Freighter Regolith

A Republic freighter plying the starlanes from Correlia to Sullust and beyond, mostly adhering to the Correlian Spine, before the capture of Sullust by Admiral Pharazon of the Golden Dawn Imperium. The Regolith was siezed along with many other New Republic starships in the devastating surprise attack.   Regular Passengers found aboard the Regolith before it's loss include: Olan Brix     The REGOLITH is unusually crowded as the New Republic is putting significant effort into expanding manufacturing at Sullust. The transport has a Y-WING FIGHTER ESCORT, since there has been a lot of pirate activity since the fall of the Empire. The Regolith carries machinery and workers, and a detachment of New Republic troops.   The Orlop is loaded with dozens of smaller craft that either belong to passengers, or are being transported to Sullust.   Kal’ father left him a SEALED CRATE along with a DATASTICK with the coordinates of location on Tatooine. A message sent with the crate indicated that there was a safehouse there where his father had fled to in search of Death Watch operatives.   ESMERALDA GA’TAR is transporting a VALUABLE ARTIFACT that she is hoping to sell to a responsible buyer on Naboo (The Regolith will continue on to Naboo before returning to Corellia). Esmerelda has a cabin aboard the Regolith.   Aboard the Regolith is a moderately sized LOUNGE where passengers and crew can relax during the voyage. The lounge covers two decks with a large sweep of OBSERVATION WINDOWS covering both decks. On the lower deck, opposite the windows is a small CANTINA. On the top deck, is the MESS with kitchen to one side. The lounge is packed with passengers and crew, as well as plenty of Republic soldiers and even some off duty escort pilots.     SERGEANT THORNE manages security and the hold of the REGOLITH. He is an unusually large human, with a deep tan and weather-beaten face. His thickly muscled upper arm bears a tattoo of an unknown Rebel drop-trooper regiment. Thorne is stern, but has a soft spot for independent minded people. Thorne does not feel that the war against the Empire is over yet, despite the claims of many politicians.   SNEEDLE BOCK Tall for a Rhodian. With twitchy antennae and a long quivering snout. His black, lidless eyes shine with a menacing cunning. Wears a distinctive long cloak with a tall collar, trimmed with neon, and emblazoned with what is presumed to be his clan symbol. Bock is a black market dealer who often travels this route and keeps as customers many Republic troops and officials who travel here. Sneedle is on Thorne’s personal watch list. Sneedle can acquire goods from Loyalist systems, as well as illicit drugs, exotic weapons, and slicing hardware.   DEXTER BRAVO Greasy wanna-be grifter. No taste. Sells grey-market items to travelers on the Corellian Spine. Fond of NR soldiers and “The Ladies”.


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