Starfinder The scar of Uzhix Timeline
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The scar of Uzhix

This is the timeline that circles around events that are related to the campaign "The scar of Uzhix."

Before the Gap

... 1 AG

The era that is before the gap occured

  • -2745 PG

    17 Arodus

    Daimar and Iovo.
    Disaster / Destruction

    Eox fired their experimental planetary destroyer weapon on Daimar and Iovo (known as the twins. The weapon successfully shattered thet wins and it got turned into the asteroid belt now called The Disapora, but the weapon also completely destroyed Eox's atmopsphere and killed off much of its population. Eoxian used necromancy to survive, and today Eox is dominated by the undead and ruled by powerful Necrovites.

    Additional timelines
  • 0 PG

    The Gap Ends

    All dates here are noted in AG-years since the end of the Gap in the Pact Worlds system

    Additional timelines

After the gap

1 AG 321 AG

The Gap is a recent phenomenon affecting all the memories and records across the multiverse. All memories and records of the planet Golarion were removed from all of the multiverse's inhabitants along with all memories of an indeterminate number of years. Even the deities are silent on the subject, vaguely referring to the safety of the lost planet of Golarion. No members of any species remembers what happened during the unknown number of years covered by the Gap.

  • 3 AG

    Triune appears
    Religious event

    Triune reveals itself and grants the secret of Drift travel to the universe. Particulary the worlds of the Golarion system.

    Additional timelines
  • 301 AG

    13 Abadius

    The Historical Archive of Undeath is greenlit
    Diplomatic action

    The Historical Archive of Undeath is approved by the bone sages

  • 302 AG

    24 Desnus
    308 AG

    18 Pharast

    Construction of the Historical Archive
    Construction beginning/end

    On the 18'th of Pharast year 308 AG, the long construction of the Historical Archive of Undeath is finally finished.

  • 310 AG

    14 Sarenith
    310 AG

    20 Sarenith

    The six day battle.
    Military action

    The Corpse Fleet make an organised strike against Eox and its government, hoping to overthrow it.    The battle last six days and many die. In the end, the corpse fleet is repelled.

  • 321 AG

    30 Kuthona

    Discovery, Exploration

    The heroes arrive on the planet of Eox just by the end of the year of 321 AG. Whether they are there on business or just on vacation is uncertain. What is know is that they are in for a longer stay than they originally planned.

The Crash

322 AG and beyond

The Drift ceases to function, causing chaos all over the galaxy.

  • 322 DC

    2 Abadius

    The Crash
    Disaster / Destruction

    In a single devastating instant, the Drift failed. Most starships in the Drift at the time seemed to vanish, with many stranded as the Drift’s physics warped and evolved around them. Other starships were ejected from the Drift, not just dumped into random places on the Material Plane but hurled into the Inner and Outer Planes, where Drift technology couldn’t facilitate their return. Travelers attempting to enter the Drift found it inaccessible. Communications, usually sped by the Drift, bounced back to senders. Triune fell silent. Across the galaxy, other Drift-related phenomena struck suddenly and seemingly at random. Drift beacons flickered, shut down, moved, vanished, or even exploded. Creatures native to the Drift suffered injury, malfunction, and transformation. Portions of the Drift suddenly seemed to flow in reverse: rather than absorbing parts of other planes, fractions of the Drift spontaneously seeped into the Material Plane. In some places, this manifested as extraplanar detritus; in others, the unstable technology bonded to living creatures. This first day of devastation is known as the Drift Crash or, colloquially, as just the Crash.

  • 322 DC

    12 Pharast
    322 DC

    30 Gozran

    Political event

    Being completely cut off from otherwordly trade, "The Bone Sages" start rationing out electricity, batteries, food & lower taxes. This causes some civil unrest.

  • 322 DC

    22 Erastus

    Discovery, Exploration

    The ruins of Harwich are discovered by explorers. They report their findings to The Bone Sages.

  • 322 DC

    10 Lamashan

    A threat from the Corpse Fleet.
    Military action

    The Corpse Fleet have noticed that Eox's defenses are down. It pointed out that The Pact Worlds is unable to supply it with aid should the Corpse Fleet decide to make an assault on Eox.   Nothing has happened yet, suggesting that The Corpse Fleet is currently having issues of its own dealing with the drift crash.

  • 323 DC

    2 Abadius

    One year after The Crash
    Financial Event

    A year has passed since the Drift crashed. Eox has managed to establish contact with other worlds within the pact worlds system. Trade vessels start coming slowly into port, and other trade vessels start to depart. The waiting time for deliveries are atrocious, but it is the best one can do at that. On top of the Drift Crisis, energy prices, ship prices & fuel prices skyrocket.

  • 323 DC

    3 Calistril

    A prime time to study history!
    Discovery, Exploration

    Gerwald Boldpest  makes a suggestion to The Bone Sages regarding giving out work to non-citizens of Exantius, in order to provide them with a source of income and increase tax revenue. The Historical Archive of Undeath conduct expeditions all over Eox with the help of off-worlders. They pay as well as they can. During this time, a kinship is formed between Gerwald and the players.

  • 323 DC

    9 Calistril
    323 DC

    18 Calistril

    The first historical expedition.
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party is sent out on their first historical expedition on Eox. They are to search the ruins of Harwich  that is located west of the Catacomb mountains. The party were given protection against the radioactive atmosphere in the catacomb mountains and started their journey.   They travelled for two days and finally make it to the ruins of Harwich. There, they find a secret passage and find a lot of technology that is dated to the pre-gap era of Eox.   The party managed to find old tomes that were filled with spells, some ancient weaponry and long lost technology. All of this got brought back to Gerwald Boldpest & the Historical Archive of Undeath gave the party a substantial reward for their fantastic find.

  • 323 DC

    8 Arodus
    323 DC

    16 Arodus

    The party is summoned
    Diplomatic action

    After several successful expeditions, the party is requested by The Bone Sages to travel to the capital of Eox, Orphys, for an audience.   There, the party is praised for their hard work that they have managed to conduct for the past six months. They are all given citizenship in Eox, so they are eligible for insurance, welfare and other essential needs that normal tourists do not have.   They are now also not employed on just a contract basis, while contracts do pay out more credits, they also have a monthly pay set by the state. They are officially made employers of Historical Archive of Undeath.