$hurnace Incorporated Organization in Starfinder | World Anvil
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$hurnace Incorporated (Shure-nace)

$hurnace Incorporated has done a tremendous job, making sure that no household should ever waste expired food, drinks or loved ones. We believe in recycling everything for the sake of the environment, and for the sake of prosperity.
-Francesca Cerna, PR spokesperson of $hurnace Incorporated.
The multi-quintrillion credit company released it's first $hurnace MK.01 44 years ago at a technology expo in Absalom Station. This release would change the world as it was previously known. You would be able to take almost anything, place it in the $hurnace & it would start breaking down particles and change the genetic or atomical data of the product. While the first $hurnace was known for having many technological hiccups, random creatures spawning and killing its owner, electrocutions or minor nuke-Esque explosions when it got a bit too warm, it was overall a major success!   It is unknown how its leader and original inventor Bucksly Thompson managed to come across this information and create something so groundbreaking, but nobody is really complaining.   While $hurnace incorporated primarily works within the $hurnace sector, they also dabble in politics, terraforming, delivery, streaming services, internet providing, war crimes, special military operations, schooling, vehicles & genetic research.   It is said that $hurnace incorporated is looking into creating an enormous $hurnace in space, in which governments and corporations are able to drive in broken or deserted space ships, place them through a $hurnace, and have them recycled into a new ship. it is said they hope to achieve this within the next ten years.

Dream it, drink it, eat it

Founding Date
273 AG
Corporation, Business
Training Level
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