Welcome to Our Game

Hello.   We are the Rileys, and this is our co-op game of Ironsworn: Starforged. We are two experienced forever GM's who love all things science fiction and fantasy, and while this isn't the only game we have going between just the two of us, it is the first one where we are both players and neither one of us is the GM.   We play when we can and this isn't the only game we have running, so we can't promise how often this will be updated. But we promise that we will update it, and if you're into science fiction worldbuilding that gets way more detailed and complex than it strictly needs to be, then this might be for you.   We are big ol' nerds who love telling stories. If you do stick around, we hope you like what you read. If you do leave a comment, we only ask that you be kind to us, others, and also yourself.


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