Fungal Bodies "Fibs"

"Fibs" are fungoid masses roughly the size of an adult human, flowering in dozens of colors (hundreds in the ultraviolet) and endemic to the asteroid cluster near Nyx.    Their origins are mysterious but what is very well known about them is the volatility of their spore clouds, which made the planned colonization of the cluster a still-born project and also makes harvesting them quite hazardous. The slightest spark can set off an explosive chain reaction that flings off boulders at great speed and can easily kill an unwary spacer.    As if that weren't bad enough, larger colonies tend to bloom in patterns that are strongly suggestive of smiley faces, complete with grinning mouths and bulging compound eyes. Most sane people would stay far away, and most still do, but the Fibs produce some organic molecules that can only be synthesized with very expensive, difficult, and finnicky techniques, so Erdos Corporation continues to pay handsomely for them.
Geographic Distribution


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