Sirvia Geographic Location in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil


The innermost gas giant of the Mustafar System, is a ringed world with twenty moons. Despite the close proximity to the primary star, the icy rings remain stable. The thick knots of ice rings offer a layer of protection against solar flares, which allowed the inner moons of Sirvia to be habitable.


The planet of Sirvia is predominantly a gas giant. Unlike the other giant in the Mustafar System, Srivia is primarily gaseous with a dense liquid matter core. The element composition makes the planet a prime target for gas mining, only the planet-wide hurricanes make that venture too expensive to attempt.   The ice rings are braided, and in a constant state of forming and reforming due to periodic solar flares from the primary star. While there is some 'ring rain' that peppers down along the Srivian equatorial zone, most of the ring rain from the outer rings condenses back to ice particles. Then the high speed rotation the ring system itself moves the rings back out into a stable orbit around the world.   Sirvia itself orbits at an incredible pace of 14 standard hours around the primary star. Yet, its own rotation is a ponderous 26 standard hours. In unusual contrast, the ring system moves four times faster than the rotational period would suggest. This makes the ring system an additional hazard to ships traversing the area, though many free traders find the reward for Sith Empire and other relics worth the risk.   In contrast most of its moons orbit Sirvia complete a single pass around the unusual giant in about 10 to 24 standard days.

Fauna & Flora

There is no known flora or fauna that can or do survive in the storm-driven toxic atmosphere of Sirvia.
ringed gas giant
Location under


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