
Ancient vast elven forest that spanned most of what became the Kingdom of Avonlae   In the old tongue of the Rjurik, Aelvinnwode simply means "elven wood." Once, this vast northern forest was home to dozens of shining elven kingdoms where no hurrtan had ever set foot. The first human tribes that came to Cerilia nearly 2,000 years ago invaded this forest, driving the elves out of their ancestral homes. Now, large tracts of this forest have been cleared by generations of woodcutters and farmers.

The only elven realm to survive here is the powerful kingdom of Tuarhievel (twah-REE-eh-vel). While other elven kingdoms fought against the human invaders or fled their lands, the elves of Tuarhievel swallowed their pride and opened their lands to human trade. Other elf nations despised Tuarhievel's capitulation, but it allowed the realm to stay whole and secure while other lands fell to ruin.

Tuarhievel is ruled by a proud prince, Fhileraene, a young elf who recently ascended the throne. It's rumored that Fhileraene favors the circles that wish Tuarhievel's borders closed to humans once again.