GAR Internal Memo 11879367

Memo Priority Level:
  • Non-Urgent
  • Confidential
  • Ongoing Maintenance
  • Internally Generated

Start this section with a prominent link to the original fic, then do a "version title" along the lines of Tapani Sector Revised and a date. Maybe reference edit work to include Clan Venn or something.

Document Structure


TC Log
Pvt Higgins
998:03:33 RR

Welcome to a new Era, vode.   We have left behind us the final days of the Clone Wars, where we served the Grand Army of the Republic.
We have awakened to the return of the Tapani Imperium: a comparatively localized government body that defies a Galactic Empire. All the intel that we can independently gather, confirms our new hosts' story.   Our brothers were used to turn the Republic we served into this totalitarian dictatorship.   The Supreme Chancellor was the Sith Lord we were hunting.   Where does that leave us?   For right now, it leaves us where we have always been: Standing together. Watching each other's shebs. Tackling one problem at a time.   This is not the time to throw out our original strategy manual -- and by that, I mean ours. The compilation that we, and our brothers in the GAR, built from blood and bone and personal experience.   Go through every memo, every fact sheet, every dispatch, every written procedure that you ever copied off back channels. If it had directly to do with the Senate, with the bureacracy, with the policies of the government, send it to Cpl Goss with the tag "reassess". That goes for everything, big or small, high priority or low. Frequency mods for mouse droids, hacks to coax draluram out of a mess hall food processor, I want it.   Everything else, all the intel one sibling passed another to help us all do our original jobs, send it to Pvt Higgins with the tag "rethink". Paperboy's going to set up an encrypted databank of our gathered intel that every one of you is encouraged to consult, cite, and correct.   Until a given document is redlined by any two officers, we are keeping the works as part of our reference. Brothers paid for this intel in lives. We will not dishonor their work by throwing it out wholesale. These documents have guided us well so far, neh?   At the same time:   Until a given document is triple-confirmed in that databank, you defer to the experience and analysis of yourself and your vode now present. Those who march far away may have been working with faulty intel. Take notes of any discrepancies; report back!  

TC Log
Captain Razak Editor's Note
998:04:14 RR

  Editor's note:   Per Captain's instructions, I have preserved his initial directive regarding our storehouse of intel, as posted above. I have also linked this revision to the prior memo iteration. The prior iteration is available for contribution in the form of a comment field at the end. Please post any suggestions for revision, expansion, or specific confirmation to our version here.   This one's the living document, in the sense of it being up for pruning. The original stands for itself.  

Memo: Jedi Maintenance

TC Log
Memo: Jedi Maintenance (introduction snippet)
965:08:22 RR
GAR Continuing Training Library

Congratulations. If you’re reading this, you’re not dead yet.


Are you newly assigned to your first Jedi?


Are you on your third bucket but wondering why your Jedi still doesn’t react to combat and downtime properly?


Are you the baar'ur responsible for all of the above and your Jedi too?


No matter. Your vode are here to tell you a few things before you and everyone you know die meaninglessly… in the hopes that maybe you won’t.

- original author, probably Lt Rain (CT-902), during introduction of memo
Inspired by original works:
Memo: Jedi Maintenance (The Care and Feeding of Your Jetii)
by RainofLittleFishes
and Jedi-Isms
by Tumblrites betterbemeta, happytroopers, the-stars-are-warring, and emmikay
Record, Memo
Digital Recording, Various
Signatories (Organizations)
Please format this part with the content boxes to look like a Beskar Aran holonet memo  
A quick translation guide for phrases a Jedi often uses, and how a wise vod will hear them.   What Jedi say: Emotions lead down a dark path.
What Jedi mean: Calm your tits before you hurt somebody.   What Jedi say: The Force shall reveal the time for action.
What Jedi mean: Nah.   What Jedi say: I sense darkness in you.
What Jedi mean: Hey, asshole.   What Jedi say: The Force works in mysterious ways.
What Jedi mean: That’s the worst question I’ve ever heard.   What Jedi say: I will meditate on your words.
What Jedi mean: Go kriff yourself.
- Commander Ponds
  What Jedi say: All is as the force wills it
What Jedi Mean: I don’t even fucking know man. No one died tho so it’s probably fine.
- Marshal Commander Cody
  What Jedi say: Use the Force
What Jedi mean: Y E E T
- Captain Rex
  What Jedi say: The path ahead of you is clouded
What Jedi mean: Good luck dipshit
- Commander Gree
  What Jedi say: The Force will guide us
What Jedi mean: The plan went out the window 20 minutes ago. It's improv time.
- Commander Bly
  What Jedi say: I'm fine.
What Jedi mean: Conversational dodge meant to cover up or ignore something, possibly serious. What a responsible vod does: Immediate health check! Be subtle about it if you can.
- Sergeant Coric
  What Jedi say: Through the Force, all things are possible.
What Jedi mean: FAFO. (Either in the "we are going to" sense, or in the "warn someone off a hazardous path" sense.)
- Captain Razak
  What Jedi say (shorthand version): Size matters not.
What Jedi say (regular length version): Size matters not; but momentum.…
What Jedi mean: Announcement: I am now ignoring all of the universe to concentrate on one activity, until such time that my current focused activity is no longer possible. Either because the target no longer exists, or because I no longer exist.
What a responsible vod does: Get to your Jedi right now, vod, because she is defenseless. And she won't stop even when common sense says it's the right thing to do. She is definitely not "fine"!
- Lieutenant Rico
TC Log
Care and Feeding of your Jetii, Tapani Edition, Revision 198118.419
Estalle Island, Procopia, Procopia System


Topic and Relevance




One convenient feature of the command structure in the Grand Army of the Republic was that we knew exactly how to fit any nearby Jedi into our decision tree. It's spelled out in the first sentence of the memo:

Your Jedi is your commander but your Jedi is also your charge.

'Lek, well, the surviving Jedi seem pretty determined to resist getting shoved back into that particular pigeonhole. Master Allie stops whatever she is doing to organize a game of "phaseball" if anyone calls her "General"; a direct request for orders results in an impromptu medical checkup. Skywalker wants help to track down a tool, often located in the kit of a younger Skywalker. Kenobi gets you talking about your past adventures that do not fit inside strict regs.


Master Yoda just looks at you with the saddest face.
Until you forget why you wanted a General, and start looking around for a tea set or a nice cushion to offer him.


Don't get me started on the Jedi shinies.


Physical status and behavioral habits: Baselines


Non-human Jedi


Spare Kit


"Padawans" = "Jedi Shinies"


Feed your Jedi.


Jedi in an emotionally fraught environment


Useful approaches


Di'kutla plans


Couple of notes here. This basically stands, however, our current group of Jedi are a bit more open to the concept that a di'kutla plan is, in fact, lacking in basic sense.

Also, Ysadora has been heard not once, not twice, but six times so far, describing her own abilities as "mystic woo" or "space wizard stuff". I think she's teaching it to a couple of the younger Padawans, too. Did someone slip in front of her? Or convergent evolution?


Sense of Humor as socialization


Special Interests as socialization


Jedi constraints


My Jedi said ‘I am fine’, but…


Jedi and the Decent Armor Problem


Jedi and afffection


Closing Directive



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