After our return to Chalcedon, VNY ought to update the client on the case in progress.
Originally notes cribbed from Holopedia Galactica, this flimsicard got revised several times over the next months.
Every settlement on Chalcedon (planet) is run by a different warlord-type leader or leader-group.
Ragnar Syndicate runs Port Nevermore on Chalcedon
You're listening to THE WAVE: Tashtor Sector's best-caffeinated pirate radio!
In Port Etmar, a literal underground fighting pit lies beneath the Dewback Stables corral.
Port Greymouth is a durasteel mining colony on Monorik VI.
Meet Dack Dontin, mine administrator
GSE Consort Lexics will stay in Chalcedon System, lending his political and tactical expertise to the new Freedworlds Republic while they get their feet under them.
Lord Vondromas returns to Chalcedon with info about VNY and with a plan to become a Big Damn Hero.