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Elemental Spirit

The Elemental Spirit, or Spirit for short, is a variant of Starlon Anthro that is one with nature. Different Elemental Spirits are associated with and resemble different Etherea types. Unlike normal Starlons, Elemental Spirits have power over their specific Etherea type from birth, although they may still need training to learn how to control it. Unfortunately this will generally come at the cost of not being able to learn any other Etherea, and being naturally weak to anything their Etherea type is weak to.   Because of their connection to a single Etherea type, Elemental Spirits are typically restricted to living in very specific kind of climate and environment. While they can leave that environment for some amount of time, they will slowly grow weaker the longer they are away, possibly perishing if they do not return for too long. The stronger an Elemental Spirit is, the longer they can remain outside of their Etherea type.   Elemental Spirits cannot die of old age, and thus live for a very long time. Some are tens of thousands of years old, and many of them don't look a day over 30.


  Elemental Spirits come in many varieties, each with a different associated Etherea type and ideal climate.  

Plant Spirit

  Plant Spirits are made partially or entirely out of plant cellulose, and their power over Flora Etherea effectively gives them dominion over plants. They are generally live in regions with lots of plant life, usually forests, jungles, and grasslands, and are very weak to fire.   Flowers grow in their hair and fur, which can be used to inflict various ailments on others, such as stunning them, putting them to sleep, poisoning them, and even healing them. They also have prehensile vines that grow out of their back. The number of vines typically number at six, though four and eight are not uncommon. A few even have ten or twelve.  

Fire Spirit

  Fire Spirits have power over Fire Etherea. Their bodies are composed partially or entirely of flames, and they prefer hot climates like deserts and the insides of volcanos. Their horns resemble those of demons from various Earth religions, but Fire Spirits are not inherently evil. Fire Spirits hate cold environments and wet environments.  

Water Spirit

  Water Spirits have power over Water Etherea. They resemble mermaids, sirens, and other figures of Earthly folklore. Water Spirits prefer wet climates like swamps, rivers, lakes, and oceans, and dislike dry environments like deserts and savannas. Water Spirits can be further divided into which environment they live in: River Spirits, Lake Spirits, Swamp Spirits, and Sea Spirits, although this distinction is mostly arbitrary and does not significantly affect their abilities.   Water Spirits are capable of breathing both underwater and in the air.  

Stone Spirit

  Stone Spirits have power over Earth Etherea. Their bodies are hard and rocky, sometimes to the point of being made entirely of stone. They live primarily on mountains and in caves, and prefer environments where the ground can support their body weight. They generally avoid areas with soft soil that allows them to sink into the ground, and areas with lots of water, as they can have a hard time swimming.  

Sand Spirit

  Related are Sand Spirits, which also have powers over Earth Etherea. Their bodies are partially or entirely made of sand, held together by Earth Etherea. Sand Spirits are typically found in areas with lots of sand such as deserts and sandy beaches. They will usually try to avoid areas with quickly moving water, as it can threaten to wash their bodies away. Still moving water is not as lethal to them, as they can simply wait for their bodies to dry out.  

Gravel Spirit

  Gravel Spirits have power over Earth Etherea, and are partially or entirely made out of gravel, held together by Earth Etherea.  They are thus quite similar to Sand Spirits, and are closely related.  Unlike Sand Spirits, however, they prefer areas with lots of gravel, such as gravelly beaches and mountains.  They share the Sand Spirit's distaste for quickly moving water.  

Mud Spirit

  Mud Spirits control a mix of Earth and Water Etherea, and are made partially or entirely of mud and similar substances, and can be found mostly in swamps, marshes, jungles, and rainforests. They will generally try to avoid dry climates, which threaten to bake them solid, or anywhere with clear water that threatens to dissolve them.  

Snow Spirit

  Snow Spirits have power over Ice Etherea, and are made of packed snow, held together by Ice Etherea. In this way, they are not dissimilar to Sand and Gravel Spirits, differing only in the material of their makeup and the powers they weild. Snow Spirits normally live in cold environments like snowy peaks of mountains, taigas, tundras, glaciers, and icebergs. They generally try to avoid hot climates like deserts, jungles, and the insides of volcanoes, alongside windy and watery locations that threaten to blow or wash their bodies away.  

Ice Spirit

  Ice Spirits are essentially the same as Snow Spirits, except their bodies are hardened into ice, thus allowing them to survive in windy and watery areas where Snow Spirits cannot. They too have power over Ice Etherea, and can generally be found in the same locations as Snow Spirits, alongside locations protected from the heat such as caves.  

Cloud Spirit

  Cloud Spirits have bodies made partially or entirely of clouds, and have a mix of air and water powers. They typically live in the skies, especially where clouds are present. They normally avoid areas that are hot and dry, as they do not want to evaporate.  

Wind Spirit

  Wind Spirits are made partially or entirely of wind, and have power over Air Etherea. Wind Spirits can typically live anywhere, but prefer areas that are frequently windy, as they use the wind for energy and transportation.  

Winged Spirit

  Winged Spirits Spirits have power over Air Etherea and are characterized by part or all of their body being covered in feathers, not unlike a bird. Though they retain opposable thumbs like other Starlon Anthros, each of their arms sprouts a large wing, allowing them to fly in the air. They thus greatly resemble Earthly folklore creatures such as the Harpy of Greek Mythology.  

Lightning Spirit

  Lightning Spirits have power over Electric Etherea, and have bodies made partially or entirely of electricity. They prefer climates with lots of latent static electricity to feed on, and dislike damp environments that sap their current.  

Notable Examples

  Many Elemental Spirits appear in Heart of Crystal. Some prominent examples are listed below, sorted by kind.  

Notable Plant Spirits

    * Starky is the descendent of one Plant Spirit (Flo-ore) and one standard Starlon (Tony). As a result, they are only half Plant-Spirit, and thus struggle to utilize their full laten power. In return, Starky is capable of learning other forms of Etherea, albiet at a slower rate than their peers.  

Notable Water Spirits

  • One of Muddy's great grandparents


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