
A forest in southern Roesone, but prinicpally in the kingdom of Aerenwae.

  Some people consider this the most beautiful part of Avonlae. The Erebannien is the name of a range of coastal hills, forests, and glens on the shores of the Straits of Aerele. The woods are warm, green and golden in the sunlight; hidden dells contain clear streams and tiny waterfalls. It is said that once a person walks the Erebannien in autumn, he leaves a part of his heart there forever.  

A source of friction between the two kingdoms as the Queen, Liliene Swordwraith strives to preserve it, Roesoneans are logging it and slowly reducing it's vastness.

  From report on Ilien : Once stretching all the way to the Adele, the western half of this ancient forest was heavily harvested during the early days of the Free City of Ilien, until the time of Karn Aglondier when deforestation was outlawed. The Erebannien of old was part of the ancestral home of the elves and faerie folk of Cerilia. It is said that the Erebannien is the most beautiful forest in all of Avonlae, and many of those who walk through it are changed forever.

The portion of the Erebannien found in Ilien has been under the protection of the Aglondier bloodline since the founding of Ilien over 200 years ago. Unlike citizens of Roesone, the Ilienese love the Erebannien enough to protect it with their lives. The forest itself seems to return this love—even many of the predators that stalk the ancient forest leave simple travelers alone if they do no harm.

One of the legends surrounding the western Erebannien is that of the silver unicorn. In the days of Daen Roesone's rise to power, eastern Avonlae was plagued by bandits and brigands—former mercenaries turned thieves. The outlaws often waylaid travelers passing through or near the Erebannien, until reports were heard of would-be victims being saved from the brigands' blades by a silver unicorn. Legend has it that the majestic beast would appear out of nowhere and mercilessly drive off or kill the outlaws—then disappear as quickly as it had come. Banditry has become rare in southern Ilien in recent years, and the noble silver unicorn has not reported in over two decades.

One of the dark secrets of the Erebannien is its mysterious link to the Shadow World. Every year on the Eve of the Dead (see Ruins of Empire), tales tell of the opening of a gate to the Shadow World. Vile undead, shadow monsters, and other unpleasant fiends cross over from the dark world to walk the lands of Cerilia for a week. Eight days later, having caused significant havoc in the land, the loathsome creatures are pulled back into the Erebannien and through the shadow gate.

Sometimes undead creatures of great power are able to resist the pull of the Shadow World once they have made it to Cerilia, remaining in the for- est after the shadow gate closes. Some of these creatures have been said to be lesser forms of undead awnsheghlien, but most do not live to see the summer months without access to the Shadow World.

But every few centuries an undead creature is able to adapt to and remain on Cerilia. These are the most powerful of the Shadow World creatures, and cause terrible destruction when they venture about. Tales told from the time of the Five Tribes relate the story of the Lich—a horrible creature that slew thousands of humans and elves before being sent back to the Shadow World.