Sedrie Bellamie

A descendant of Daen Roesone, but no in direct line of succession, he rules the County of Bellam in Roesone
Sedrie Bellamie
Equipment: Wand of ice (11 charges), dagger, potion of healing
Special: Armor spell in effect
Description/History: The Bellamie clan has always had a skill for the study of magic, and Sedrie embraced the magical arts as a young man. He has achieved a small degree of competence with his sorcery, although he often allows people to believe he is far more skilled than he really is.
With Marlae's rise to the throne, Sedrie began a deliberate campaign of subtle insults and "oversights" designed to test her resolution to keep the counts under her control. Sedrie would like to see Morghan Roesone's line fail through misrule and incompetence, so that he might be able to step in and take control of the barony. He doesn't have the stomach to take more drastic steps, such as murdering all of Morghan's descendants to ensure the line's failure.

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