
Barony of Avonlae
Regent: Baroness Fhiele Dhoesone
Regent: The baroness Fhiele Dhoesone rules Dhoesone. She's the daughter of the old Baron of Dhoesone and the former Queen of Tuarhievel. Some call the partnership between her parents nothing more than a diplomatic move, but while the queen still lived, humans had little to fear in Tuarhievel. Now, that kingdom's climate has grown harsher for Avonlaers who would travel the elven wood.

The proud, pragmatic Fhiele Dhoesone bears the burdens of rulership well. However, some say her power slips in the face of the guilds that dominate Dhoesone's trade. She tries to discourage these rumors, but short of passing a decree banning such talk (which she would never consider), she has no way to stop it.

Law: The baroness holds half the kingdom's law, and the domain's guilds the other half.  

Temples: Three temples dominate Dhoesone: the Oaken Grove of Dashanii, Azimir's Bastion of Truth, and the Northern Reformed Church of Shimuura. The Bastion, though foremost now, is losing its grasp rapidly.

Guilds: Mheallie Bireon from Cariele , Adaere Doneim, Galien Thuried, Bannier Andien, and Storm Holtson of Stjordvik all struggle fiercely to dominate the foresting guilds of Dhoesone. Though they dislike each other, they join forces to thwart the baroness when she tries to pass anti-lumbering laws. These ruffians' combined influence has made life more oppressive for the average citizen.

Sources: The mages Clumine Dhoesone and Daeric Dhoesone are cousins and rivals. These two relatives of Fhiele Dhoesone hate each other almost as much as they love the baroness.

Army: Dhoesone's army is not large. The local militia amounts to one unit of irregulars; though more residents would like to join, the baroness can not afford to equip them. The forces consist of:
• 1 unit of irregulars.
• 2 units of elf archers.
•f 1 unit of elf cavalry.
• 1 unit of goblin infantry.
• 2 units of knights.

Fhiele Dhoesone pays maintenance for the irregulars and the goblin infantry only; the other units are gifts from the kingdom of Tuarhievel and various Avonlaer domains - these kingdoms consider Dhoesone too important to let fall due to lack of money to pay defenders.

• Lieutenants: The baroness's lieutenants include her two human mage cousins, each of whom will do whatever he can to aid her without helping the other. Also, the old baron left behind his trusted adviser, Helaene Dosiere, a relation to the Chamberlain of Avonlae the Imperial Capitol. She manages to accomplish impossible tasks routinely.

Important NPCs: Helaene Dosiere, though unblooded, oversees much of the kingdom's operations. She is largely the reason the guilds do not gain more power than they already hold.

Another personage of note is the half-elf Rhuimach Taeline, a ranger whose knowledge of the land and intuitive grasp of strategy has kept the Giantdowns's inhabitants from overpowering the kingdom.

Description: Half windswept moor and half pine forest, Dhoesone seems a land barely tamed. Despite its numerous logging camps, it remains home to elf tribes rumored to live among the pines. The people of the forest act secretive and keep to themselves—they can feel the guilds' presence among them, and they know a wrong word can cause a "logging accident" for them or their families. Still, to those who have gained their trust, the people of Dhoesone appear friendly and sometimes even helpful—in particular to those who work against the guilds.

The people of the moor are shepherds, ever wary of natural dangers like peat bogs, ravines, Rjurik hunters, and roaming giants. This hardy breed, accustomed to the wind and harsh land, lives a life only vaguely Avonlaer. Instead, these folk seek to emulate the nearby Rjuriks. Though insular, they will share their unique knowledge with travelers—for the right coin.

• Capitol: The capital of Dhoesone is the city Sonnelind, located in the central province of the same name. Though not a big city, it's one of the largest north of the Stonecrowns.

Trade Goods: The products of Dhoesone include wool-based goods and lumber. The trade of animal hides thrives here, too, but the baroness has forbidden the overhunting of certain species. Naturally, this law only adds to the value of the pelts. Nolien, on the bay, holds a seaport that leads to Ice Haven in Talinie. One of the largest roads in Avonlae leads south from Sonnelind through Cariele.

Allies: Since Dhoesone's odd pact with the goblin king of Thurazor, trade has flowed freely between the two kingdoms. Of course, since the goblins raid every few years, the two kingdoms must renew the pact periodically. Some say the baroness has traded away part of her guild interest in the hopes of retaining this treaty. The goblins provide one infantry unit for her army as part of this pact; in return for taking these sometimes less than model soldiers off the goblin king's hands, the king welcomes goods of Dhoesone into Thurazor.

The baroness has also made a pact with her older half-brother Fhileraene, Prince of Tuarhievel; this agreement allows her to cease fearing for at least one of her borders. He has even sent a force of elf knights to help defend her kingdom—but are his motives wholly pure?

Enemies: The one bordering kingdom with which Dhoesone has consistently maintained poor relations is, strangely, Cariele. The enly other Avonlaer kingdom in the area tries to outdo Dhoesone in everything and blocks the baroness's actions through means both legal and illegal. The only apparent reason for this behavior is that Dhoesone denied the suit of Entier Gladanil, Cariele's regent.

As always, Dhoesone also faces danger from the Giantdowns and the Barony of the Crimson Skull in Rjurik's lands. The monsters these domains spawn frequently march on Dhoesone.

Special Conditions: Not all the elves here recognize humans as friends. Hunters and adventurers are often slain if they wander into the wrong areas of the wood. Travelers usually stick to the main roads.

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