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Memory Rocks

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I give you this rock to inspire you, provide you with hope, and to remind you of our belief in you. Be brave, and have many adventures...



Memory rocks don't have a specific appearance because their meaning is more important. They are usually small enough to fit in the palm of a hand, or to be strung on a necklace. However, on some occasions, especially in wealthier families, they may be larger, or more elegant. In some cases, memory rocks have even included rare minerals.


Memory rocks are used to symbolise love, hope, and companionship even when it is not present. There may come a point in a Strion's life where they are alone, but their memory rock reminds them that others believe in them. It gives them hope to continue their adventures.

An Adventurous Folk

Strions in general have a love of adventure. They love to explore new places and often head off alone, or in small groups, to find out more about their planet.


Coming of Age

Before Strions become adults, they head out on an adventure all on their own. Before this adventure, there is a ceremony where their parent gifts them the family memory stone. This ceremony is one of the most important experiences in a strion's life as it symbolises the community around them, and the fact that they are never truly alone.

Family Heirloom

Memory stones are passed down from parent to child. If a family has more children than parents, the parents can choose new stones to gift to their children. Before the coming of age ceremony, the stones are left to bathe in the light of Orion as it is believed that this will protect them from the potential anger of the star.

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Jewelry / Valuable
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Aug 20, 2024 12:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Such a lovely tradition. I love the idea that the rocks can be used as jewellery.

Aug 24, 2024 21:17

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you liked the idea.

I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong
Aug 20, 2024 22:07 by Jon

I absolutely LOVE the storytelling potential of such a simple but emotional tradition, you absolutely cooked with this one!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Aug 24, 2024 21:16

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it.

I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong