Sergeant Brix

Retired Mon-Cal sailor and devotee of Admiral Ackbar. Makes an amazing Spiced Chowder.

Sergeant Olan Brix was the proprietor of the Sizzle Brix on board the Republic freighter, Regolith. Before it's capture in the suprise attack at Sullust by Imperial forces under Adm. Pharazon. Brix is a Mon Calamari who served in the Rebel Navy under Ackbar during the battle of Endor. Brix left the navy after the fall of the empire due to his injuries. Brix has one eye. Brix is known to be a great source of news and gossip, Brix reveres a painting of Ackbar hung behind his bar. Do not belittle Ackbar!


Dr. Bahg has given Brix a treatment for his ailing good eye, for which he was immensly grateful. The crew may count on Brix as an ally.


Brix has also indicated that he doesn't believe that the Empire has been entirely defeated. A prevailing conspiricy theory among his circle of friends is that an underground movement still holds loyalty to the fallen Empire. He believes that they carry on research into black projects, waiting for the a resurgence of Imperial power.


Sad Sailor

If approached on his left side Brix will slash out defensively with his Mon-Cal service knife.
CR2: Military shows that his uniform bears the 'Hero of the Rebellion' star. A rare and distinguished honour.
Brix can be convinced to take the datapuck to Ackbar. In fact he is thrilled at the chance to prove his worth to the rebellion and thinks that maybe this is his chance to serve again.  

Brix is found at the bar wearing his old Republic Navy uniform. Next to Brix is a huge coppery tankard of Calamari Brinebier. Brix is abolutely sloppy drunk and weeping over the portrait of his hero, Admiral Ackbar, one of his few remaining posessions.


If he is consoled, Brix will explain that he was rejected for re-enlistment in the Republic Navy. Brix payed dearly to book passage on one of the very last transports managing to escape before the Imperials managed to take full controll of Sollust. A sleezy Rhodian charged him most of his saveings to board the dangerously crowded vessel.


Payment: Brix says that he will mention you to Republic officials, if you wish, and that he will gladly send any reward to an account with your chaincode. Reward will be an NR expense account (Wealth 1), but anyone who takes the reward will also recieve Threat 2! The threat is due to political infighting within the Republic command, as well as from underground elements trying to backtrace the investigation into Project Eclypse.



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