
The Mohr, Daeric Mhoried   Provinces/Holdings: Mhoried, like Ghoere, has 10 provinces to its name. However, the Mhor does not use his power to bully his neighbors into submission.
Instead, he tries to foster an atmosphere where a person's individuality can shine through.

• Law: The Mhor does not believe in holding law against his people. He uses the regency from his law holdings and other ventures to repel those who would gain law here. He has not been entirely successful—Gavin Tael of Ghoere has gained some law holdings in Mhoried.

• Temples: Here, three temples struggle for dominance: Azimir's Aegis, the Militant Order of Cuiraecen, and the Oaken Grove of Dashanii clash over the spirits of the Mhoriens.

Guilds: Moerele Lannaman, the dominant guilder, also uses his profits to aid the kingdom. The Mhor has small holdings in the guild, too. Gaelin Thuried from Dhoesone holds power in the northern provinces, and Ghorien Hiriele from Ghoere works trade magic near the town of Riumache in the province Tenarien.   Sources: The Mhor's adviser, Regien, holds most of the magic of Mhoried, and he spends all his time protecting the land against possibly hostile sorcery.

Army: The Mhor's army consists of hardy folk eager to serve their homeland. All who serve in this regent's forces are volunteers; most end their service well trained, with a suit of armor and a good weapon. In the light of the clear benefit of military service, all the levies the Mhor raises gain the status of irregulars.

Mhoried's troops call themselves Guardians, as they guard the Heartlands against invasion from the north. It's said that once they even repelled the Gorgon himself! This force comprises:
• 4 units of archers.|
• 3 units of cavalry.
• 3 units of elite infantry.
• 2 units of knights.
4- 3 units of pikemen.

The bulk of the army stays in the northern provinces, warding against invasions from Markazor and the Gorgon. The cavalry and two units each of archers and pikemen remain in the south to watch Ghoere's armies.

Regent: The Mhor, Daeric Mhoried (MA; R7; An, major, 46; CG), wards the kingdom of Mhoried.
Descended directly from Endira Mhoried, the woman who received this domain from the hand of the second Roele, the Mhor takes his responsibility to the land seriously. Though some say another of his ancestors was the son of the Emperor, even the regent himself discounts this story. Apparently, the crusty old woodsman has no interest in the Iron Throne.

This conscientious ruler tries to ensure that his laws do not interfere with his people living free and happy. He taxes them only to maintain the kingdom and levies only the laws that the people themselves demand—most demand none. His policy of lenience allows the Mhor to concentrate on military strategy to safeguard the lives of his people; his years of planning have made him a military genius.
However, despite knowing he could lead his armies to the City of Avonlae itself, Mhoried remains content in his home kingdom. His ambition died years ago, and now he seeks only to protect the people he has learned to love in his years as regent.

• Lieutenants: Michael Mhoried, son and heir of the Mhor, studies the ways of rulership at his father's hand. But before the heir can learn what it truly means to be a ruler, he must master the responsibilities of a lieutenant, handling problems neatly for his father.

Important NPCs: Shaene Mhoried, the Mhor's talkative half-brother, wanted to start a small guild in Coeranys, but has had little luck. So, this charming but crooked man spends much of his time in Mhoried, hoping to make it in politics.

Description: Mhoried's highlands are home to some of the toughest people in Avonlae. Some have shady pasts, some live blameless lives. All feel grateful to the Mhor for the chance to live in relative freedom. The territory remains sparsely populated, for the locals don't much care for the constant presence of others.

• Capital: The capital of Mhoried is the fortress Bevaldruor, or "Shieldhaven." It lies in the province Bevaldruor, surrounded by the largest forest in the Heartlands. Its central location in the kingdom means the Guardians can reach a problem anywhere in the domain with all possible haste. Shieldhaven's strategic importance requires invaders to take it in order to hold the province—and first they have to reach it. The Guardians know this forest like their own homes, and they've dispatched many enemies in the woods.

• Trade Goods: Surrounded by rivers, Mhoried naturally has learned to depend on them for both sustenance and export. Freshwater fish, game from trappers and hunters, crops raised by freesteaders, and wool and mutton from shepherds are Mhoried's chief exports.

Allies: The tiny northern domain of Cariele has gone out of its way to stay on the best of terms with Mhoried. Since Mhoried remains the only defender of the trade routes and roads leading into his County of Cariele, Entier Gladanil gladly pays the Mhor a small tribute.

Enemies: Mhoried and Ghoere remain, at the best of times, uneasy neighbors. At the worst, the Mhor works to restrain Gavin Tael's land-hungry tendencies without angering him enough to invade.

Other enemies include the kingdoms of the Five Peaks and Markazor; both flank Mhoried, and both repeatedly harbor armies that later march into Mhoried. Though they have learned to regret their rash actions, these domains always venture south again a few years down the road.

Special Conditions: One needs to know only a few laws in Mhoried. Most of them seem like common sense, boiling down to one essential rule: Do anything you please, as long as it doesn't hurt someone else.
Also, the Mhor has made it illegal to harbor or consort with humanoids unless they've proven to have renounced the ways of evil.

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