
A county in Roesone ruled by Sedrie Bellamie  
The County of Bellam was a part of the kingdom of Aerenwae until 1590 MA, when it was ceded to Daen Roesone by the ruler of Aerenwe in exchange for peace. Roesone's armies had already inflicted several sound defeats on the Aerenwean expeditionary force, and since Aerenwe was split by a fierce succession struggle at the time, the Aerenweans had no desire to continue the fight.
The Black Baron saw Aerenwe's troubles as an opportunity to win peace with that country and force them out of the war, so he threatened invasion and was ceded the province of Bellam. As part of the agreement, House Bellamie remained as the lords of the county, and Kocsone had his daughter Darliene Bellamie married to Stefhan Bellamie to cement the alliance. Bellam is a hilly region; the highest hills reach an altitude of more than 1,000 feet above the Aerenwean Plain, with bare stone crowns and sheer faces. Travelers from all over the southern coastlands come here to admire the splendid gorges and try their hand at scaling the peaks Bellam's soil is rocky and difficult to cultivate, but quarries and mines are plentiful.


Bellam's largest settlement is the town of Gheaden Forge. It is a bustling industrial town of over 2,000 people, with dozens of smelters, smiths, armorers, and weaponers. The smoke and haze of its iron-works hangs over the town's narrow vale, darkening the sky by day and glowing red like some infernal realm by night. Gheaden Forge is prosperous, but it's also a rough place—desperate men seeking work come here from hundreds of miles away, and there's many a ruffian who'll introduce a newcomer to the business end of a sap and rob him of his last penny. The town of Buineridge, in the southern part of the county, is the seat of government. It's located in a region of high downs, and most of the locals raise sheep and goats or pay to log the count's forest. Bellam has more wood than any other province in northern Roesone, and the Bellamie family owns it. 

sedrie bellamie

Bellam is held for Roesone by the Bellamie family, who enjoy the rank of count. Bellam Keep, just outside Buineridge, is their ancestral home. The current leader of the Bellamies is Count Bellam, Sedrie Bellamie, a middleaged warrior who favors hunting, hawking, and a good fight wherever he can find it. The Bellamie family are blooded scions, but the count is not a vassal regent and gains no regency for holding land in the baron's name

torkal deeps

In an isolated chain of hills in the northern border of Bellam lie the Tarkal Deeps, an old Goblins stronghold dating back to the years before The Rending. Although the goblins were driven out more than 800 years ago, many monsters have laired here again and again over the years. It's rumored that the twisting passageways beneath the hills lead to secret exits in Ghoere, or even the Spiderfell. A recent rash of disappearances has occurred in the vicinity of the old goblin mines. The locals are certain that the Deeps have been reoccupied by some sinister power, and the rumors range from an army of Orogs preparing to storm the surface to a hideous awnshegh  who plans to destroy House Roesone.