
"And the wings of dark that block the bright"
— Promise of Night
Kurisichul is the Nisurach demon of dark. He is known to those of the Church of the Lightbearer as "Crow".

What he Depicts

Kurisichul represents the darkness and confusion that comes in the night, as well as trickery. Followers of the Church believe that Kurisichul is the reason the moon has phases, as he is said to be blocking it with his wings.
  Members of the Order of the Nisurach Circle know Kurisichul as the demon of trickery and deception.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Kurisachul are seen as tricksters, there to sow confusion within members of the Church, just like Kurisichul himself. His followers are often actors and performers, or members who need to hide right under the church's nose. Followers of Kurisichul are taught to grow conflict, adding a layer of confusion, rather than being the ones to cause it.
Divine Classification
True Neutral

Cover image: by IoTheSC


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