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Iarta System Armed Alliance

The Iarta System Armed Alliance or I.S.A.A for short, is an intergovernmental military coalition between 14 member states, 13 of which are countries spread out across 5 planets in the Iarta System and the last being a private military organization. Established after worries that another galactic wide conflict would happen in the future, the organization signed and implemented the Iarta Unanimous Treaty on 35 Dromara 5292.   The I.S.A.A operates as a collective security, where it's independent member all agree to a mutual defense in response to attacks on any of it's member or partner states by factions both domestic and foreign. It was established after growing worries that another catastrophic event would disrupt galactic peace in the foreseeable future. The organization has remained in place since it's founding up to when the Trade Federation invaded the planet of Naboo and after the end of the Clone Wars. As of right now, the I.S.A.A has only been involved in domestic military operations in Damalay, Ibriva, Tiusia and Yimatovuro, Khyzemav, and Stussia. The I.S.A.A headquarters are located in gigalopolis, Arcadio, North Damalay and the headquarters of Iarta Allied Command Operations is near Sheffield, North Damalay.   Since it's founding, new members have increased the alliance from the original 7 members to 14. The most recent member to be added to the I.S.A.A was the Exodus Protection Corp in 31 Gilu 5361. I.S.A.A currently recognizes countries such as Tiusia and Yimatovuro, Khyzemav and Zhyrik as aspiring member states. Enlargement of members has led to tensions with non-member countries such as South Damalay and the Socialist Federal Republic of Grazotsken, with South Damalayian Premier, Coro Zakavo demanding that the I.S.A.A provide a legal promise that they will stop expanding members to other countries (primarily Zhyrik).   Additionally, 8 countries are actively participating in the I.S.A.A's Collaboration for Peace(CfP) program which is a program aimed to build trust between countries with military-to-military cooperation involving training exercises, disaster planning and response, scientific and environmental issues, professionalism, future planning, humanitarian aid and relationship building with civilian government. This program proved it's worth in 5332 which lead to the I.S.A.A expanding on the program by implementing the Independent Collaboration Effort Plan which allows partner countries to be granted further assistance without being a fully committed member of the I.S.A.A.  



On the 35th of Dromara in the Year 5292, 7 governments from across 3 planets in the Iarta system met in Arcadio to discuss growing disturbances of another outbreak of galactic wide conflict. All diplomats from the gathered governments all agreed that something must be done to protect the Iarta system and it's citizens from all threats both inside and outside. When the meeting came to a close, the Iarta Unanimous Treaty was signed and implemented. This treaty founded the formation of a collaborative military alliance officially named the Iarta System Armed Alliance or I.S.A.A. This alliance would defend and safeguard the Iarta system from all outside and domestic threats that would emerge.  

New Organization

The Iarta System Armed Alliance laid largely dormant until the Invasion of Naboo when the I.S.A.A implemented a modular military structure system. This system was already in practice with the United Scionia Armed Forces but other governments within the I.S.A.A began adopting this system into their militaries. This modular structure system paved way for military structural changes to many of the system's armed forced such as the adoption of standardized agreements and status of forces agreement. This modular system also changed the loadouts of many of the soldiers belonging to the armed forces who adopted this system. Weapons produced for the United Scionia Armed Forces by manufacturers based in that country began seeing use by armed forces of other countries for their high quality, versatility, and durability. Scionian made military vehicles and tanks were also produced and shipped to countries that ordered them for their armed forces but not all countries did, favoring producing their own vehicles to cut down on spending.  

Early Operations

In it's early years since being formed no military operations were conducted. Following the end of Iarta's Years of Peace, operations, First Response in 5312 and Strike Hard in 5313, were prompted by the terrorist organization, Sabaton's Invasion of Ibriva. Recon aircraft were dispatched to the northern regions of Ibriva to provide air watch, and later an Ibrivi quick reaction force was deployed to the area to secure it.  


Following the breakup of the Socialist Party of Stunaveen in 5318 which ended the era of tensions, the newly reformed Democratic Monarchy of Stussia applied for membership into the I.S.A.A followed the countries of Drekarn and Otrela. The joining of these three countries had been the largest expansion to the alliance since Ibriva's acceptance into the alliance in 5300. The country of Grazotsken became increasingly more recluse after it had lost it's largest ally, the Socialist Party of Stunaveen. Tensions began to rise in Grazotsken's western regions, named by the citizens living in those regions as Tiusia and Yimatovuro, they wanted independence from Grazotsken and sought membership into the I.S.A.A to escape Grazotsken's tyrannical rule.  

First True Operations

The Tiusian War began in 5325, as a result of Grazotsken's iron fist policies. The rapidly deteriorating situation prompted the I.S.A.A Security Council to enact a no-fly zone over central Tiusia and Yimatovuro on the 15th of Kle-Yen that year. The Socialist Federal Republic of Grazotsken (SFRG) was given 3 days to comply with this no-fly order to which after that grace period, the I.S.A.A would begin enforcing the order. The I.S.A.A began enforcing the no-fly zone order on 18th of Kle-Yen with Operation Bug Zapper. Operation Sea Guard added maritime enforcement to the arms embargo and economic sanctions against the SFRG. On the 7th of Bovird in 5326, I.S.A.A took it's first ever wartime action by shooting down four Tiusian Graz aircraft violating the no-fly zone.   On 20 and 21 Kle-yen 5326, I.S.A.A security forces called in airstrikes to protect the Tozarde safe zone which led to the bombing of a Tiusian Graz military command outpost near Tozarde. Grazotsken retaliated on 23 Kle-yen when 120 I.S.A.A security personnel were captured. Furthermore, a Damalayian jet was shot down over Tozarde on the 26th of Kle-yen. In Gilu 5326, a two week I.S.A.A bombing campaign known as Operation Suppressing Force began against the Army of Republican Tiusok, after the Jzepska Massacre. Operation Suppressing Force helped bring an end to the Tiusian War in early Stoti that same year. Peace talks began shortly after the Grazotsken government agreed to cease it's operations across Tiusia and Yimatovuro. Certain parameters were established with these peace talks such as Grazotsken granting Tiusia and Yimatovuro full independence and an I.S.A.A peacekeeping force remain inside the country for one whole year to safeguard citizens from further conflict.  

Vojija Intervention

Grazotsken's current president, Kilobar Jolibek, had been cracking down on Vojija Liberation Force (VLF) operations in the region of Vojija. This area had been heavily disputed by the Grazotsken and Khyzemav government in the past. The Khyzemav claim that this region belongs to them since the region housed a large ethnic Sykirvan population while Grazotsken claimed ownership of the region simply for land expansion purposes. The VLF sought to liberate Vojija from it's tyrannical Grazotsken occupants through force and the occupying forces were having none of it; leading the President Jolibek to ramp up military crackdowns on the separatist group. The I.S.A.A Security Council demanded a ceasefire from both parties as the civilian populous of Vojija was severely at risk. The United Scionian government sent a diplomatic envoy to Vojija to work out peace talks with the two waring factions on the 34th of Vutolm in 5330. However, this diplomatic mission didn't go smoothly and the envoy had to be evacuated early after the apartment building he was staying in had been hit twice by rockets fired by Grazotsken forces. The I.S.A.A stepped in after the failed diplomatic mission, launching Operation Show Of Force which deemed military targets in Grazotsken located within 100 miles of Vojija as targets for an 80 day bombing campaign. During the operation, I.S.A.A also deployed one of it's reaction forces to Khyzemav to assist their military with providing humanitarian aid to refugees fleeing Vojija.   Operation Show Of Force ultimately led to an I.S.A.A victory however it was criticized for invoking unnecessary civilian casualties on both Grazotsken and Vojija citizens alike including the accidental bombing of the Stussian Embassy in Melgrad. Jolibek eventually accepted terms of a peace agreement over Vojija on 9 Kre-yen 5331. The I.S.A.A established the Vojija Stabilization Force (VSTA) which would be the peacekeeping force of Vojija. Almost a million refugees had fled Vojija and it was the VSTA's duty to safeguard humanitarian missions and deter violence in the region. Additionally, I.S.A.A launched Operation Disarm on 1 Vraxo 5333 which lasted until the 40th of Vutolm that same year. The mission was set to disarm Sykirvan militant groups operating in Vojija and in certain regions of southwest and southeast Khyzemav.  

Damalayian Civil War

On 25 Dromara in 5345, the entire Iarta System was shook by yet another conflict and the place it was happening in was shocking. The country of Damalay, regularly regarded as one of the most peaceful countries in the Iarta System had been met with destructive conflict right on it's own soil. The group responsible for this is the Damalayian Secession Party (DSP), led by a human male named Samarsh Petrekka. The DSP organized a coordinated surprise attack on several Damalayian cities in the southern regions of the country. The attacks first started as harmless protests which quickly evolved into full scale riots. Buildings were set ablaze, vehicles were vandalized or destroyed, innocent people were either injured or killed in completely unprovoked attacks and law enforcement were met with live gun fire from the perpetrators. The government of Damalay quickly regarded the riots as uprisings and reached out to the I.S.A.A for immediate assistance. Damalay being a founding member of the I.S.A.A led to other countries within the alliance quickly deploying reaction forces to help bring the now full on uprising down. Military units that were deployed in the south were met with heavy resistance from the DSP and were ordered to retreat to the north where they would regroup. Law enforcement officers were given the same order, being told to stand down and assist civilians within their jurisdiction to safety. The DSP's battle tactics in their operation involved aggressive offensive combat and overwhelming force. Cities such as Greco, Sanlow and Gzot fell within hours after the conflict began. Saint Marelens and Pelperro fell the next day, mid afternoon. Quick reaction forces from other countries arrived within 4 hours after the conflict was declared an uprising. Countries with larger militaries such as United Scionia, Rosnae and Stussia would assist the Damalayian military in offensive and defensive operations while countries with smaller militaries such as Vaasiland, Zepabia and Vostaria would assist other Damalayian military units with the humanitarian crisis that inevitably followed shortly after the conflict began.   The quick reaction forces upon arriving and deploying to the southern regions of Damalay soon recognized that some of the landing and attack ships reeking havoc on the settlements in the area didn't belong to any of the factions in the Iarta System. What followed after left them astounded and totally unnerved. Battle droids of multiple types belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) were turning up on the battlefields alongside members of the DSP. Soldiers swiftly reported to their superiors via sit reps and the superiors reported to their commanders who informed the I.S.A.A Security Council that Iarta is being invaded by an outside force. The I.S.A.A Security Council couldn't believe what they were hearing and when photographic evidence was delivered confirming that separatist battle droids were operating within their borders they knew that more needed to be done. They couldn't let them win. The I.S.A.A began organizing more troop deployments from it's member countries to push back the invading force. Troves of military vessels would arrive to Damalay over the next few days along with an unexpected arrival of yet another outside force who wished to speak with the I.S.A.A Security Council via holographic communication. The Security Council were naturally on edge with the CIS invading one of their member countries soil so they requested this outside faction identify themselves first before they would let them speak. This mysterious outside force wasted no time in identifying themselves through the call, they were Jedi. The security council were astounded at this revelation, the Jedi were willing to assist in this massive conflict after shielding themselves from the wider galaxy for so long. The chairman of the council agreed to let the Jedi speak on this matter to better explain why their willing to help. The Whiphid Jedi Master explains that he and three other Jedi along with their clone division had been tracking the separatist commander in charge of the battle droids on Kaiyn for a month now. The Whiphid Jedi asks the council for approval to allow his clone division to land in Damalay and assist their alliance in bringing an end to this conflict. There was some hesitation from certain members on the I.S.A.A council but they were convinced that the Jedi and their clones could provide much needed help since they were trained for combat against battle droids. Support from the Jedi and their clones was approved by the I.S.A.A Council and they docked their Venator-class star destroyers in Arcadio.   Generals for the member countries of the I.S.A.A met with the four Jedi commanders to discuss battle plans on how they can bring a swift end to the conflict. Generals from the I.S.A.A were surprised to see two young Jedi accompanying the two older Jedi. The discussions began with the Whiphid Jedi Master introducing himself, his young Gungan Padawan, his fellow Ovissian Master/Commander and his Petrusian Padawan. Once introductions were out of the way, the discussion began on how the conflict should be dealt with. The meeting of both parties lasted a total of 4 hours as they wanted every last detail for this defensive campaign to be explicitly covered. One of these details including the possibility of insurgency taking place in settlements located within central and northern Damalay was brought up by the Gungan Padawan. He further explained that if the DSP was able to organize coordinated attacks in South Damalay with such proficiency then they can do the same with the rest of the country. The Padawan stated that safeguarding of settlements that haven't been graced with combat should be the duty of local law enforcement since the military have their hands tied with fighting against the opposition. This matter was brought up to the Damalayian Police Union and the government of Damalay. A new bill was passed the next day which issued long guns to patrol officers.   The Damalayian Civil War would rage on for the next 3 years coming to a close on 10 Bovird in 5348. Commanders of the DSP were willing to discuss terms of peace with their northern neighbor. The now North Damalay government agreed to speak with the DSP leaders and try to arrive at a consensus over the civil war. A temporary ceasefire was established while conferences between both parties were in session. The Galactic Republic clones along with their Jedi Commanders had to withdraw a week prior due to orders from their superiors so they were not present when the discussions were underway. The meetings lasted for four hours a session for three days straight. The entire event was holovised across multiple countries within the system. The whole system was watching and millions were hoping that peace would be the outcome of these talks. A consensus was reached on the 10th of Bovird in the Year 5348 after four days riddled with tension and anxiety. Both governments left the conference room, soldiers were withdrawn from combat zones and borders were established. Everyone could rest easy now that the Iarta System was now at peace once more. These peace talks paved the way for the newest country in the entire system, the Commune of South Damalay (CSD).   The Damalayian Civil War remains the most bloody conflict in Iarta history. The outcome of the war was considered a tactical victory for North Damalay as they lost fewer soldiers and vehicles. However, the war was considered a decisive victory for the DSP as they achieved their secession from their northern neighbors and now operate their own country even though they lost more men than the north. The war didn't just have a toll on the two warring sides, the civilian populous of South Damalay was most effected by the conflict. This conflict had paved the way for the worst refugee crisis since the Vojija War. 5.2 million citizens of varying races and genders were displaced across the Iarta System. Families lost their homes, loved ones, pets, and personal belongings. Children lost their parents and were now orphans. And those who were unable to escape South Damalay now have to live under a tyrannical government in fear of their livelihood each day. While those living within CIS controlled territory are significantly better off in terms of freedom than citizens trapped with CSD's iron borders, it isn't much better. Many settlements in separatist territory are largely abandoned aside from frequent droid patrols however the dangerous and unpredictable Lurkers have been known to enter these settlements to plunder what's left. Store fronts and buildings have been mostly looted, that is if the building is still standing. Citizens living in this territory had to adapt to then situation as soon as possible. If they failed to adapt they risked starving to death or capture from the CIS, a fate many of them regarded as worse than death.    

Closing Off Once More

A few months after the end of the Damalayian Civil War on 17 Kre-yen 5348, I.S.A.A intelligence began witnessing reports coming from the wider galaxy that clone troopers were turning on their Jedi Commanders. Total chaos was erupting in the capital of the Galactic Republic on Coruscant. Reports stated that just prior to clone seemingly without provocation began gunning down their once Jedi leaders, four members from the Jedi High Council apparently staged an attempted "assassination" on the Supreme Chancellor's life which ended in all four members of the Jedi High Council perishing in the exchange. The I.S.A.A Security Council held an emergency meeting in the city of Arcadio to discuss all what was underway in the wider galaxy. Members of the Security Council knew that the information from these reports wasn't the entire picture. They didn't believe that the Jedi would just without warning stage an assassination on the Chancellor. That isn't how the Jedi Order operate. Furthermore, their own experiences with the Jedi who were willing to support them in their fight against the former DSP was still present inside their minds. The Jedi wouldn't try to seize control over the Republic like this. After a detailed briefing, the meeting ended and a press release was issued for the rest of the Iarta System to see. The entire system was once again, shutting itself off from the rest of the galaxy until further notice. Certain individuals with special authority could still traverse from the borders of the Iarta System to the wider galaxy but these certain individuals had to be service members of the I.S.A.A. Even then, not every service member was granted special authority to willingly leave the Iarta System. A rigorous selection process was adapted to ensure members who held this special permission were the right people to hold it. Along with closing off their border once again and implementing a selection process for service members who wish to travel to the wider galaxy, many I.S.A.A member countries began raising the funding for their militaries to advance their tech, weaponry and vehicles.  

Safeguarding Zhyrik

During the Damalayian Civil War, Zhyrik, a country inhabited by the giant, intimidating but peaceful Kai'zhuk closed their borders off to everyone. Kai'zhuk embraced traditional ways of life, choosing to rely on nature, self sufficiency and the teachings of their God to help them live day by day. As such, the Kai'zhuk posses no modern technology unlike the rest of the Iarta System. The Kai'zhuk Chieftess felt that closing off their land was the safest option for their survival as there was no way Kai'zhuk Warriors despite their immense size, battle tactics and sizeable weaponry could hold their own in a fight against opponents wielding modern technology. They waited out the war from within their jungle borders while their neighbors duked it out with each other. North Damalay or the Damalayian Loyalists as they were called during the civil war was their closest ally and since their ally was involved with a far larger alliance, the I.S.A.A, this effectively granted them more allies that they could trust to guard their country. The I.S.A.A went to great lengths to ensure their conflict wouldn't spill over into peaceful Zhyrik. DSP personnel within close proximity to the borders of Zhyrik were neutralized with air or drone strikes, vanquished by war train movement or heeded by I.S.A.A foot/mechanized patrols.   When the war came to a close, the Kai'zhuk wouldn't hear from their allies until 18 Kre-yen 5348 when the North Damalayian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent their current Minister, Bonoi Zemler to the capital of Zhyrik to give the leaders of their people a debriefing on what transpired. Bonoi showcased to the Chieftess a roadmap of what was to be expected in the future. The now North Damalayian government wouldn't be abandoning them, instead looking to ensure their survival and further relations with the large reptilian species. Bonoi's roadmap included the North Damalayian government sending the Kai'zhuk a large quantity of supplies each month. These supply drops would contain materials such as metal, wood, livestock and farming resources like fertilizer and seeds. They would arrive by either train, boat or helicopters since they were the safest methods. Additionally, the North Damalayians feared that the Commune of South Damalay would utilize the rail system to harass the Kai'zhuk since there existed a branch line that crossed directly by one of their settlements. North Damalayian rail workers guarded by mercenaries would arrive within a few days to remove sections of rail that lead to Hwen and the Zhyrik branch line. As the last piece of Bonoi's plan to protect Zhyrik from inevitable CSD harassment, a North Damalayian Maritime Navy and Marine Corp detachment would permanently set up post in the Dellsen Channel as a quick response force in case of Commune aggression. Chieftess Sha'vola wasted no time in accepting this deal, she was incredibly pleased that her people weren't getting abandoned by their only allies to fend for themselves against a common enemy.   The Commune, to no surprise, started to stir up trouble with the Kai'zhuk the next year. Each and every time, the North Damalayian government would condemn their actions to which they would retaliate by stating that Kai'zhuk soil belongs to the Commune. The North Damalayian government has to constantly remind the CSD that actions against Zhyrik are actions against North Damalay. There are not to be trifled with. Thankfully for the Kai'zhuk, the warning being issued to the CSD are working and incidents of the two differing cultures clashing have been rare as of today.  

Exodus Joins In

The most prolific private military company in the Iarta System, the Exodus Protection Corp (EPC) has been around the system since it's founding on 31 Vutolm 5323. Founded by Altis Lydar, he initially formed the EPC with a group of friends as another band of guns for hire. Within ten years of it's founding the manpower of the group expanded drastically. Exodus would eventually receive funding from the United Scionian government to further Exodus's operations in the Iarta System. This opportunity put the Exodus Protection Corp on the map. Altis and his team set to work on building a private military company that every person in the system can rely on. The huge funding from the government of United Scionia was used to purchase a recently decommissioned military base with an area size of 188,000 acres that would be used to train new recruits for the new EPC. The funding would be used to renovate and build new construction for the purchased military base as well as be used to purchase equipment that would be issued to new recruits. After many years of planning, recruiting, and equipment stockpiling, the EPC finally arose as "Iarta System's Planetary Guard" on 22 Iartara 5343. The EPC began taking contracts from governments across the Iarta System, partaking operations such as peacekeeping, arresting wanted criminals, protecting government buildings and guarding humanitarian operations in conflict zones. Six years of excellent service for the Iarta System was enough to convince the I.S.A.A Security Council of enrolling the EPC as a new member of it's alliance. The idea was pitched to Altis Lydar via an open letter from the Security Council who wished to converse with him over the possibility of the EPC becoming a member of the I.S.A.A. Altis responded to the open letter after conversing with his team of leaders on their opinions of this opportunity for enhancement. Many of his leaders including his right hand man, Khan Gideon were in favor of Exodus joining the I.S.A.A. Altis responded to the I.S.A.A and accepted an interview with them. Altis and his leaders would travel to Arcadio to have a sit down with the Security Council where the interview would commence. It lasted for four hours and many details were disclosed on how Exodus, a private military company could become a full fledged member of the I.S.A.A despite not being an established country.   Exodus was enrolled into the I.S.A.A's Collaboration for Peace Program, the same process other countries who wish to join go through. They would remain in this partnership program for the next twelve years; finally achieving full membership on 31 Gilu 5361. During that twelve year period of partnership, Exodus collaborated with many members states and partner states of the I.S.A.A including United Scionia, Republic of North Damalay, Stussia and Vaasiland. As of today, Exodus's membership has been the largest expansion to the I.S.A.A since Stussia, Drekarn and Otrela's joining back in the 5320s. The EPC despite being only a private military company had full capabilities of a country's standing military. Exodus even had more manpower than some countries in the Iarta System such as Liros and Lyburu.  

Members and Partners


Country Active Military Reserve Military Paramilitary Total Manpower Accession Date Founding Member
Drekarn 273,690 320,922 67,130 661,742 12 Sibesk 5326
Esparia 225,138 55,029 124,480 404,647 35 Dromara 5292 Yes
Exodus Protection Corp 1,205,391 436,000
1,641,391 31 Gilu 5361
Ibriva 202,034 500,000 10,227 712,261 5 Iartara 5300
Liros 137,617 295,300 25,173 458,090 40 Gilu 5350
Otrela 260,426 123,000
383,426 12 Sibesk 5326
Republic of North Damalay 1,503,430 369,300
1,872,730 35 Dromara 5292 Yes
Rosnae 790,396 139,600 25,406 955,402 35 Dromara 5292 Yes
Stussia 1,342,894 279,290 210,348 1,832,532 12 Sibesk 5326
United Provinces of Kelenia 55,300
20,420 75,720 35 Dromara 5292 Yes
United Scionia 1,804,134 684,000
2,488,134 35 Dromara 5292 Yes
Vaasiland 75,272 900,000 20,438 995,710 8 Stoti 5343
Vostaria 224,305 168,549 10,433 403,287 35 Dromara 5292 Yes
Zepabia 176,499 276,301 40,300 493,100 35 Dromara 5292 Yes


Country Active Military Reserve Military Paramilitary Total Manpower Partnership Date
Ilari 1,402,048 1,028,381 2,076,495 4,506,924 11 Gilu 5352
Inkia 363,691 123,202 20,294 507,187 40 Dromara 5352
Khyzemav 1,602,301 740,402 305,609 2,648,312 9 Kre-yen 5331
Kibelistan 601,331 555,032 240,490 1,396,853 40 Dromara 5352
Lyburu 50,103 199,490 5,600 255,193 19 Vutolm 5358
Mocleos 500,300 237,028 104,120 841,448 10 Kle-yen 5348
Tiusia and Yimatovuro 10,336
5,340 15,676 27 Vraxo 5326
Zhyrik 404,200
Data Unknown 404,200 ? 18 Kre-yen 5348

General Info

Organization Type
Military Alliance
7 original member states
14 states
Arcadio, Republic of North Damalay, Kaiyn
Throughout the Iarta System


Date Founded
35 Dromara 5292

Other Information

  • Law Enforcement of the Iarta System
  • Galactic Republic (formerly)
  • Jedi Order (formerly)
  • Alliance to Restore the Republic

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