Xander Grin Character in Starfinder | World Anvil
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Xander Grin

Company Leader Xander Grin (a.k.a. Red-eye)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xander's family was banished to Aballon before The Pact Worlds decided to give androids rights. His real family name is unknown, but he goes by the name of "Grin." An unusual name, suggesting that it might have a hidden meaning to it.   When he was fourteen years old he joined the Starfaring Pirates and started to draw in a lot of credit. He quickly became a well-known member of the Starfaring Pirates and started to climb their ranks quickly.   He is known for being incredibly lethal. Quick to draw his gun, some say he is the fastest gunslinger in The Pact Worlds. He has not once lost a duel, nor does he ever intend to do so.   A few years ago, his fellow comrade and former right-hand man Benny Moonshiner went out on a mission and never came back. The mission was a complete failure and he was assumed dead. To Xander's complete amazement, he saw Benny Moonshiner on the Boobrah Binfrey TV show, when she was interviewing Queek. If there is one thing Xander can do, is that he can track down anybody he wants to track down, and he can really hold a grudge for a long time.   Xander and some of his company are tracking down Benny in hopes of finding answers, and potentially, deal out some well deserved justice towards Benny.
Date of Birth
1st of Desnus
Aligned Organization

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