The Nisurach Circle

"At them, their lies, our truth will scowl."
    The Nisurach Circle is a family of all the demons that were formed from the peices of Nisurachul.


Divine Origins

The Nisurach Circle was created when the god Nisurachul split her soul into pieces. These pieces formed the 3 demons, each one representing a different aspect of night. After Vsinerinm defeated the demons, they went into hiding. each demon split further, creating more and more demons. The lesser demons are rarely known about, and even within members of the Order of the Nisurach Circle, they are rarely worshipped on their own, instead, they are usually worshiped alongside the two demons that their soul came from.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Dark Demons

Articles under The Nisurach Circle

Cover image: by IoTheSC


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