FwR Interim Client Report

What did you do?

- Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi
settling in with snacks for what had best be a rollicking good confession

I can explain.
Between you, me, Davish, and the Force:
Honestly, it started off with us following the Razorback into a landing at Port Nevermore. When we arrived in-system, we plotzed straight into a battle against a Reaver ship-v-freighter attack that was in progress. Also it was a smidgen inconsistent with past observed patterns, honestly, but I'm no expert there.
Anyway. I formed the vague notion that the people living and working in this system must have the necessary resources to improve each other's survival chances. Probably they just needed momentum. A nudge. Try it out, realize they can do it, nudge each other in the process.
In Port Nevermore if you aren't a town resident who can afford to maintain and patrol a dedicated landing field for your existing hyperspace-capable craft, you park at Kanter Junkyard And Repair Bay. Any shipmaster or captain who annoys the locals too much might survive long enough to discover parts missing off their ship. Also, planetbound transportation can be rented from Mistress Nalerine Kanter, who is happy to barter goods or labor in addition to accepting a wide variety of stable currencies.
Somebody at The Jolly Roger, discussing the gossamer web of responsibility loosely pasted through Port Nevermore, called her "Mayor Kanter". I want to be clear that this was not me!
Anyway, our group had a few interactions with her as we tried to unweave the investigative snarls and reweave this planet's mess into a stable data point. Mistress Kanter's information about past events was limited. On the other hand, what little she provided was reliable. I found no disagreeing accounts anywhere we asked. And most of her info was based in who traveled where, in what sort of vessel. That was her business area. That was where she needed to be knowledgeable.
She was good at it.
Traffic on and near the planet got much more complicated after the Green Light In Orbit thingy; Nallie opened up a second repair shop in the newly reconfigured Port Etmar. Her rules of operation stayed about the same.
So I started addressing her as "Portmistress Kanter".
She was doing most of the week-to-week job duties, according to BuShips definition. And if she felt penalties needed to apply, her decisions got buoyed by the torque of her wrench and the weight of the Ragnar Syndicate. Plus a new supportive fannish noghri club calling themselves Kerplockin's Brigade.
By the time Jedi Knight Al Saba came back from his unscheduled absence -- you can put So'Zen on the hotseat for his confession about that; he knows what he did -- BuShips reactivated a simple outpost with intrasystem traffic control. They, too, were calling her Portmaster Kanter.
Well, if this one component planet were going to be getting all the health-improving reorganization, how tough would Davish, So'Zen, and Captain Kolene find it to sell this idea across various Mining Guild stations throughout the system?
Not tough at all! Work with your neighbors, look out for them, and only trounce the ones who actively fail to reciprocate. Leave room for everyone to make personal choices. Next thing they know, they'll have the same feeling of "great big community" as the lousy old gang-within-a-gang days. Right?
They named it the Freedworlds Republic.
Again: This part was not my doing.
I did not form up this parade, I did not post the float registration sheet. I nudged a person here or there into creating examples for themselves of how much nicer life is when we help each other a little bit. I got out of the way so those examples would be observed, along with their aftermaths. At most, I stalled out the occasional halfhearted tendril in a consumptive or selfish direction.
Mostly, I wasn't even in the neighborhood.
Now that I think it over, I'd be willing to repeat this confession if Razak called for it, because this goes with the whole "Vor Count" thing. I don't think my line of fealty goes through him? Did you ever get that officially sorted, or are we still dodging the question?
And I will obviously confess as necessary, should Rico or our Emperor prompt me. I doubt either man will ever want to know. This is too penny-ante for their responsibilities.

Comments and Updates

DT: You skipped the bit where you used the Crowd Contagion Effect. V: Bossman's going to know that I called her "Portmistress" in my sincere voice, in front of witnesses. DT: That's true! I did not take into account your intended audience. Objection withdrawn.
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