
TC-574 ARC Private

First campaign appearance: Shards of Honor 14.0 "Dark Dreams"
Character heavily borrowed from Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles by Duane Capizzi, Jeff Kline, Pat Allee, and Richard Raynis. No infringement is intended or implied.

Private Higgins Vorysadora (a.k.a. "Paperboy")

VNY's notes:

Member of the ARCtrooper unit known as Razak's Roughnecks, self-referenced as "Apes".
This one spent rather more of his initial training than Razak thinks sensible in an experimental program to combine radio-specialist duties with propaganda work; hence, Paperboy is happier acting like an embedded reporter than as a soldier, even a Special Forces soldier. He spends some of his offshift time in mandatory retraining.
Gonna end up married to a model, I expect.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Extrovert with an encyclopedic knowledge of blink-and-you'll-miss-it details about the many people he has interviewed. Refuses to take spy work because it requires insincerity.


Contacts & Relations

The Beskar Aran have close, private, strong ties to Gregor Vortapani and Katianna Vortapani, which they are extremely careful to keep circumspect. Only an ego-driven idiot would suppose that this loyalty travels in a single direction. The higher-ranked the member of the organization, the closer is the tie to the Imperial Family.
Anyone who knows what a "chaplain" is, knows that Jedi Knight VN Ysadora and Knight Errant Davish Tam will answer a call for support from any Beskar Arran. Anyone who knows the little phrase "the clone's Jedi" would also know that "Vanya Ysadora will pause almost any other work to appear out of the empty space if one of the Roughnecks asked."
But no would-be crusher of Paperboy's ebullient cheer will see the cement quagmire swooping down upon them until long after Lady Alys Vorpatril informed her social network that the offender's name has been BLACKLISTED from all Capital Season events -- great and small -- for two years. And at the end of their punishment, they will get one chance to show better behavior in a little chat with this same interviewer....

Family Ties

Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
12698 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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