Tuor River

River in central @Avonlae

The slow, strong currents of the Tuor River form the most significant trade route to southern lands. While both Tuornen and Alamie  send boats and barges downriver, Haes dominates trade. There has even been talk of building docks along the walls of the city, but those nobles who remember family lost in skirmishes with Alamie have so far blocked such an action, preferring the unbroken walls of Haes to face Lofton across the water.

Since the War of Brothers, the Tuor has been an often dangerous path for Tuors and Alamiens alike, as each side vies for control of the river. The guilds of the Heartlands have not wished to see river traffic disrupted. Thus, when military patrols fail to stem raids on either bank, political pressure prompts the dukes to police their own populace, rooting out and punishing bandits.

Punishment for river robbery is often more severe than for common larceny, especially if the act threatened to provoke the other domain's armies.