USC Pilot Application Document in Starsong | World Anvil
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USC Pilot Application

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Historical Details


The Original Document

The USC published this document as a way to recruit more space pilots, during the years after space travel was re-legalised by governmental agencies. It served as a basis for potential employees to register their interest in a job and list their relevant qualifications.   Initially, getting a job with the USC was incredibly difficult, but as they realised few had pilot's qualifications after the space exploration ban, they lowered their qualification requirements and began to look for people with transferrable skills that could be trained on the job.


Changes and Edits

V2.0 of the USC pilots application was released in August 4016. The structure and layout of the document remained the same as the original, but key changes were made after a public petition made to the USC.   Being a USC pilot was one of the few industries that still made use of the binary gender system, therefore not legally recognising nonbinary and gender-diverse pilots within their workforce. The changes made to the document included language being changed to be gender-neutral and a section allowing applicants to include their pronouns alongside their name.


When the USC finally updated their pilot's application, I finally felt seen. I didn't have to pretend anymore...
— Charlie Lancaster
The update to the USC pilot's application was life-changing for many people and the USC witnessed a spike in aplications as gender-diverse pilots began to apply for jobs. As one of the last industries to update their legestlation to be more inclusive, these updates were a hige step for the space industry as a whole and helped them catch up with the rest of the world in terms of workplace inclusivity.

Table of Contents

Version 2.0 publication
August 4010
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
March 4256
Signatories (Organizations)


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