if something were to happen to their family it could lead to the Jedi falling to the dark side. This didn't sit right with him as he was raised by his parents for several years before the Jedi found him and when they brought him in he was suppose to just forget they ever existed. Lastly, there was a rumor he often heard during his time as a Padawan but some Jedi tended to abduct children from their parents in order to bring them back to the temple. Jun was utterly disgusted to hear of this for the first time as it went completely against his moral compass. There was no way he could prove it true or false which left him hoping it was just a rumor and not a reality.  

Mental Trauma

Events such as the Damalayian Civil War, the Clone Wars and the Great Jedi Purge have had an effect on the Gungan man. Fortunately for him the many years he spent as a Jedi have lessened the effects these events have had on him. As such he doesn't show signs of post traumatic stress disorder like a regular person would show if they've witnessed those events first hand. However, Jun tends to remember these events often reliving them in his dreams. Meditation is his most effective coping mechanism for limiting these dreams from plaguing his sleep.   During the Damalayian Civil War, many of the things he witnessed during that conflict often made him question whether or not he was being an effective Padawan. This was Jun's first and bloodiest combat deployment he would ever experience. The technology used by the two primary opposing factions in the conflict would often leave soldiers from both sides severely wounded, often time passing away at the scene due to bleeding out or dying days later due to complications. Often while on patrol with clones of the 101st Mechanized Infantry Brigade or soldiers of the I.S.A.A, Jun would glimpse at the casualties of wars as he rode by on his vehicle. Corpses often civilians, people who didn't deserve the fate they were given left on the street due to the rapid progressing situation. During his moments of peace, he often struggled with meditating to free himself from the invasive thoughts that were eating away at him. Thankfully for him, his Master caught notice of Jun's behavior and swiftly guided him back on the right path, putting his mind at ease and restoring his confidence.   Jun considered himself lucky that he survived the Great Jedi Purge. He was able to survive after sustaining an injury completely by accident that left him unconscious for a few hours. During his time of black out, he had no idea what was going on around the galaxy to the many Jedi Masters, Knights, Padawans and Younglings he's come to know. He recalled seeing visions of these events during his time of unconsciousness but they were incredibly vague, leaving little for him to piece together until he woke up. When he did wake up, his parents would be the ones to delivers the news to him, that the Jedi Order he was trained by was no more. He ran out of the house in an effort to track down his Master to see if he had survived the onslaught. This was the only time Jun had every made an irrational, unprepared decision. He was thwarted by his younger sister, Kosi who begged him with tears in her eyes not to throw his life away in search of his Master who was more than likely already a victim of the slaughter. It stopped him in his track and made him question what he was even thinking for a few seconds before turning around and embracing his sister. He choose to stay with his family in the end, effectively sparing him from joining the hundreds of thousands of Jedi who fell victim to the purge.   While Jun fully trusts Louis, he also worries a bit about him. Coming from a world that knows exactly nothing about the Force, Jedi or the Sith, he can easily see someone could exploit that naivety the Louis has. Upon Louis's departure from Naboo, he pulled the boy aside to have a private discussion about what the Force is, how it works and those who wish to exploit him for his power. Additionally, Jun has kept a watchful eye over Louis during his adventures before meeting him. He's seen that often times, depending on the situation, Louis struggles with containing anger or frustration. He cuts the boy some slack as he's only a teenager and their prone to mood fluctuation however since Louis is force sensitive he doesn't want the boy falling to the dark side. Jun has made it his duty to guide Louis and mold him into an outstanding teenager who is perfectly in control of his emotions.  

Knowledge & Skills


Jun attended primary school in Otoh Nilu before he was discovered by the Jedi Order who brought him to the temple on Coruscant to learn the ways of the Jedi. He spent 10 years training and learning from his Master and mentors he had around him in the order, rising to the rank of Padawan. He was on the right path to becoming a Jedi Knight but was cut short as the Great Jedi Purge left the Jedi scattered throughout the galaxy, forcing them into hiding.  

Melee Weapon Skills

Jun has proven himself to be an excellent swordsman primarily thanks to his Jedi training. He shines the most when equipped with his own custom made lightsaber but is able to wield just about every other type of sword or melee weapon. He learned over his time that the fourth form of lightsaber combat favored him the most thanks to the Gungan's natural acrobatic abilities. When he's in perfect concentration while using his preferred form of combat, he would move at a high speed, jump and land strong blows at unexpected angles and appear as nothing more than a shimmer to his opponent. This form benefited him heavily as Form IV is dependent on the user's acrobatic maneuvers. While Form IV was his preferred method of combat, his Master taught him the techniques of Form III and Form V. His knowledge of these three forms of lightsaber combat have inspired him to develop a new form which combines all three however this new form of his is still being worked on by him. These combat techniques carry over when he is using any other type of melee weapon as he's seen that he doesn't need a lightsaber to make use of the benefits these lightsaber combat forms offer.  

Unarmed Skills

While not as prominent as his melee skills, Jun has proven himself to be a resourceful hand to hand combatant. Jun learned the basis for his unarmed fighting style from his friend Zieo Olleo who is the primary fitness instructor at the local gym in Otoh Nilu. The fighting style taught to Jun is known as Gunga Boxing, a combat sport that utilizes Gungan acrobatic maneuvers, stand-up striking and a variety of clinching techniques. The militiagung have taught him various restraining techniques that are useful in bringing someone under control or putting them under arrest. Jun prefers to avoid hand to hand combat as he is not as skillful in practice as his melee weapon prowess however if he must resort to fists, he is more than capable of holding his own.  

Force Sensitivity

"My Master was very critical of my actions but he was fair. He taught me everything that could help me improve myself further. He hold great wisdom." ― Jun describes his Jedi Master
Jun's force sensitivity began to show when he was only a toddler. His parents would often time witness him making items he wanted seemingly levitate towards him. His parents didn't know how to react besides informing him to not to accidentally hurt himself. It would be years later that his parents eventually found out how their son was able to makes these objects float towards him. A Whiphid man who revealed himself to be a Jedi Master, told the Augara parents that their son Jun was force sensitive.   Jun was brought to the Jedi temple on Coruscant where he underwent initiate training and as the years progressed Jun was able focus on better utilizing the force to help those around him. His Master along with other Knights and Masters he's seen as mentors, Jun was able to learn and master some of the various force powers a Jedi could learn. Powers wielded by Jun include Detoxify Poison, Force Speed, Force Valor, Thought Shield, Force Meld, Force Sense, Precognition, Telepathy, Premonition, Animal Friendship, Battle Meditation, Cleanse Mind, Force Light, Telekinesis, Persuasion, Force Barrier, Protection Bubble, and Revitalize.   Throughout Jun's adventures, he never thought he would have to use a power from the dark side of the force. However during his journey across Fundekein from the eastern side of the planet, back to the west in order to find a magical artifact that would transport his group off planet, he was forced to use a dark side ability to stop a fight. While traveling on a Mercy airship on the way to the Surreal Islands, he was ambushed by the Hidden King of Chargrove Kal-Dez for a dangerous item he had picked up during his travels. He had planned to dispose of it by throwing it into lava it prevent anybody from finding it again. Kal-Dez attacked Jun ruthlessly, shooting several arrows into his back, even going so far as to blow the airship up after killing a few civilians. In a quick, last ditch effort to stop Kal-Dez's assault on him, Jun utilized Force Choke in order to end to brawl. Kal-Dez, after struggling for several seconds gave up and disintegrated himself which completely ended the fight. Despite having to use a dark side power, Jun felt no pull towards the dark side when he used it. He kept his composure and knew in his mind that he only used it to end the fight and not in retaliation. Since then, he has promised himself to never again use a dark side ability.  

Magic Prowess

Upon arriving on the surface of Fundekein for some unexplained reason found himself able to use powers that have no connection to the force at all. He learned after asking someone that this power was plain magic. Previously, he had learned about other cultures around the galaxy that believed and sometimes practiced regular magic however upon arriving on Fundekein he realized that this planet's use of magic blows other cultures out of the water.   His travels brought upon new magical abilities that not many people tend to wield. Initially he started with simple abilities and spells that just about every magic user knew to powers that many people never had the opportunity to use. Magic powers utilized by Jun include Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Levitation, True Strike, Mage Armor, Spare the Dying, Conjure Celestial, Finger of Death, Ventriloquism, Feather-fall, Daze, Protection from Arrows, Dark Vision, Gentle Repose, Hold Person, Fear, Major Creation, Misty Step, Conjure Woodland Beings, Sacred Flame, Commune, Mass Suggestion, Dispel Magic, Ways of Exhaustion, Control Water, Mass Invisibility, Limited Wish, Animate Objects, Cure Wounds, Bigby's Fist, Cage, Find Traps, Mind Blank, Pass Wall, Iron Body, Moment of Peace, Thunderous Smite, Move Earth, Keen Edge, Mass Cure Wounds, Insect Plague, Temporal Stasis, Dismissal, Intellect Fortress, Mind Whip and Screen.   A few of his regular magic abilities made him question whether or not they were secret dark side abilities. Finger of Death, Insect Plague, and Fear were three examples that had his mind questioning whether or not he should ever use such an ability. Even though he knows these specific magic powers have no connection to the force, he refrains from ever using them as they don't sit right with him. However, he has agreed with his mind that he will only use them in emergency situations. Since they have no connection to the force, he can justify having to use them in a dire situation as they won't influence him to lean into the dark side.  

Driving Skills

"There was one time back in the day where I had to take control of a wheeled vehicle. I'll tell you immediately, I did not know what I was doing." ― Jun describing his experience with a stick shift vehicle
Growing up as Gungan, Jun's never had to drive a speeder anywhere since the community he grew up in had everything he every needed within walking distance. If he needed to travel farther than his legs could carry him, he would hitch a ride on his kaadu to the destination. His travels across the galaxy has allowed him to see the many forms of transportation people rely on. Places such as Coruscant especially during his Padawan days, he would rely on speeder transport to get around.   One the only times Jun has ever had to drive himself and others was during the Damalayian Civil War. Jun was leading a small detachment of clones from the 3rd Regiment, 1st Battalion along with some North Damalayian Army soldiers on a reconnaissance mission. His fellow Padawan, a female Rodian by the name of Elka Riijyirn tagged along with him to provide extra back up. Jun and his group were ambushed by members of the Damalayian Secession Party who were being reinforced by Separatist battle droids. The group had sustained a few casualties and as such began a retreat, the Damalayian Army soldier tasked with being the designated driver as his fellow soldiers were busy suppressing the enemy goes down after sustaining a round to the leg. Jun being close by helped the man into the back of the 6x6 army tactical support truck and hopped in the driver seat without much thought as to how he was going to get the group out of there. As members of the reconnaissance group boarded the truck, Jun sat in the driver seat fussing with the manual gearbox to get it moving. After several seconds that felt like a minute, Jun was able to get the truck moving from a standstill, getting the group out of the danger zone fast. The group suffered injuries however no one lost their life in the end. The Gungan Padawan was praised by his Master and his fellow Padawan's Master for his willingness to adapt to something he had never learned previously. Elka joked with Jun afterward about his driving ability to which he responded saying he only knew what to do after watching the Damalayian soldier do it for the hours they were together.  



Styled Leather Armor
  • Type: Well crafted leather armor
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Protection rating: D
  • Armor class: 4
  • Features: Suede stitching, great protection from swords, spears and arrows
  • Type: Buckler type shield
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Small and round
  • Material: Iron
  • Protection rating: C
  • Armor class: 1


Jun's Personal Lightsaber
  • Type: Single bladed lightsaber
  • Place of origin: Galaxy
  • Shape: Gungan atlatl style hilt, standard non-curved blade
  • Blade Color: Blue
  • Material: Titanium and silver alloy hilt
  • Acquired: Custom built as a Jedi Youngling
  • Special features:
  • Unique lightsaber
Star Forge
  • Type: One/two handed sword
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Straight non-curved blade
  • Material: ?
  • Elemental damage: Fire
  • Acquired: Taken from deceased Black Talon Lieutenant
  • Special Features:
  • Lightsaber look-alike
Dream Realm Blade
  • Type: Magically enhanced two-handed sword
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Triangular blade, elaborate/distinct hilt
  • Material: ?
  • Acquired: Found in desolate section of Fundekein
  • Special Features:
  • Has the chance to put a target to sleep
  • Can heal damage dealt to Jun
Shard of Heliod
  • Type: Magical staff
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Standard gauge shaft, distinct staff head
  • Material: ?
  • Elemental damage: Radiant/Fire
  • Acquired: Found in remote location of Fundekein
  • Special features:
  • Once per dawn, Jun can teleport to his attacker and land a guaranteed strike if hit by them first while wielding the staff
Nine Lives Stealer
  • Type: Unique sword
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Dark metal hilt with nine skulls guard, dark metal blade
  • Material: ?
  • Acquired: Found in remote section of Fundekein
  • Special features:
  • If a critical blow is landed, the target is instantly killed and a charge is subtracted from the sword's power
  • Currently there are 7 charges left in the sword
Drow Scimitar
  • Type: Scimitar sword
  • Place of origin: Chumane Region, Fundekein
  • Shape: Scimitar blade
  • Material: ?
  • Acquired: Taken from deceased Drow Elf
  • Special features: N/A
Heated Sword
  • Type: Magically enhanced weapon (short-sword)
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Common blade
  • Material: Iron
  • Acquired: Looted from remote section of Fundekein
  • Special features:
  • Always hot to the touch
Frost Enchanted Mace
  • Type: Magically enhanced weapon (mace)
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Classic mace head, standard gauge shaft
  • Material: Iron
  • Acquired: Looted from remote section of Fundekein
  • Special features:
  • Always cold to the touch
Torch Bearer
  • Unique whip
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Torch like hilt, solid fire structure
  • Material: Unknown metal hilt, fire
  • Elemental damage: Fire
  • Acquired: Looted from remote section of Fundekein
  • Specials features:
  • Burns
  • Functions as an actual torch too
Vespen Blade
  • Type: Distinct Short-sword
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Zigzag blade
  • Material: ?
  • Acquired: Taken from Vespen Warrior
  • Special features:
  • Distinctly shaped blade
  • Great build quality
Lythian Arrow
  • Type: Large lance
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Large construction
  • Material: ?
  • Acquired: Taken from hostile Lythian Warrior
  • Special features:
  • Is actually an arrow for a special bow wielded by Lythians but is used as a lance or spear by other races
Simple Dagger
  • Type: Basic dagger
  • Place of origin; Fundekein
  • Shape: Common blade
  • Material: Iron
  • Acquired: Purchased from blacksmith
  • Special features:
  • Concealable
Gnoll Maul
  • Type: Specialty mace
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: ?
  • Material: ?
  • Acquired: Taken from Gnoll Warrior
  • Special features: N/A
Revenant Gauntlets
  • Type: Specialty gauntlets
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Metal bolstered leather gauntlets
  • Material: Leather, unknown metal
  • Elemental damage: Necrotic
  • Acquired: Looted in remote section of Fundekein
  • Special features:
  • Blades of the gauntlets aren't made of metal, instead their constructed of necrotic magical energy


  • Type: Longbow
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Standard longbow design
  • Material: Steel
  • Acquired: Purchased from market
  • Special features:
  • Currently out of service as the string is snapped
  • Type: Full-size crossbow
  • Place of origin: Fundekein
  • Shape: Standard primitive crossbow
  • Material: Wood and iron
  • Acquired: Looted from remote section of Fundekein
  • Special features:
  • Current out of service as the string is snapped


Coming soon...

Personal Info

Current Age
Date of Birth
22 Dromara 5332
Place of Birth
Otoh Nilu, Naboo  


Otolla Gungan
215 Ibs
Skin Color
Eye Color
Body Type

Military Service

Jedi Order (formerly)
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Otoh Nilu Militiagung
Grand Army of the Republic
Gungan Ground Forces
101st Mechanized Infantry Brigade
12th Militiagung Group
Years of Service
Jedi Commander
The Clone Wars
Damalayian Civil War


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Sep 8, 2022 02:18

woot, the lost Jedi getting some nice recognition

Sep 8, 2022 02:36

Yes sir! Boyo getting some lore!