After Exodus Standard Calendar

The After Exodus Calendar came into being slowly, over the course of the many generations of the Exodus. The names are most of them remnants of a much-older calendar system, from before even the Exodus. Calendar historians theorize that the names as they are now were based not on the full versions of the old month names but on their abbreviations.    After the Exodus ships reached the Forge, this ten-month system was cobbled together to serve as a pangalactic standard for the purposes of accurate record keeping. Each local system is responsible for converting their local calendar systems into the AE Standard System for all official, trade, and other pangalactic documents.   
Month Days Special Holidays
Janus 37
Febrion 36
March 37
Aprion 36
May 37
Juno 36
Septrion 37
Octrion 36
Nova 37
Decrion 36


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