
River of western Avonlae The greatest river of western Cerilia is the Maesil, which means "old tree" in Old Anuirean. It is the heart of the old Empire; its mighty flow snakes through seven of the former Twelve Duchies that made up Avonlae. The Maesil is born in the snowmelts of the Stonecrowns and the Iron Peaks, and by the time it flows past Mhoried, it is a half-mile wide. Hundreds of towns and dozens of cities line its banks; the great city of Avonlae straddles its mouth.

Even in these darker days, the Maesil carries the bulk of five kingdoms' trade. Rivermen travel the waters almost constantly, selling passage and cargo space on their brightly painted keelboats. It's said that there are rivermen who've never set foot on land, but that's just a bard's tale.